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 ITU Symposium on Progressing the Climate Agenda Through Green ICT Standards
 Seoul, Korea, 19 September 2011 Contact:

ITU Symposium on Progressing the Climate Agenda Through Green ICT Standards

Seoul, Korea, 19 September 2011

ITU organized a Symposium on Progressing the Climate Agenda through Green ICT Standards on 19 September 2011 in Seoul, Korea back to back with the next meeting of ITU-T Study Group 5 (Environment and Climate Change). The event was hosted by the Korea Communications Commission.

The symposium focused on the issue of ICTs standards, the environment and climate change in Asia, and the needs of countries and especially developing countries in the region. Topics discussed included methodologies for the assessment of the environmental impact of ICTs, e-waste, cost-effective ICT technologies, challenges and opportunities in the transition to a green and resource efficient economy and the role of standards in mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

The symposium brought together leading specialists in the field, from top policy-makers to engineers, designers, planners, government officials, regulators, standards experts and others.

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General Information

  • Date: 19 September 2011
  • Venue: International Conference Hall’(20F) in Korea Press Center, Seoul, Korea
  • Practical Information

Previous Symposia

ITU and Climate Change

As the steward of the global framework for spectrum, ITU’s Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) allocates the necessary radio-frequency spectrum/satellite orbits and develops standards for operation of all wireless systems including those involved in climate monitoring and climate change prediction [ more… ]

ITU's Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) develops standards that are used, for instance, in promoting energy efficiency, safe disposal and recycling of telecommunication/ICT equipment, and next-generation networks. [ more… ]

ITU's Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) works on promoting a role for ICTs in the protection of the environment in its e-Environment and e-Sustainability programmes. [ more… ]

The General Secretariat coordinates ITU efforts and for example actively participates in the work of the UN Chief Executives Board and its subsidiary bodies on developing a unified and collaborative UN strategy to combat climate change, including a matrix on activities of each agency and program. [ more… ]

WSIS ICT Success Stories highlight some of the ongoing and successful ICT development projects in the field of e-Environment taking place around the world. [ more… ]

Convening Letter (TSB Circular 204)


Resources on ICTs and Climate Change

Our reference site provides links to external resources: background papers, additional information, statistics, and examples, that cover the positive and negative impact that ICTs have on the climate. [ more… ]

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Updated : 2011-09-23