-- IDL module extracted from ITU-T Q.834.4 (07/2003)

#ifndef __Q834_4_TEST_DEFINED #define __Q834_4_TEST_DEFINED #include Q834Common.idl #pragma prefix itu.Int module q834_4 { module Test { begin definitions from other idl files From Q834Common typedef Q834CommonManagedEntityIdType ManagedEntityIdType; typedef Q834CommonManagedEntityIdSeqType ManagedEntityIdSeqType; typedef Q834CommonUserIdType UserIdType; typedef Q834CommonGeneralizedTimeType GeneralizedTimeType; typedef Q834CommonUserLabelType UserLabelType; typedef Q834CommonLoopbackLocationIdSeqType LoopbackLocationIdSeqType; typedef Q834CommonStatusValueType StatusValueType; typedef Q834CommonServiceInstanceIdType ServiceInstanceIdType; typedef Q834CommonTrackingObjectIdType TrackingObjectIdType; typedef float HazardousPotentialType; in volts #define AccessDenied Q834CommonAccessDenied #define CommFailure Q834CommonCommFailure #define UnknownScheduler Q834CommonUnknownScheduler #define InvalidScheduler Q834CommonInvalidScheduler #define InvalidStopTime Q834CommonInvalidStopTime #define InvalidStartTime Q834CommonInvalidStartTime #define UnknownManagedEntity Q834CommonUnknownManagedEntity #define UnknownNE Q834CommonUnknownNE #define UnknownServiceInstance Q834CommonUnknownServiceInstance End definitions from other idl files Local data types enum DirectionalityType { Egress, Ingress, BothDirections }; struct ATMLoopbackInfoType { DirectionalityType directionality; LoopbackLocationIdSeqType targetLLID; boolean segmentCellInd; }; typedef unsigned short TestIterationNumType; struct ATMLoopbackResultType { LoopbackLocationIdSeqType loopbackingLLID; unsigned long responseTime; in microseconds boolean succeeded; true or false }; typedef sequenceATMLoopbackResultType ATMLoopbackResultSeqType; struct AggregateATMLoopbackResultType { unsigned short iterationSeqNum; ATMLoopbackResultSeqType iterationTestResults; }; typedef sequenceAggregateATMLoopbackResultType AggregateATMLoopbackResultSeqType; struct ATMContinuityCheckInfoType { DirectionalityType directionality; boolean segmentCellInd; }; typedef short DiagnosticType; Supplier specific. typedef DiagnosticType ResourceSelfTestInfoType; typedef sequenceResourceSelfTestInfoType ResourceSelfTestInfoSeqType; struct ResourceSelfTestResultType { DiagnosticType diagnostic; boolean testPassed; }; typedef sequenceResourceSelfTestResultType ResourceSelfTestResultSeqType; typedef long long CCSetUpIdType; typedef TrackingObjectIdType TestTrackingObjectIdType; typedef long long LoopbackTrackingObjectIdType; typedef unsigned short LoopbackTestType; struct LoopbackInfoType { LoopbackTrackingObjectIdType trackingId; unsigned long remainingTime; in seconds ManagedEntityIdType ctpId; LoopbackTestType loopbackTest; DirectionalityType directionality; }; typedef sequenceLoopbackInfoType LoopbackInfoSeqType; typedef string SupportedTestType; typedef sequenceSupportedTestType SupportedTestSeqType; struct ScheduledTestNEType { ManagedEntityIdType managedEntityId; SupportedTestType supportedTest; UserLabelType schedulerName; }; typedef sequenceScheduledTestNEType ScheduledTestNESeqType; struct TestHistoryType { ManagedEntityIdType managedEntityId; SupportedTestType supportedTest; StatusValueType testStatus; }; struct ForElectroMotiveForceType { float acVoltageTipToGround; float acVoltageRingToGround; float dcVoltageTipToGround; float dcVoltageRingToGround; }; in volts struct ResistiveFaultType { float dcResistanceTipToRing; float dcResistanceTipToGround; float dcResistanceRingToGround; }; in volts struct ReceiverOffHookType { float dcResistance1TipToRing; float dcResistance2TipToRing; }; in ohms struct ReceiverOffHookType { float dcResistance1TipToRing; float dcResistance2TipToRing; }; in ohms struct PresenceOfRingerType { float acImpedenceTipToRing; float acImpedenceTipToGround; float acImpedenceRingToGround; }; in ohms struct NetworkTerm1DCSignatureType { float dcVoltage1TipToRing; float dcVoltage2TipToRing; }; struct DropTestResultsType { short resultsMask; HazardousPotentialType hazardousPotential; ForElectroMotiveForceType foreignElectroMotiveForce; ResistiveFaultType resistiveFault; ReceiverOffHookType receiverOffHook; PresenceOfRingerType ringer; boolean networkTermination1dcSignatureTest; }; ResultsMask is an integer from 0 to 6, where 0 indicates all tests were passed. A nonzero integer indicates that measurements for the failed test are being returned, where 1 indicates failure on the hazardous potential test, 2 indicates failure on foreign electromotive force test, 3 indicates failure on resistive fault test, 4 indicates failure on receiver off hook test, 5 indicates failure on presence of ringer test, and 6 indicates failure on network termination 1 DC signature test. typedef sequenceTestHistoryType TestHistorySeqType; Local exceptions exception InvalidTimeoutPeriod {}; exception NotAvailableForTest {}; exception InvalidLocationId {}; exception UnknownTest {}; exception UncontrolledTestInProgress {}; exception InvalidDirection {}; exception InvalidTestOperations {}; End local definitions valuetype TestActionPerformerValueType itut_x780ManagedObjectValueType { public ScheduledTestNESeqType scheduledTestNEList; GET }; interface TestActionPerformer itut_x780ManagedObject { See for the description of the behaviour of this operation AggregateATMLoopbackResultSeqType aTMLoopback ( in UserIdType testRequestorId, in ManagedEntityIdType ctp, in ATMLoopbackInfoType aTMLoopbackInfo, in TestIterationNumType testIterationNum, in ServiceInstanceIdType serviceInstanceId) raises (AccessDenied, CommFailure, UnknownManagedEntity, NotAvailableForTest, InvalidLocationId, InvalidDirection); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation CCSetUpIdType initializeContinuityCheck( in UserIdType testRequestorId, in ManagedEntityIdType sourceCtp, in ATMContinuityCheckInfoType aTMContinuityCheckInfo, in GeneralizedTimeType stopTime, in ServiceInstanceIdType serviceInstanceId) raises (AccessDenied, CommFailure, UnknownManagedEntity, NotAvailableForTest, InvalidStartTime, InvalidStopTime, InvalidDirection); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation void terminateContinuityCheck( in CCSetUpIdType cCSetUpId) raises (AccessDenied, CommFailure, UnknownTest); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation TestTrackingObjectIdType scheduleResourceSelfTest( in UserIdType testRequestorId, in ManagedEntityIdType targetNE, in unsigned long timeOutPeriod, In seconds. in ResourceSelfTestInfoSeqType specificTestInfo, in UserLabelType schedulerName) raises (AccessDenied, UnknownNE, UnknownScheduler, InvalidScheduler, InvalidTimeoutPeriod, InvalidTestOperations); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation void modifyTestSchedule ( in TestTrackingObjectIdType testTrackingObjectId, in UserLabelType newSchedulerName) raises (UnknownTest, UnknownScheduler, InvalidScheduler, AccessDenied); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation void cancelScheduledTest ( in TestTrackingObjectIdType testTrackingObjectId) raises (UnknownTest, UncontrolledTestInProgress, AccessDenied); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation TestTrackingObjectIdType conductResourceSelfTest ( in UserIdType testRequestorId, in ManagedEntityIdType targetNE, in unsigned long timeOutPeriod, In seconds. in ResourceSelfTestInfoSeqType specificTestInfo) raises (AccessDenied, CommFailure, UnknownNE, InvalidTimeoutPeriod, InvalidTestOperations); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation ResourceSelfTestResultSeqType terminateResourceSelfTest ( in TestTrackingObjectIdType testTrackingObjectId) raises (UnknownTest, UncontrolledTestInProgress, AccessDenied); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation LoopbackTrackingObjectIdType initiateLoopback ( in UserIdType testRequestorId, in ManagedEntityIdType loopingCtp, in long duration, In minutes. in DirectionalityType directionality, in LoopbackTestType loopbackTest, in ServiceInstanceIdType serviceInstanceId) raises (AccessDenied, CommFailure, UnknownManagedEntity, NotAvailableForTest); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation void terminateLoopback( in LoopbackTrackingObjectIdType testTrackingObjectId) raises (UnknownTest, AccessDenied); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation LoopbackInfoType getLoopbackInfo( in ManagedEntityIdType cTP) raises (UnknownManagedEntity, AccessDenied); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation LoopbackInfoSeqType getLoopbackInfoByNE( in ManagedEntityIdType nEId) raises (UnknownManagedEntity, AccessDenied); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation StatusValueType getTestStatus ( in LoopbackTrackingObjectIdType id) raises (AccessDenied, UnknownTest); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation ScheduledTestNESeqType scheduledTestNEListGet() raises (AccessDenied); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation TestHistorySeqType testHistoryByManagedEntity ( in ManagedEntityIdType managedEntityId) raises (UnknownManagedEntity, AccessDenied); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation TestHistorySeqType testHistoryByServiceInstance ( in ServiceInstanceIdType serviceInstanceId) raises (UnknownServiceInstance, AccessDenied); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation DropTestResultsType metallicDropTest ( in UserIdType testRequestorId, in ManagedEntityIdType port, in ServiceInstanceIdType serviceInstanceId) raises (AccessDenied, CommFailure, UnknownManagedEntity); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation TestTrackingObjectIdType scheduleMetallicDropTest ( in UserIdType testRequestorId, in ManagedEntityIdType port, in ServiceInstanceIdType serviceInstanceId, in UserLabelType schedulerName) raises (AccessDenied, UnknownManagedEntity, UnknownScheduler, InvalidScheduler); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation short mACLayerTest ( in UserIdType testRequestorId, in ManagedEntityIdType port, in ServiceInstanceIdType serviceInstanceId) raises (AccessDenied, CommFailure, UnknownManagedEntity); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation TestTrackingObjectIdType scheduleMACLayerTest ( in UserIdType testRequestorId, in ManagedEntityIdType port, in ServiceInstanceIdType serviceInstanceId, in UserLabelType schedulerName) raises (AccessDenied, UnknownManagedEntity, UnknownScheduler, InvalidScheduler); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation boolean drawDialToneBreakTest ( in UserIdType testRequestorId, in ManagedEntityIdType port, in ServiceInstanceIdType serviceInstanceId) raises (AccessDenied, CommFailure, UnknownManagedEntity); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation TestTrackingObjectIdType scheduleDrawDialToneBreakTest ( in UserIdType testRequestorId, in ManagedEntityIdType port, in ServiceInstanceIdType serviceInstanceId, in UserLabelType schedulerName) raises (AccessDenied, UnknownManagedEntity, UnknownScheduler, InvalidScheduler); }; interface TestActionPerformer }; module Test }; module q834_4 #endif