Committed to connecting the world

National Workshop on IPV6 Migration


The Workshop is organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in collaboration the University of Montenegro and the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro (EKIP).

Internet has become an important, even indispensible, part not only of the info-communication ecosystem, but of the people's everyday life. Its success is primarily based on huge demands for communicating and sharing data and content in all spheres of private and public activities. It is also the ubiquity of the Internet architecture, TCP/IP, that largely contributes towards its global acceptance and penetration.  Still, this development hasn't come without certain challenges, one of them being its scalability due to the constantly increasing number of users, and therefore the lack of address space.

In order to overcome this problem a new Internet protocol, known as IPv6, has been proposed. In addition to the expansion of the address space, the new protocol enables increased efficiency, security and implementation of modern IoT (Internet of Things) solutions. Given the growing number of users, as well as the fact that nowadays communication networks are almost entirely based on IP platforms, the next logical step in the development of e-communications networks and services is the implementation of the IPv6 protocol, which is a prerequisite for the development of future Internet services and for inclusion in the global electronic market.

Different approaches are possible in the migration process from the current IPv4 to the new IPv6 protocol. In order to ensure high quality and efficiency, it is necessary to carefully prepare the migration plan in accordance with the standards, decisions and recommendations of the relevant European and international bodies.

By adopting the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society 2020, Montenegro opted for further development of national info-communication ecosystem based on the new IPv6 protocol. Additionally, the Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy in 2017 lays out the engagement towards producing an appropriate migration plan. The goal of this workshop is to assist in this process through the exchange of knowledge and experiences of the invited experts from the various ICT fields.