&%PAGE& - &%page& - Annex 3 to Doc. AVC-355R Annex 3 to AVC-355R List of documents for the Tarrytown joint sessions Note: Some of the documents have also AVC-numbers. See Annex 1 to this report. MPEG92/ 411 Chiariglione Meeting notice of ad-hoc group on Video Test Model 412 Audio group List of requirements for MPEG-2 Audio 413 Koster TM2 Erratum 414 Day Joint technical session on Integrated Video Services (IVS) 415 CCITT Report of the fifth meeting of the experts group for ATM video coding in Stockholm/Haifa 416 CCITT Report of the seventh meeting of the experts group for ATM video coding in New Jersey and Rio de Janeiro 417 Brannon Indication of copyright 418 JTC1 Resolutions of the ISO/IEC JTC1 Plenary meeting, 30 June - 03 July 1992 419 Holtzmann et al Bus: Demonstration employing new test footage 420 Hentinen Letter to Convenor 421 Puri Meeting announcement, agenda and call for contributions 422 Watanabe Meeting announcement, agenda and call for contributions 423 Koster Meeting announcement, agenda and call for contributions 424 Yukitake Meeting announcement, agenda and call for contributions 425 Biggar Meeting announcement, agenda and call for contributions 426 Viscito Meeting announcement, agenda and call for contributions 427 Wells Meeting announcement, agenda and call for contributions 428 Haskell Meeting announcement, agenda and call for contributions 429 JTC1 DIS 11576 "Procedures for the registration of algorithms for the lossless compression of data" 430 Koster Results on the comparison of error prediction versus reconstructed signal prediction 431 Yukitake Results of low delay core experiments 432 Yukitake Simulation results on prediction and DCT mode coupling for S-FAMC 433 Yukitake Simulation results on S-FAMC and Dual' 434 Noguchi et al Results of some prediction experiments 435 Noguchi et al Results of some quantization experiments 436 Sugaya Simulation results on scanning 437 Nagata Results of Core Experiments on Simplified FAMC, Dual-Prime and Test Model Simplification 438 MIT Result of core experiments slice vs macroblock 439 Hanamura Simulation results of core experiments on frequency scalability 440 Takahashi et al. Simulation Results on Global Motion Compensation Core Experiment 441 Sugiyama Results of Prediction Experiments 442 Sugiyama Results of Leaky Prediction Experiments 443 Sugiyama Results of Quantisation Experiments 444 Sugiyama Results of Non-8x8DCT Experiments 445 Nakasu Non-8x8 DCT Experiment 446 Tahara et al. Results of core experiment - Interlace-in-Interlace Extraction 447 Tahara et al. Results of core experiment - Encoder with drift correction layer 448 Yagasaki et al Simulation results on TM2 core experiment of prediction mode No.8 449 Yagasaki et al Simulation results on TM2 core experiments of quantisation 450 Yagasaki et al Simulation results on the recommendations from Implimentation Gp 451 Yagasaki et al Proposal of Adaptive DCT/NTC coding 452 Yagasaki et al Introduction of the second VLC table 453 Nakajima Results of prediction core experiments on TM2 (SFAMC,SVMC,DUAL')" 454 Nakajima Results of low delay core experiments on TM2 (Among predction modes) 455 Nogaki Experiment results on low delay coding 456 Odaka et al. Simulation results on prediction core experiment No.3 (Dual-prime) in TM2 457 Odaka Simulation results on quantisation experiment Q.1 (Scanning) in TM2 458 Ueno et al. Simulation results on compatibility core experiment No.1(a) in TM2 459 Kameyama et al Comparison of Prediction Modes and Simplified Test Model 460 Chinen et al. Independent Scanning Results & B-scale Results 461 Yukitake Clarification of Appendix H in TM2 462 Koster Overlapping windows in TV and HDTV compatibility 463 Yu et al. Results of core experiments H2.1 and L7 464 Chiang et al. Results of compatibility experiment G4 using motion compensated up/down sampling 465 Chaing et al. Results of compatibility experiment G2 466 Mokry et al. Insight into the problem of error drift in frequency scalability 467 Nishikawa et al Core experiments: TM prediction methods and simulation results 468 CCITT/J Experiments on cell loss resilience 469 CCITT/J Scene change handling without picture skipping in low delay mode 470 CCITT/J Buffering for low delay mode 471 CCITT/J Coding efficiency of leaky prediction 472 CCITT/J Cell-loss compensation scheme 473 CCITT/J Experiments on cell loss resilience 474 CCITT/J Proposal of TM2 rate control modification for low delay mode 475 CCITT/J Picture header modification for source clock recovery 476 USA NB Contribution on construction of MPEG 2 video syntax 477 Reader et al. Contribution on MPEG 2 video requirements 478 Kogure et al. An adaptive DCT/Non DCT core experiment 479 Kogure et al. Interlace-in-interlace frequency scalability core experiment and improvement 480 Kogure et al. Report on independent scanning mode core experiment 481 Kogure et al. A preliminary report on DPCM lossless coding 482 Iwahashi Tape demonstration of motion compensation technique on 2:1 scaled- down pictures 483 Iwahashi Evaluation of transformation error caused by frequency scaling decoder 484 Biggar Progress report for Ad-hoc group on ATM, Packet Loss and General Error Resilience 485 Koster Improvement of the reconstructed signal prediction compatible coding scheme 486 Viscito Core experiment I.2: Pyramid encoder improvements 487 Liu et al. Result of core experiment on slice vs. MB rate control 488 Aus. UVC cons. Results of Core Experiments I.4 - Scalable Side Information 489 Aus. UVC cons. A Frequency Pyramid Architecture with Improved Coding Efficiency 490 Aus. UVC cons. Considerations on ATM cell loss experiments 491 Aus. UVC cons. Results of Core Experiment I.1 - Interlace-in-Interlace extraction 492 CNET - FT Result of the compatibility experiment 1c: H.261 SIF based prediction of Prediction Error vs Prediction of Input in Frame structure pictures 493 AT&T Leaky prediction: Eliminating the limit cycle 494 AT&T Leaky prediction: Experimental results 495 BT TM2 compatibility experiments 496 Haskell WD 11172-4 Conformance testing 497 Nocture Results on TM2 from the VADIS European collaboration 498 CNET-FT Simulation results of the basic TM2 499 LEP Additional tests on FAMC compensation mode 500 U. Hannover Experiments on quantisation and simplification of MPEG2-TM2 501 DTB Results of scalability core experiments I1 to I3 502 LER Frequency scanning using ACVLC: new simulation results 503 Poncin et al Core experiment I8 results 504 HHI Some new results from frequency scanning using MUVLC 505 Madec Results on leaky prediction experiments 506 Puri et al. Flexible spatial scalability syntax and weighted spatio-temporal prediction 507 Puri et al. Efficient frequency scalability and adaptive interlace-interlace extraction 508 Puri et al. Report on quantization core experiments and VLC proposal 509 Wang et al. Spatio-temporal adaptive interlace-interlace extraction 510 Watanabe Intermediate report of the ad-hoc group on field-frame prediction experiments 511 Paik A proposal for switching the coding mode (inter or intra) on a block basis 512 Paik A proposal for specification of 8x8 motion vectors 513 Yukitake et al. Hardware implementation of SFAMC motion estimation 514 Gonzales et al. Preliminary results of core experiment I.7 515 Viscito Tarrytown contr ibution list, core experiment summary, and meeting agenda 516 Daewoo Core experiment for low delay coding 517 Hyundai Simulation results of core experiment for scene change handling in low delay 518 Savatier Simulation results on prediction modes 519 Savatier Reference fields for forward prediction of P-fields 520 Savatier Corrections to test model 521 Savatier Frame prediction in filed-pictures 522 Okubo Integrated requirements listing, second draft 523 Wong TM2 errors 524 CLI et al. Recommendations for a broadcast profile for MPEG-2 525 Haskell et al. Vector quantization 526 Haskell et al. Comparison studies between run length coding and vector quantisation 527 Haskell et al. Adaptive switching of coefficient VLC's 528 CableLabs Application profile/requirements for the genric coding method of moving picture images from the perspective of cable television distribution in North America 529 JTC1/SGFS DTR 10000-2.3 (E) - Information Technology - Framework and Taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles - Part 2: Taxonomy of Profiles 530 Wells Ad-hoc group on quantization etc.: Summary of papers received before Tarrytown meeting of the Video Group 531 Aravind et al Results on switching of quantizer matrices 532 Sun et al. A proposal for increased error resilience 533 CCIR Change in venue - Task group 11/4 meeting, 13-15 October 1992 - Washington, D.C. 534 JTC1 Annex G to the JTC1 directives 535 Koster Proposal for TM2 Rev. 2 536 Koster Tarrytown recommendations of the Ad-hoc group on Test Model Editing 537 Puri Tarrytown recommendations of the Ad-hoc group on compatibility 538 Watanabe Tarrytown recommendations of the Ad-hoc group on Field/Frame prediction 539 Yukitake Tarrytown recommendations of the Ad-hoc group on low delay mode 540 Dunstan Tarrytown recommendations of the Ad-hoc group on ATM 541 Viscito Tarrytown recommendations of the Ad-hoc group on scalability 542 Wells Tarrytown recommendations of the Ad-hoc group on quantisation 543 Chiariglione Tarrytown recommendations of the Ad-hoc group on Video Test Model 544 Haskell Tarrytown recommendations of the Ad-hoc group on conformance testing 545 Watanabe Report of the Frame/Field prediction ad-hoc group at the Tarrytown meeting 546 Yukitake Report of the Low delay mode ad-hoc group at the Tarrytown meeting 547 Chiariglione Report of the Video Test Model ad-hoc group at the Tarrytown meeting END