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Information session “Accelerating Government Digital Transformation with the GovStack Approach” (online, 8 December, 2023)

03 December​​​​ 2023

Gov​​Stack​​ initiative is an international initiative created to provide governments and public institutions with the resources, technical expertise and guidance for successful and widespread digitalization of government services using evidence-based, community-developed specifications and international best practices. The initiative was founded in 2020 by ITU, Germany's BMZ/GIZ, Estonia and the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL). The GovStack approach promotes interoperable, secure by design, universal and multi-purpose building blocks to simplify the digitalization of government services across sectors.​

In October 2023, ITU and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan launched regional cooperation on digital government for the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. The collaboration aims to promote dialogue, knowledge sharing, best practices and digital public goods to build regional capacity and accelerate digital transformation.​​

GovStack's introductory information session, to be held on 8 December, 2023 from 12:00 to 13:15 (GMT+3), will serve as a first step, which may be followed by topical webinars, technical workshops and other regional events. As part of the introductory information session, it is planned to:​
  • introduce GovStack and proposed opportunities to participate in the initiative​;
  • share the experience of individual countries​;
  • exchange opinions and wishes regarding upcoming activities​.
Presentations are available here​.​
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