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CyberDrill 2020: Scenario based Exercises

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In 2020 due to the pandemic situation ITU CyberDrill events were held via online means. ITU CyberDrill planners developed a scenario focusing on the challenges around the healthcare sector inculding healthcare providers, suppliers or public bodies. The challenges were built upon real life inspired use-cases covering a wide variety of the analysis, CTI, forensics and incident handling. The aim was to engage the CIRT community with realistic serious gaming, challenging their skills and knowledges while building competence.
As the scenario and injects were i​nspired from real life events, the participants were required to have various cybersecurity competences and skills to perform analysis, incident response, forensics or ethical hacking. As cybersecurity is a complex domain the emphasis is on the team effort and dynamics, where teams were competing against each other. 


27 October 2020
28 October 2020
29 October 2020
03 November 2020
04 November 2020
05 November 2020

For all 6 Exercises:
14:30 - 17:00 CET​​
13:30 - 16:00 GMT



RegistrationScenario Based​ Ex​ercises​​

Remote participation Registered user only


In the 2020 CyberDrill series the planners developed a scenario revolving around cyber threats and challenges around the healthcare sector with the involvement of various technical challenges inspired by real life: technical incident analyses, network and system forensics, lateral movement, OT challenges and live red teaming. The incidents focused on the various aspects CIRT/CSIRT teams and relevant stakeholders face during their daily operations. 
In terms of main actors in the scenario, the scenario was based on fictious organisations and participants, in the fictious location of “Dataland” and the participants are members of the national healthcare’s flagship institution’s Incident Response team called D-IR. D-IR members are supervising a quite developed information security system, and was capable to investigate and handle potential cyber incidents. 
Another actor is the global APT group “Fancy Pants”, which was a sponsored hacker group . From here things get complicated.​

