=======================ITU-T SG 16 LBC (Q.1/16) Information==================== FTP Site: ftp3.itu.int This File: lbc-site/LBCinfo.txt This site acts as a repository for files related to activities of the ITU-T SG 16 Multimedia systems, terminals and data conferencing group. This is Question 1 of Study Group 16, under the Rapporteur Patrick Luthi of Tandberg (Norway). For historical reasons, this experts group is sometimes referred to as the LBC experts group (due to its former work area having been the subject of former Rapporteur Richard Schaphorst's Low Bit-Rate Coding experts group within the Question 2 of Study Group 15 in the 1993-1996 Study Period) or the Q.11 experts group (due to its former question name during the 1997-2000 Study Period). Video Topics All video coding work that was formerly performed in the LBC group is now officially in a separate experts group (although that group plans to have its meetings at the same place and time as the rest of the former LBC group).The new experts group for Advanced Video Coding is now the subject of Question 6 of Study Group 16. Its Rapporteur is Gary Sullivan, and its ftp site location is: ftp://ftp3.itu.int/video-site [END]