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 Welcome Address for the Fully Networked Car – A Workshop on ICT in Vehicles
 Bangkok, Thailand  07 March 2007 
Ladies and gentlemen,

It is an honour and pleasure for me to welcome you here today for the opening of this third workshop on the topic of information communications technologies in motor vehicles. Being a technocrat and a car enthusiast this is the perfect venue for me!

This year I would like to thank both the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for their help in organizing the event and I would also like to thank the steering committee for their hard work in putting the programme together and of course the Geneva Motor Show for agreeing to host the event for the second time.

The car industry and the ICT industry are different in many ways. The average life cycle of a mobile phone or a computer is just a couple of years compared to a car, which might stay on the road for ten or more years. Profit margins and therefore business models are complex and historically the foundation of the two industries is different. But both service two very integral parts of modern life, transportation and communication. Bridging this gap may take some effort, but the benefits in terms of safety and business generation will be great.

Collaboration at international level is imperative in order to create the technology and facilitate the cooperation necessary for an open market in telematics for cars. This effort will advance the industry, and avoid duplication and counterproductive effort.

Participants in our previous events agreed that the fully networked car will only be achieved by fostering these collaborative efforts. They stressed the need for more standardization. It was recognised that both the automotive and the telecommunication industries will benefit from a collaborative effort.

The ICT sector has seen many successes in terms of standardization providing facilities that we now take for granted. If it wasn’t for standards in telecommunications it would be impossible to call from one country to another, or even from one telecommunication network to another. Global standards have succeeded in ensuring interoperability in telecoms networks and enabling many new innovative services, whilst allowing service providers to keep costs down and customers happy. ITU-T as producer of many of these standards can claim to be a key architect of the world’s telecommunication networks and is now putting effort into many new initiatives to bring other standards bodies together to avoid duplicating effort and to address convergence in areas such as the one addressed in this workshop. That is why I am so pleased to have had the cooperation of ISO and IEC in the organization of this workshop.

I would also like to offer my sincere gratitude to the sponsors of this event including Cisco, Ygomi, Head Acoustics and SVOX.

Recently representatives of the car industry including DaimlerChrysler, Harman/Becker and Volkswagen joined with more traditional ITU-T members at the first meeting of the ITU-T Focus Group From/In/To Car Communication. The Focus Group worked on specifications that deal with speakerphone audio quality, aiming to provide a specification that will help to improve the speech - and sound - quality between different devices. Second priority is requirements for headsets including wireless. Input and therefore participation is also required in the area of testing for interaction between the network and hands-free terminals. In addition speech recognition will be addressed. A second Focus Group meeting hosted by Harman/Becker will take place in Ulm, Germany following this workshop on the 15th March chaired by Hans Gierlich who has also been the chair of the steering committee for this event.

In addition to the Focus Group ITU-T hosts the Advisory Panel for Standards Cooperation on Telecommunications related to Motor Vehicles - APSC TELEMOV. Its goal is to strengthen cooperation amongst the SDOs involved in the industry, to improve information exchange between organizations and avoid duplication of efforts as well as to identify open issues in standardization activities and stimulate cooperation on how and where to best address those open issues

Other related work in the standardization sector of ITU includes studies on performance and QoS, multimedia terminals, systems and applications, ubiquitous applications (e-Everything), security and mobile telecoms. Specifically two study areas are looking at hands-free communications in vehicles and performance evaluation of services based on speech technology. There is also ongoing work in the standardization sector on protection against electromagnetic environmental effects – looking at methodologies to predict and mitigate electromagnetic compatibility problems that may prevent the complex variety of both wireless and wireline technologies from working successfully together.

In ITU’s Radiocommunications Sector is studying satellite navigation systems to determinate location and guidance, and transport information and control systems. ITU-R has developed a standard (ITU-R Recommendation M.1453) defines specifications for wi-fi transmission from moving vehicles, and has been recently modified to take into account next generation IP (IPv6). Current studies also cover new technologies for ITS, software defined radio (SDR), adaptive antenna and ultra wide band (UWB) technologies.

I would like to invite you to become involved in these studies if you have not already.

Over the next three days you will see and hear speakers from around the world present the main topics of current interest with regards to the synergy between ICTs and the automotive sectors. Please engage these experts in dialogue so that we have an interactive and dynamic event, and please visit the exhibition - new for this year – showcasing some of the technologies examined by the workshop.

But first, I now have the pleasure of introducing Alan Bryden, Secretary-General of ISO who will provide his opening remarks.


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