التزام بتوصيل العالم

AI for Good Global Summit

ركن مدير مكتب تنمية الاتصالات: الأنشطة

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  • News  25 April 2024
    Girls in ICT Day 2024

    ​The BDT Director opened the global ITU celebrations for Girls in ICT Day 2024, hosted by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) of the Philippines. He inaugurated the official celebrations and co-moderated an Inter-generational Dialogue, a key highlight of the event.

    During the occasion, he convened with the UN Resident-Humanitarian Coordinator and heads of other UN agencies in the Philippines, engaging in discussions on the significance of connectivity for digital development and the need to bridge the gender digital divide. Additionally, he held discussions with the Secretary of Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) of the Philippines.

    As part of the visit, the Director inaugurated a Digital transformation Centre in Pampanga contributing to the ITU-CISCO Digital Transformation Centres (DTC) Initiative aimed at boosting Digital Skills in the region.

    Read BDT Director's blog: Amplifying progress on International Girls in ICT Day

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