Committed to connecting the world

James Irvine

JIrvine_7105.jpgDr James Irvine chairs the IEEE Standards Education Committee (SEC), which is a joint committee between the IEEE Education Activities Board and IEEE Standards Association. The IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional association, and its standards activities draw upon experts in over 160 countries to produce standards across the spectrum of electronic engineering and related disciplines.  The SEC provides a resource to inform the public about standards and the standardisation process, and materials for academia to include discussion of the standards process in courses.

Dr Irvine is a Reader in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, where he has worked for over 20 years undertaking teaching and research on coding, resource management and security for wireless communication systems. He was TPC chair of VTC2004-Spring in Milan, and is General Co-chair of VTC2015-Spring in Glasgow. Dr Irvine is a co-author of 3 books, 7 patents and over 120 research papers.  An active volunteer for the IEEE in a number of roles, he is a Past President of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, where he is currently Vice-President for Publications.