ICT for ENERGY – Telecommunications and energy working sustainable Development
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
1	Introduction
2	The role of ICT for achieving SDG 7
3	Incentives for cooperation between energy and ICT towards SDG achievement
4	Collaboration in practice: The European Union experience
     4.1	ENERGISE: Project overview
     4.2	Reasons and barriers to cooperation in Europe
     4.3	Examples of successful cooperation
     4.4	Examples of barriers to cooperation
     4.5	A checklist for cooperation
5	Requirements for successful collaboration of telecommunication and energy providers
     5.1	Clear and integrated regulatory frameworks
     5.2	Build trust and communities
6	An Outlook
7	References
Table 1: Interdependencies for telecommunications and energy infrastructures
Table 2: Relevant fields of cooperation
Table 3: List of decision criteria and their characteristics
Table 4: Key barriers to cooperation and corresponding requirements for successful cooperation
Table 5: Types of cooperation and corresponding strategic goals
Figure 1: Share of population with access to electricity (urban and rural) in %
Figure 2: The role of ICT along the energy value chain
Figure 3: Annual industry cost savings due to transition green energy solutions, billion USD (2020)
Figure 4: Governmental expenditure on research and development (GERD) in high and low/middle income countries as a percentage of GDP (1996 to 2014) 
Figure 5: Coverage of the EU Member States by DSOs and communications providers
Figure 6: Reasons for cooperation
Figure 7: Hurdles for cooperation
Making information powerful
Key learning from ENERGISE
Case study Orange
Machine to machine (M2M) communications for the energy sector: new technologies alter the market and enable new business models