-- IDL module extracted from ITU-T Q.822.1 (10/2001)

#ifndef _itut_q822d1_amd1_idl_ #define _itut_q822d1_amd1_idl_ #include <itut_q822d1.idl> #pragma prefix "itu.int" /** This IDL code is intended to be stored in a file named "itut_q822d1_amd1.idl" located in the search path used by IDL compilers on your system. The Q.822.1 main module (defined in ITU-T Rec. Q.822.1) is contained in a separate file named "itut_q822d1.idl" */ /** This fragment is added to the module, itut_q822d1, which contains IDL definition based on objects defined in ITU-T Rec. Q.822. */ module itut_q822d1 { /** 4.1 Forward declarations */ /** Interface forward declarations */ interface GenericTransportPmCD; /** Valuetype forward declarations */ valuetype GenericTransportPmCDValueType; valuetype GenericTransportTTPHDValueType; /** Typedefs forward declarations */ typedef MONameType GenericTransportPmCDNameType; /** 4.2 Structures and typedefs No new structures are defined in this amendment. */ /** 4.3 Exceptions for conditional packages */ exception NOfarEndLinePMDataPackage {}; exception NOfarEndPathPMDataPackage {}; exception NOfarEndSectionPMDataPackage {}; exception NOnearEndLinePMDataPackage {}; exception NOnearEndSectionPMDataPackage {}; /** 4.4 Interfaces – Fine-grained */ /** 4.4.1 GenericTransportPmCD (Physical Transport Performance Monitoring Current Data) This object retrieves attributes or current and history data counter values for counters within the Physical Transport Protocol Monitoring grouping. Additional inherited methods from Scanner provide for the setting of AdministrativeState, retrieval of OperationalState, and setting of Granularity Period. Inherited methods from CurrentData provide for retrieval of the SuspectFlag, retrieval of the ElapsedTime, activating or deactivating HistoryRetention, associating threshold data with a current data instance, and activating or deactivating the suppression of counters having all-zero counts. Applicable methods from Scanner include: administrativeStateGet, administrativeStateSet, operationalStateGet, granularityPeriodGet, and granularityPeriodSet. Applicable methods from CurrentData include: suspectIntervalFlagGet, suspectIntervalFlagDefaultSet, elapsedTimeGet, historyRetentionGet, historyRetentionSet, thresholdDataInstanceListGet, thresholdDataInstanceListSet, getMostRecent, getBetween, numSuppressedIntervalsGet, maxSuppressedIntervalsGet, maxSuppressedIntervalsSet. This object should support the following notifications: objectCreation, objectDeletion, attributeValueChange, and stateChange. A Threshold Crossing Alert (qualityOfServiceAlarm) is used to notify the management system when any of the performance parameters exceeds a pre-set threshold described in the associated ThresholdData object. A containment relationship exists between a GenericTransportTTP and its associated GenericTransportPmCD object. */ valuetype GenericTransportPmCDValueType: truncatable itut_q822d1::CurrentDataValueType { /** The codingViolationsPath parameter is used as a count of certain error events occurring in the accumulation period. Sample error events include Frame Synchronization and CRC errors for DS1 links, or P-bit and CP-bit parity errors for DS3 links. */ public unsigned long codingViolationsPath; // GET /** The erroredSecondsPath parameter is a count of 1-second intervals containing path errors. Sample path errors include CRC-6 errors (DS1), Severely-Errored Frame defects (DS1/DS3), and P-bit Parity errors (DS3). */ public unsigned long erroredSecondsPath; // GET /** The severelyErroredSecondspath parameter is a count of 1-second intervals with X or more path error events, or one or more Loss of Signal defect. */ public unsigned long severelyErroredSecondsPath; // GET /** The unavailableSecondsPath parameter is a count of 1-second intervals during which the path is unavailable. */ public unsigned long unavailableSecondsPath; // GET public unsigned long failureCounterPath; // GET public unsigned long farEndCodingViolationsPath; // GET // farEndPathPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndErroredSecondsPath; // GET // farEndPathPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndSeverelyErroredSecondsPath; // GET // farEndPathPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndUnavailableSecondsPath; // GET // farEndPathPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndFailureCounterPath; // GET // farEndPathPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it /** The codingViolationsLine parameter is count of certain error events occurring in the accumulation period. Sample error events include Bipolar Violations (BPVs) and Excessive Zeros (EXZs) occurring over a DS1/DS3 link. */ public unsigned long codingViolationsLine; // GET // nearEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it /** An erroredSecondsLine is a count of 1-second intervals in which one or more Line Coding Violation error events were detected. */ public unsigned long erroredSecondsLine; // GET // nearEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it /** severelyErroredSecondsLine is a count of 1-second intervals with X or more BPVs plus EXZs, or one or more Loss of Signal defect. */ public unsigned long severelyErroredSecondsLine; // GET // nearEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it /** The lossOfSignalLine parameter is a count of 1-second intervals containing one or more Loss of Signal defects. */ public unsigned long lossOfSignalLine; // GET // nearEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long failureCounterLine; // GET // nearEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndCodingViolationsLine; // GET // farEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndErroredSecondsLine; // GET // farEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndSeverelyErroredSecondsLine; // GET // farEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndlossOfSignalLine; // GET // farEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndFailureCounterLine; // GET // farEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long codingViolationsSection; // GET // nearEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long erroredSecondsSection; // GET // nearEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long severelyErroredSecondsSection; // GET // nearEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long lossOfSignalSection; // GET // nearEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long failureCounterSection; // GET // nearEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long farEndCodingViolationsSection; // GET // farEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long farEndErroredSecondsSection; // GET // farEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long farEndSeverelyErroredSecondsSection; // GET // farEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long farEndlossOfSignalSection; // GET // farEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long farEndFailureCounterSection; // GET // farEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections }; // valuetype GenericTransportPmCDValueType valuetype GenericTransportTTPHDValueType: truncatable itut_q822d1::HistoryDataValueType { /** The codingViolationsPath parameter is used as a count of certain error events occurring in the accumulation period. Sample error events include Frame Synchronization and CRC errors for DS1 links, or P-bit and CP-bit parity errors for DS3 links. */ public unsigned long codingViolationsPath; // GET /** The erroredSecondsPath parameter is a count of 1-second intervals containing path errors. Sample path errors include CRC-6 errors (DS1), Severely-Errored Frame defects (DS1/DS3), and P-bit Parity errors (DS3). */ public unsigned long erroredSecondsPath; // GET /** The severelyErroredSecondspath parameter is a count of 1-second intervals with X or more path error events, or one or more Loss of Signal defect. */ public unsigned long severelyErroredSecondsPath; // GET /** The unavailableSecondsPath parameter is a count of 1-second intervals during which the path is unavailable. */ public unsigned long unavailableSecondsPath; // GET public unsigned long failureCounterPath; // GET public unsigned long farEndCodingViolationsPath; // GET // farEndPathPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndErroredSecondsPath; // GET // farEndPathPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndSeverelyErroredSecondsPath; // GET // farEndPathPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndUnavailableSecondsPath; // GET // farEndPathPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndFailureCounterPath; // GET // farEndPathPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it /** The codingViolationsLine parameter is count of certain error events occurring in the accumulation period. Sample error events include Bipolar Violations (BPVs) and Excessive Zeros (EXZs) occurring over a DS1/DS3 link. */ public unsigned long codingViolationsLine; // GET // nearEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it /** An erroredSecondsLine is a count of 1-second intervals in which one or more Line Coding Violation error events were detected. */ public unsigned long erroredSecondsLine; // GET // nearEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it /** severelyErroredSecondsLine is a count of 1-second intervals with X or more BPVs plus EXZs, or one or more Loss of Signal defect. */ public unsigned long severelyErroredSecondsLine; // GET // nearEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it /** The lossOfSignalLine parameter is a count of 1-second intervals containing one or more Loss of Signal defects. */ public unsigned long lossOfSignalLine; // GET // nearEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long failureCounterLine; // GET // nearEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndCodingViolationsLine; // GET // farEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndErroredSecondsLine; // GET // farEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndSeverelyErroredSecondsLine; // GET // farEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndlossOfSignalLine; // GET // farEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long farEndFailureCounterLine; // GET // farEndLinePMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports it public unsigned long codingViolationsSection; // GET // nearEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long erroredSecondsSection; // GET // nearEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long severelyErroredSecondsSection; // GET // nearEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long lossOfSignalSection; // GET // nearEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long failureCounterSection; // GET // nearEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long farEndCodingViolationsSection; // GET // farEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long farEndErroredSecondsSection; // GET // farEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long farEndSeverelyErroredSecondsSection; // GET // farEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long farEndlossOfSignalSection; // GET // farEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections public unsigned long farEndFailureCounterSection; // GET // farEndSectionPMDataPackage // Conditional, present if the instance supports sections }; // valuetype GenericTransportTTPHDValueType interface GenericTransportPmCD: itut_q822d1::CurrentData { unsigned long codingViolationsPathGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError); unsigned long erroredSecondsPathGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError); unsigned long severelyErroredSecondsPathGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError); unsigned long unavailableSecondsPathGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError); unsigned long failureCounterPathGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError); unsigned long farEndCodingViolationsPathGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndPathPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndErroredSecondsPathGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndPathPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndSeverelyErroredSecondsPathGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndPathPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndUnavailableSecondsPathGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndPathPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndFailureCounterPathGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndPathPMDataPackage); unsigned long codingViolationsLineGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long erroredSecondsLineGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long severelyErroredSecondsLineGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long lossOfSignalLineGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long failureCounterLineGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndCodingViolationsLineGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndErroredSecondsLineGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndSeverelyErroredSecondsLineGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndlossOfSignalLineGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndFailureCounterLineGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long codingViolationsSectionGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long erroredSecondsSectionGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long severelyErroredSecondsSectionGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long lossOfSignalSectionGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long failureCounterSectionGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndCodingViolationsSectionGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndErroredSecondsSectionGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndSeverelyErroredSecondsSectionGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndlossOfSignalSectionGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndFailureCounterSectionGet() raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndSectionPMDataPackage); }; // interface GenericTransportPmCD interface GenericTransportPmCDFactory: itut_x780::ManagedObjectFactory { itut_x780::ManagedObject create (in NameBindingType nameBinding, // module name containing Name Binding info. in MONameType superior, // Name of containing object. in string reqID, // Requested ID value for name, will be // empty if auto-naming is to be used. out MONameType name, // Entire name of newly created object. in StringSetType packageNameList, // List of packages requested. in short historyRetention, in AdministrativeStateType administrativeState, in TimePeriodType granularityPeriod, in MONameSetType thresholdDataInstanceList, in short maxSuppressedIntervals, in GeneralizedTimeType periodSynchronizationTime) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, itut_x780::CreateError); }; // interface GenericTransportPmCDFactory /** 4.5 Interfaces – Façade The behaviour of the façade interfaces are identical to the corresponding fine-grained interfaces. Therefore, comments are not included in the façade interfaces. Readers are referred to the fine-grained interface in 4.4 for the behaviour of the façade interface. This clause can be omitted from IDL if a management system only supports fine-grained interface. */ /** 4.5.1 GenericTransportPmCD_F */ interface GenericTransportPmCD_F: itut_q822d1::CurrentData_F { unsigned long codingViolationsPathGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError); unsigned long erroredSecondsPathGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError); unsigned long severelyErroredSecondsPathGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError); unsigned long unavailableSecondsPathGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError); unsigned long failureCounterPathGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError); unsigned long farEndCodingViolationsPathGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndPathPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndErroredSecondsPathGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndPathPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndSeverelyErroredSecondsPathGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndPathPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndUnavailableSecondsPathGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndPathPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndFailureCounterPathGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndPathPMDataPackage); unsigned long codingViolationsLineGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long erroredSecondsLineGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long severelyErroredSecondsLineGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long lossOfSignalLineGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long failureCounterLineGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndCodingViolationsLineGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndErroredSecondsLineGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndSeverelyErroredSecondsLineGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndlossOfSignalLineGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndFailureCounterLineGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndLinePMDataPackage); unsigned long codingViolationsSectionGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long erroredSecondsSectionGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long severelyErroredSecondsSectionGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long lossOfSignalSectionGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long failureCounterSectionGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOnearEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndCodingViolationsSectionGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndErroredSecondsSectionGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndSeverelyErroredSecondsSectionGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndlossOfSignalSectionGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndSectionPMDataPackage); unsigned long farEndFailureCounterSectionGet (in MONameType name) raises (itut_x780::ApplicationError, NOfarEndSectionPMDataPackage); }; // interface GenericTransportPmCD_F /** 4.6 Name binding The following module contains name binding information. */ module NameBinding { /** 4.6.1 GenericTransportPmCD */ module GenericTransportPmCD_GenericTransportTTP { const string superiorClass = "itut_m3120:: GenericTransportTTP"; const boolean superiorSubclassesAllowed = TRUE; const string subordinateClass = "itut_m3120:: GenericTransportPmCD"; const boolean subordinateSubclassesAllowed = TRUE; const boolean managerCreatesAllowed = TRUE; const DeletePolicyType deletePolicy = itut_x780::deleteOnlyIfNoContainedObjects; const string kind = "GenericTransportPmCD"; }; // module GenericTransportPmCD_GenericTransportTTP }; // module NameBinding }; // module itut_q822d1 #endif // _itut_q822d1_amd1_idl_