-- IDL module extracted from ITU-T Q.834.4 (07/2003)

#ifndef __Q834_4_SYNCHRONISER_DEFINED #define __Q834_4_SYNCHRONISER_DEFINED #include Q834Common.idl #pragma prefix itu.Int module q834_4 { module Synchroniser { begin definitions from other idl files From Q834Common typedef Q834CommonNameType NameType; typedef Q834CommonUserLabelType UserLabelType; typedef Q834CommonManagedEntityIdType ManagedEntityIdType; #define AccessDenied Q834CommonAccessDenied #define CommFailure Q834CommonCommFailure #define DCNTimeout Q834CommonDCNTimeout #define EquipmentFailure Q834CommonEquipmentFailure #define UnknownNE Q834CommonUnknownNE #define UnknownScheduler Q834CommonUnknownScheduler #define InvalidScheduler Q834CommonInvalidScheduler #define BackupInProgress Q834CommonBackupInProgress #define Timeout Q834CommonTimeout #define SynchInProgress Q834CommonSynchInProgress End definitions from other idl files Local data types typedef sequenceshort CurrentListingSeqType; struct ScheduledSynchNEType { ManagedEntityIdType managedEntityId; UserLabelType schedulerName; }; typedef sequenceScheduledSynchNEType ScheduledSynchNESeqType; Local exceptions exception NoSynchInProgress {}; End local definitions valuetype SynchroniserValueType itut_x780ManagedObjectValueType { public ScheduledSynchNESeqType scheduledSynchNEList; GET }; interface NESynchroniser itut_x780ManagedObject { Define constants for current event listings const short CURRENT_ALARM = 1; const short CURRENT_OPERATIONAL_STATE_DISABLED = 2; const short CURRENT_ADMINSTRATIVE_STATE_LOCKED = 3; const short CURRENT_PROTECTION_SWITCHING_EVENT = 4; const short CURRENT_SERVICE_OUTAGE = 5; See for the description of the behaviour of this operation void synchNE( in ManagedEntityIdType nEManagedEntityId) raises (AccessDenied, CommFailure, UnknownNE, EquipmentFailure, BackupInProgress, SynchInProgress); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation void abortSynchNE( in ManagedEntityIdType nEManagedEntityId) raises (AccessDenied, CommFailure, UnknownNE, EquipmentFailure, NoSynchInProgress); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation void scheduleSynchNE( in ManagedEntityIdType nEManagedEntityId, in UserLabelType schedulerName) raises (AccessDenied, UnknownNE, UnknownScheduler, InvalidScheduler); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation void modifyNESynchSchedule( in ManagedEntityIdType nEManagedEntityId, in UserLabelType newSchedulerName) raises (AccessDenied, UnknownNE, UnknownScheduler, InvalidScheduler); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation void cancelScheduledSynchNE( in ManagedEntityIdType nEManagedEntityId) raises (AccessDenied, UnknownNE); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation void synchCurrentEventListings( in ManagedEntityIdType nEManagedEntityId, in CurrentListingSeqType currentListingTypeList) raises (AccessDenied, CommFailure, DCNTimeout, UnknownNE, EquipmentFailure, Timeout); See for the description of the behaviour of this operation ScheduledSynchNESeqType scheduledSynchNEListGet () raises (AccessDenied); }; interface NESynchroniser }; module Synchroniser }; module q834_4 #endif