-- IDL module extracted from ITU-T X.780 (2001) Amend. 1 (05/2002)

/* This IDL code is intended to be stored in a file named "itut_x780Const.idl" and located in the same directory as the file containing Annex A */ #ifndef ITUT_X780Const_IDL #define ITUT_X780Const_IDL #pragma prefix "itu.int" module itut_x780 { // ApplicationErrorConst Module /** This module contains the constants defined for the error code contained in Application Error Info structures returned with Application Error exceptions. */ module ApplicationErrorConst { const string moduleName = "itut_x780::ApplicationErrorConst"; /** This application error exception code indicates the operation failed due to a problem downstream from the managed system, possibly a communication problem between the managed system and the resource */ const short downstreamError = 1; /** An application error exception returining this code will return the name of the offending paramter in the details field. */ const short invalidParameter = 2; /** This application error exception code indicates the operation failed due to a transient problem on the managed system. */ const short resourceLimit = 3; }; // end of module ApplicationErrorConst // CreateErrorConst Module /** This module contains the constants defined for the error code contained in Create Error Info structures returned with Create Error exceptions. */ module CreateErrorConst { const string moduleName = "itut_x780::CreateErrorConst"; /** This create error exception code indicates that the name included in the create operation is not valid. */ const short badName = 1; /** This create error exception code indicates that the name included in the create operation is a duplicate. */ const short duplicateName = 2; /** This create error exception code indicates some packages requested in the create operation are incompatible with each other. It must be included in a PackageErrorInfoType structure (subclass of CreateErrorInfoType). The packages list contains the names of the unsupported packages. */ const short incompatiblePackages = 3; /** This create error exception code indicates that the name binding referenced in the create operation is not valid. */ const short invalidNameBinding = 4; /** This create error exception code indicates a package requested in the create operation is not supported. It must be included in a PackageErrorInfoType structure (subclass of CreateErrorInfoType). The packages list contains the names of the unsupported packages. */ const short unsupportedPackages = 5; }; // end of module CreateErrorConst // DeleteErrorConst Module /** This module contains the constants defined for the error code contained in Delete Error Info structures returned with Delete Error exceptions. */ module DeleteErrorConst { const string moduleName = "itut_x780::DeleteErrorConst"; /** This delete error exceptin code indicates the object has both subordinates and a delete policy of deleteOnlyIfNoContained. */ const short containsObjects = 1; /** This delete error exception code indicates the object has a delete policy of notDeletable, and cannot be deleted. */ const short notDeletable = 2; /** This delete error exception code indicates the object had a subordinate object that could not be deleted, so the superior object(s) could not be deleted. */ const short undeletableContainedObject = 3; /** This delete error exception code indicates the object is in a state in which it cannot be deleted. */ const short invalidStateForDestroy = 4; }; // end of module DeleteErrorConst // ProbableCauseConst Module /** This module contains the constant values defined for the ProbableCause UID. These values were borrowed from X.721. */ module ProbableCauseConst { const string moduleName = "itut_x780::ProbableCauseConst"; const short indeterminate = 0; const short adapterError = 1; const short applicationSubsystemFailure = 2; const short bandwidthReduced = 3; const short callEstablishmentError = 4; const short communicationsProtocolError = 5; const short communicationsSubsystemFailure = 6; const short configurationOrCustomizationError = 7; const short congestion = 8; const short corruptData = 9; const short cpuCyclesLimitExceeded = 10; const short dataSetOrModemError = 11; const short degradedSignal = 12; const short dTE_DCEInterfaceError = 13; const short enclosureDoorOpen = 14; const short equipmentMalfunction = 15; const short excessiveVibration = 16; const short fileError = 17; const short fireDetected = 18; const short floodDetected = 19; const short framingError = 20; const short heatingOrVentilationOrCoolingSystemProblem = 21; const short humidityUnacceptable = 22; const short inputOutputDeviceError = 23; const short inputDeviceError = 24; const short lANError = 25; const short leakDetected = 26; const short localNodeTransmissionError = 27; const short lossOfFrame = 28; const short lossOfSignal = 29; const short materialSupplyExhausted = 30; const short multiplexerProblem = 31; const short outOfMemory = 32; const short ouputDeviceError = 33; const short performanceDegraded = 34; const short powerProblem = 35; const short pressureUnacceptable = 36; const short processorProblem = 37; const short pumpFailure = 38; const short queueSizeExceeded = 39; const short receiveFailure = 40; const short receiverFailure = 41; const short remoteNodeTransmissionError = 42; const short resourceAtOrNearingCapacity = 43; const short responseTimeExcessive = 44; const short retransmissionRateExcessive = 45; const short softwareError = 46; const short softwareProgramAbnormallyTerminated = 47; const short softwareProgramError = 48; const short storageCapacityProblem = 49; const short temperatureUnacceptable = 50; const short thresholdCrossed = 51; const short timingProblem = 52; const short toxicLeakDetected = 53; const short transmitFailure = 54; const short transmitterFailure = 55; const short underlyingResourceUnavailable = 56; const short versionMismatch = 57; }; // end of ProbableCauseConst module // SecurityAlarmCauseConst Module /** This module contains the constant values defined for the SecurityAlarmCause UID. These values were borrowed from X.721. */ module SecurityAlarmCauseConst { const string moduleName = "itut_x780::SecurityAlarmCauseConst"; const short authenticationFailure = 1; const short breachOfConfidentiality = 2; const short cableTamper = 3; const short delayedInformation = 4; const short denialOfService = 5; const short duplicateInformation = 6; const short informationMissing = 7; const short informationModificationDetected = 8; const short informationOutOfSequence = 9; const short intrusionDetection = 10; const short keyExpired = 11; const short nonRepudiationFailure = 12; const short outOfHoursActivity = 13; const short outOfService = 14; const short proceduralError = 15; const short unauthorizedAccessAttempt = 16; const short unexpectedInformation = 17; const short unspecifiedReason = 18; }; // end of SecurityAlarmCauseConst module }; // end of itut_x780 module #endif // end of ifndef ITUT_X780Const_IDL