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CyberDrill 2020: Africa Regional Dialogue

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The Covid-19 pandemic has increased pressure on nations’ ICT systems, at times making them more vulnerable to cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure. The regional dialogues provided the opportunity to representatives of CSIRT/CIRT/CERT from all  member states to provide their experience in dealing with cybersecurity issues during the Covid-19 pandemic. This series of events were open to all participants


Wednesday 23 September 2020

15:00 - 17:00 CEST
13:00 - 15:00 GMT
16:00 - 18:00 Addis Ababa



RegistrationRegional Dialogues

Remote participation Registered user only


Welcome and​ setting the context

  • Andrew Rugege, Regional Director, International Telecommunication Union Regional Office for Africa. 

Special message

  • Francisco Fonseca, VP national Cybersecurity, Bitsight: Changes observed during the COVID-19 and the Lockdown. Some data related to the ITU Africa region.​ - Presentation

Regional trends and priorities in times of COVID-19 

Moderator: Serge Valery ZONGO, program officer, ITU regional office for Africa 

  • Mr. Jon France, Head of Industry security, GSMA COVID-19 Mobile Cyber Security & Fraud Threat Observations and Incidents - Presentation
  • Mr. Jean-Robert Hountomey, Director of  AfricaCERT: regional challenges and priority solutions in times of COVID-19
  • Mr. Amreesh Phokeer​, Research Manager at AFRINIC,  cybersecurity lessons learn from the COVID-19  pandemic

  • National experiences and implications for the future related to COVID-19

    Moderator: Mrs. Sorene AssefaFounder and Managing Director at Cyber Czar

  • ​​Dr. Enrico Calandro, Co-Director of the Cybersecurity Capacity Centre for Southern Africa (C3SA)
  • Mr. Kaleem USMANI, Head CERT- Mu
  • Mr. Guéric GONÇALVES, Analyste Snr bjCSIRT [ANSSI], Benin - Presentation
  • Martin KIENDREBEOGO, Directeur de la cybersécurité de la coordination et des relations extérieures, ANSSI- Burkina 
  • Questions and Answers ​​