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LUKOV Vitalii

Mr. Vitalii Lukov was born on 28 July 1971. He graduated from Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University and Voznesensk State Agricultural College.  He started his professional career as a teacher of physics and mathematics at high school. Later on he became a Principal of the Voznesensk boarding school. In 2005 he was appointed as a Director of Voznesensk College of Mykolayiv State Agricultural University. In 2010 Mr. Lukov was appointed as a First Deputy Mayor of Voznesensk. As of 2013 he was elected as a City Mayor of Voznesensk city and was re-elected for the post in 2015. Mr. Lukov is married, has two daughters and a son.

Mr. Lukov initiated and supported creation of the Center for provision of administrative services in Voznesensk. He supports implementation of the project on "Electronic Document Flow in Voznesensk City Council" and actively promotes initiatives on socio-economic development and energy saving activities in the city.

Presentation Summary
Title: Sustainable development of small cities

Part I – Electronic governance in the provision of health care services.
Рart II  - Municipal governance, e-governance in the executive bodies of the Voznesensk city council, introduction of Quality Management System ISO 9001-2000 and Center of Administrative Services Provision.
Рart III – Energy component of the sustainable development of the Voznesensk municipality.
Рart IV – Publicity and security of the city.
Рart V – E-governance in the system of education.