-- PIB module extracted from ITU-T Q.3303.1 (08/2007)

ITUT-RwPib DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Unsigned32, Integer32, MODULE-IDENTITY, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-TYPE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM COPS-PR-SPPI -- Defined in RFC 3159 InstanceId, Prid FROM COPS-PR-SPPI-TC -- Defined in RFC 3159 DscpOrAny FROM DIFFSERV-DSCP-TC -- Defined in RFC 3289 zeroDotZero FROM SNMPv2-SMI InetAddress, InetAddressType, InetAddressPrefixLength, InetPortNumber FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB; -- Defined in RFC 3291 iTUT-RwPib MODULE-IDENTITY --SUBJECT-CATEGORIES { Rw(0x800c) } -- ITU-T Rw COPS Client Type LAST-UPDATED "200511100000Z" ORGANIZATION "ITU-T Study Group 11" CONTACT-INFO "xuheyuan@mail.ritt.com.cn" DESCRIPTION "A PIB module containing the set of provisioning classes that are required for support of policies for RW Cops interface" REVISION "200511100000Z" DESCRIPTION "The ITU-T RW PIB for Rec. Q.3303.1 version 1" ::= { } -- itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q3303(3303) hyphen(127) (1) pib(2) version1(0) -- -- The root OID for PRCs in the ITU-T Rw PIB -- rwCapabilityClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iTUT-RwPib 1} rwEventInfoClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iTUT-RwPib 2} rwServiceInfoClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iTUT-RwPib 3} rwReqInfoClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iTUT-RwPib 4} rwDecInfoClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iTUT-RwPib 5} rwReportClasses OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iTUT-RwPib 6} rwConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iTUT-RwPib 7} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Capability and Limitation Policy Rule Classes -- Rw Decision Capability Table -- rwDecCapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwDecCapEntry ACCESS --notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC from PD-PE to PE-PE carried by DEC during initial capability negotiation, indicating the PD-PE's capability." ::= { rwCapabilityClasses 1 } rwDecCapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwDecCapEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the RwDecCap class identifies a specific PRC and associated attributes as supported by the device." PIB-INDEX { RwDecCapPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwDecCapTable 1 } RwDecCapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwDecCapPrid InstanceId, rwDecCapAppChrgIds Unsigned32, rwDecCapFlowIds Unsigned32 } rwDecCapPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwDecCap class." ::= { rwDecCapEntry 1 } rwDecCapAppChrgIds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of the maximum number of Application Charging Id possible in a single Dec message. The value of zero indicates limit is not specified." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rwDecCapEntry 2 } rwDecCapFlowIds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of the maximum number of Flow Id possible in a single Dec message. The value of zero indicates limit is not specified." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rwDecCapEntry 3 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Rw Decision Capability Acknowledge Table -- rwDecCapACKTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwDecCapACKEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC from PD-PE to PE-PE carried by COPS-PR RPT messages indicating the result of the capability negotiation." ::= { rwCapabilityClasses 2 } rwDecCapACKEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwDecCapACKEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the RwDecCapACK class sent by the PE-PE to the PD-PE." PIB-INDEX { RwDecCapACKPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwDecCapACKTable 1 } RwDecCapACKEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwDecCapACKPrid InstanceId, rwDecCapACKEnable INTEGER, rwDecCapACKChrgIds Unsigned32, rwDecCapACKFlowIds Unsigned32 } rwDecCapACKPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of this class." ::= { rwDecCapACKEntry 1 } rwDecCapACKEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls the usage of PD-PE capability negotiation." DEFVAL { enable } ::= { rwDecCapACKEntry 2 } rwDecCapACKChrgIds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of the maximum number of Application Charging Id in a DEC message which is acceptable to PE-PE. The value of zero indicates limit is not specified." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rwDecCapACKEntry 3 } rwDecCapACKFlowIds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of the maximum number of Flow Id in a DEC message which is acceptable to PE-PE. The value of zero indicates limit is not specified." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rwDecCapACKEntry 4 } ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Rw Event Info Classes -- -- Rw Event Notification Indication Table rwEventIndicatorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwEventIndicatorEntry ACCESS install-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing event notification indicator. In COPS-PR install decision object and sent by PD-PE to PE-PE indicate the PD-PE requests the PE-PE to provide a notification at the transport event. In PRT message and sent by PE-PE to PD-PE indicate the PE-PE report the transport event to PD-PE. " ::= { rwEventInfoClasses 1 } rwEventIndicatorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwEventIndicatorEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Event Indicator Table describing a transport event. Each entry is referenced by RwDecInfoEventIndicator." PIB-INDEX { RwEventIndicatorPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwEventIndicatorTable 1 } RwEventIndicatorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwEventIndicatorPrid InstanceId, rwEventIndicator Integer32, rwEventIndicatornext Prid } rwEventIndicatorPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwEventIndicator class." ::= { rwEventIndicatorEntry 1 } rwEventIndicator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32{ chargingCorrelationExchange (1), indicationOfLossOfBearer(2), indicationOfRecoveryOfBearer(3), indicationOfReleaseOfBearer(4), deviceoverload (5), devicerecoverfromoverload(6) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer indicating the query and notification of a transport event." ::= { rwEventIndicatorEntry 2 } rwEventIndicatornext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "References the next of a list of RwEventIndicator instances. A value of zeroDotZero indicates this is the last of a list RwEventIndicator instances." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwEventIndicatorEntry 3 } ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Rw Service Info Classes -- -- RW Flow Desc Table -- rwFlowDescTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwFlowDescEntry ACCESS install-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing the information of flows involved in a session. Referenced by the RwFlowBasedDecInfoFlowDesc and RwFlowDescNext.." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 1 } rwFlowDescEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwFlowDescEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Flow Desc Table describing the information of a list flows. It is referenced by RwFlowBasedDecInfoFlowDesc and RwFlowDescNext. It may be carried by COPS-PR Install decision from PD-PE to PE-PE, or by COPS-PR RPT responding to the NAT request from PD-PE." PIB-INDEX { RwFlowDescPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwFlowDescTable 1 } RwFlowDescEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwFlowDescPrid InstanceId, rwFlowDescSingleFlowInfo Prid, rwFlowDescConnectInfo Prid, rwFlowDescNext Prid } rwFlowDescPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwFlowDesc class." ::= { rwFlowDescEntry 1 } rwFlowDescSingleFlowInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that references the first of a list of RwSingleFlowInfo Instances. In COPS-PR install decision and RPT of responding to the NAT request from PD-PE. There is at least one RwSingleFlowDesc Instance in the COPS-PR install decision." ::= { rwFlowDescEntry 2 } rwFlowDescConnectInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwMPLSConnectionInfo or RwVSWITCHConnectInfo. A value of zeroDotZero indicates there are no Flow Connection Information included. It is not required in the COPS-PR RPT message responding to the NAT request from PD-PE." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwFlowDescEntry 3 } rwFlowDescNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "References the next of a list of RwFlowDesc instances. A value of zeroDotZero indicates this is the last of a list RwFlowDesc instances." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwFlowDescEntry 4 } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Rw Single Flow Info Table -- rwSingleFlowInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwSingleFlowInfoEntry ACCESS install-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing the information of flow, which is identified with a Flow ID." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 2 } rwSingleFlowInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwSingleFlowInfoEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Single Flow Info Table describing the information of a flow. It is referenced by RwFlowDescSingleFlowInfo. There should be two entrys when the NAT is implementated, one for the access side flow and the other for core side flow. Otherwise, one entry for each flow." PIB-INDEX { RwSingleFlowInfoPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwSingleFlowInfoTable 1 } RwSingleFlowInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwSingleFlowInfoPrid InstanceId, rwSingleFlowInfoFlowId Integer32, rwSingleFlowInfoFlowTermination Prid, rwSingleFlowInfoAddressRealm Prid, rwSingleFlowInfoLatchingIndication Prid, rwSingleFlowInfoFirewallModeIndication Prid, rwSingleFlowInfoFlowDirDesc Prid } rwSingleFlowInfoPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwSingleFlowInfo entry." ::= { rwSingleFlowInfoEntry 1 } rwSingleFlowInfoFlowId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The FlowId itself." ::= { rwSingleFlowInfoEntry 2 } rwSingleFlowInfoFlowTermination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of RwFlowTermination. A value of zeroDotZero indicates there are no NAT implementation in the PE-PE." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwSingleFlowInfoEntry 3 } rwSingleFlowInfoAddressRealm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of RwFlowAddressRealm. A value of zeroDotZero indicates there are no Address Realm information associated with this Single Flow Info." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwSingleFlowInfoEntry 4 } rwSingleFlowInfoLatchingIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of RwFlowLatchingIndication. A value of zeroDotZero indicates there are no Latching Indication information associated with this Single Flow Info." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwSingleFlowInfoEntry 5 } rwSingleFlowInfoFirewallModeIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of RwFlowFirewallModeIndication. A value of zeroDotZero indicates the default firewall working mode will be applied." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwSingleFlowInfoEntry 6 } rwSingleFlowInfoFlowDirDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "References the first of a list of RwFlowDirDesc associated with this instance of Single Flow Info. There is one RwFlowDirDesc instance per direction(uplink or downlink)." ::= { rwSingleFlowInfoEntry 7 } ------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Rw Flow Termination Table -- rwFlowTerminationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwFlowTerminationEntry ACCESS install-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing the side(access or core network) of the flow, which is identified with a Flow ID." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 3 } rwFlowTerminationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwFlowTerminationEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Flow Termination Table describing the side information of a flow. It is referenced by RwSingleFlowInfoFlowTermination." PIB-INDEX { RwFlowTerminationPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwFlowTerminationTable 1 } RwFlowTerminationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwFlowTerminationPrid InstanceId, rwFlowTermination Integer32, } rwFlowTerminationPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwFlowTermination entry." ::= { rwFlowTerminationEntry 1 } rwFlowTermination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32{ access (0), core (1) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer indicating the side of the flow is terminated." ::= { rwFlowTerminationEntry 2 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Rw Flow Address Realm Table -- rwFlowAddressRealmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwFlowAddressRealmEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing the address realm of the flow's IP address." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 4 } rwFlowAddressRealmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwFlowAddressRealmEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Flow Address Realm Table describing the realm information of a flow's source and destination address. It is referenced by RwSingleFlowInfoAddressRealm." PIB-INDEX { RwFlowAddressRealmPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwFlowAddressRealmTable 1 } RwFlowAddressRealmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwFlowAddressRealmPrid InstanceId, rwFlowAddressRealm OCTET STRING, } rwFlowAddressRealmPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwFlowAddressRealm entry." ::= { rwFlowAddressRealmEntry 1 } rwFlowAddressRealm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the address realm of the flow's source and destination address." ::= { rwFlowAddressRealmEntry 2 } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Rw Flow Latching Indication Table -- rwFlowLatchingIndicationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwFlowLatchingIndicationEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing the latching indication of the flow, which is identified with a Flow ID." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 5 } rwFlowLatchingIndicationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwFlowLatchingIndicationEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Flow Latching Indication Table describing the latching information of a flow. It is referenced by RwSingleFlowInfoLatchingIndication." PIB-INDEX { RwFlowLatchingIndicationPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwFlowLatchingIndicationTable 1 } RwFlowLatchingIndicationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwFlowLatchingIndicationPrid InstanceId, rwFlowLatchingIndication Integer32, } rwFlowLatchingIndicationPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwFlowLatchingIndication entry." ::= { rwFlowLatchingIndicationEntry 1 } rwFlowLatchingIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32{ latching(0), relatching(1) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the latch action of the flow in the PE-PE." ::= { rwFlowLatchingIndicationEntry 2 } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Rw Flow Firewall working mode Indication Table -- rwFlowFirewallModeIndicationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwFlowFirewallModeIndicationEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing the latching indication of the flow, which is identified with a Flow ID." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 6} rwFlowFirewallModeIndicationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwFlowFirewallModeIndicationEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Flow Firewall Mode Indication Table describing the information for dynamic firewall working mode selection. It is referenced by RwSingleFlowInfoFirewallModeIndication." PIB-INDEX { RwFlowFirewallModeIndicationPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwFlowFirewallModeIndicationTable 1 } RwFlowFirewallModeIndicationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwFlowFirewallModeIndicationPrid InstanceId, rwFlowFirewallModeIndication Integer32 } rwFlowFirewallModeIndicationPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwFlowFirewallModeIndication entry." ::= { rwFlowFirewallModeIndicationEntry 1 } rwFlowFirewallModeIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32{ staticPacketFiltering(0), dynamicPacketFiltering(1), statefulInspection(2), deepPacketInspection(3) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the information for dynamic firewall working mode selection." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rwFlowFirewallModeIndicationEntry 2 } -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Rw Flow Direction Decription Table -- rwFlowDirDescTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwFlowDirDescEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing the information of flow in the direction of uplink and/or downlink." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 7} rwFlowDirDescEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwFlowDirDescEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Flow Dec Table describing the information of a flow. It is referenced by RwSingleFlowInfoFlowDirDesc and RwFlowDirDescNext." PIB-INDEX { RwFlowDirDescPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwFlowDirDescTable 1 } RwFlowDirDescEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwFlowDirDescPrid InstanceId, rwFlowDirDescInfo Prid, rwFlowDirDescFluxInfo Prid, rwFlowDirDescNext Prid } rwFlowDirDescPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwFlowDirDesc entry." ::= { rwFlowDirDescEntry 1 } rwFlowDirDescInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that references the RwFlowInfo Instances." ::= { rwFlowDirDescEntry 2 } rwFlowDirDescFluxInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that references the RwFluxInfo Instances." ::= { rwFlowDirDescEntry 3 } rwFlowDirDescNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "References the next of a list of RwFlowDirDesc instances. A value of zeroDotZero indicates this is the last of a list RwFlowDirDesc instances." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwFlowDirDescEntry 4 } --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Rw FlowInfo Table -- rwFlowInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwFlowInfoEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing the information of flow in the direction of uplink or ownlink." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 8 } rwFlowInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwFlowInfoEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Flow Info Table describing the information of a flow in the direction of uplink or downlink. It is referenced by RwFlowDirDec." PIB-INDEX { RwFlowInfoPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwFlowInfoTable 1 } RwFlowInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwFlowInfoPrid InstanceId, rwFlowInfoDirection INTEGER, rwFlowInfoFilter Prid, rwFlowInfoFilterStatus INTEGER, rwFlowInfoServiceType INTEGER } rwFlowInfoPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwFlowInfo." ::= { rwFlowInfoEntry 1 } rwFlowInfoDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { uplink (1), downlink (2) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the direction the flow." ::= { rwFlowInfoEntry 2 } rwFlowInfoFilter OBJECT-TYPE -- filter SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "References an entry of RwFilterTable that describes the applicable classification filter. A value of zeroDotZero indicates no filter is used with this RwFlowInfoTable." ::= { rwFlowInfoEntry 3 } rwFlowInfoFilterStatus OBJECT-TYPE -- filter status SYNTAX INTEGER { close(0), open(1) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if this gate will allow traffic to flow." DEFVAL { open } ::= { rwFlowInfoEntry 4 } rwFlowInfoServiceType OBJECT-TYPE -- service type SYNTAX INTEGER { audio(1), vedio(2) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "service type" ::= { rwFlowInfoEntry 5 } -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Rw Filter Table -- rwFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwFilterEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Filter class. A packet has to match all fields in an Filter. Wildcards may be specified for those fields that are not relevant." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 9 } rwFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwFilterEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Filter Table describing the information of a filter." PIB-INDEX { RwFilterPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwFilterTable 1 } RwFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwFilterPrid InstanceId, rwFilterDstAddrType InetAddressType, rwFilterDstAddr InetAddress, rwFilterDstPrefixLength InetAddressPrefixLength, rwFilterSrcAddrType InetAddressType, rwFilterSrcAddr InetAddress, rwFilterSrcPrefixLength InetAddressPrefixLength, rwFilterDscp DscpOrAny, rwFilterProtocol Unsigned32, rwFilterDstL4PortMin InetPortNumber, rwFilterDstL4PortMax InetPortNumber, rwFilterSrcL4PortMin InetPortNumber, rwFilterSrcL4PortMax InetPortNumber } rwFilterPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the Rw Filter class." ::= { rwFilterEntry 1 } rwFilterDstAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address type enumeration value to specify the type of the packet's destination IP address." REFERENCE "Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses. RFC 3291." ::= { rwFilterEntry 2 } rwFilterDstAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address to match against the packet's destination IP address. If the address type is 'ipv4', 'ipv6', 'ipv4z' or 'ipv6z' then, the attribute RwFilterDstPrefixLength indicates the number of bits that are relevant." REFERENCE "Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses. RFC 3291." ::= { rwFilterEntry 3 } rwFilterDstPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a mask for the matching of the destination IP address. This attribute is interpreted only if the InetAddressType is 'ipv4', 'ipv4z', 'ipv6' or 'ipv6z'. Masks are constructed by setting bits in sequence from the most-significant bit downwards for RwFilterDstPrefixLength bits length. All other bits in the mask, up to the number needed to fill the length of the address RwFilterDstAddr are cleared to zero. A zero bit in the mask then means that the corresponding bit in the address always matches. In IPv4 addresses, a length of 0 indicates a match of any address; a length of 32 indicates a match of a single host address, and a length between 0 and 32 indicates the use of a CIDR Prefix. IPv6 is similar, except that prefix lengths range from 0..128." REFERENCE "Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses. RFC 3291." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rwFilterEntry 4 } rwFilterSrcAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address type enumeration value to specify the type of the packet's source IP address." REFERENCE "Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses. RFC 3291." ::= { rwFilterEntry 5 } rwFilterSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address to match against the packet's source IP address. If the address type is 'ipv4', 'ipv6', 'ipv4z' or 'ipv6z' then, the attribute RwFilterSrcPrefixLength indicates the number of bits that are relevant." REFERENCE "Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses. RFC 3291." ::= { rwFilterEntry 6 } rwFilterSrcPrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of a mask for the matching of the source IP address. This attribute is interpreted only if the InetAddressType is 'ipv4', 'ipv4z', 'ipv6' or 'ipv6z'. Masks are constructed by setting bits in sequence from the most-significant bit downwards for RwFilterSrcPrefixLength bits length. All other bits in the mask, up to the number needed to fill the length of the address RwFilterDstAddr are cleared to zero. A zero bit in the mask then means that the corresponding bit in the address always matches. In IPv4 addresses, a length of 0 indicates a match of any address; a length of 32 indicates a match of a single host address, and a length between 0 and 32 indicates the use of a CIDR Prefix. IPv6 is similar, except that prefix lengths range from 0..128." REFERENCE "Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses. RFC 3291." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rwFilterEntry 7 } rwFilterDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DscpOrAny STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value that the DSCP in the packet can have and match this filter. A value of -1 indicates that a specific DSCP value has not been defined and thus all DSCP values are considered a match." REFERENCE "Management Information Base for the Differentiated Services Architecture. RFC 3289." DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { rwFilterEntry 8 } rwFilterProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The layer-4 protocol Id to match against the IPv4 protocol number or the IPv6 Next-Header number in the packet. A value of 255 means match all. Note the protocol number of 255 is reserved by IANA, and Next-Header number of 0 is used in IPv6." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { rwFilterEntry 9 } rwFilterDstL4PortMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum value that the packet's layer 4 destination port number can have and match this filter. This value must be equal to or lesser that the value specified for this filter in RwFilterDstL4PortMax. COPS-PR error code 'attrValueInvalid' must be returned if the RwFilterDstL4PortMin is greater than RwFilterDstL4PortMax" REFERENCE "COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC 3084, error codes section 4.5." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rwFilterEntry 10 } rwFilterDstL4PortMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum value that the packet's layer 4 destination port number can have and match this filter. This value must be equal to or greater that the value specified for this filter in RwFilterDstL4PortMin. COPS-PR error code 'attrValueInvalid' must be returned if the RwFilterDstL4PortMax is less than RwFilterDstL4PortMin" REFERENCE "COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC 3084, error codes section 4.5." DEFVAL { 65535 } ::= { rwFilterEntry 11 } rwFilterSrcL4PortMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum value that the packet's layer 4 source port number can have and match this filter. This value must be equal to or lesser that the value specified for this filter in RwFilterSrcL4PortMax. COPS-PR error code 'attrValueInvalid' must be returned if the RwFilterSrcL4PortMin is greated than RwFilterSrcL4PortMax" REFERENCE "COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC 3084, error codes section 4.5." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rwFilterEntry 12 } rwFilterSrcL4PortMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetPortNumber STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum value that the packet's layer 4 source port number can have and match this filter. This value must be equal to or greater that the value specified for this filter in RwFilterSrcL4PortMin. COPS-PR error code 'attrValueInvalid' must be returned if the RwFilterSrcL4PortMax is less than RwFilterSrcL4PortMin" REFERENCE "COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning. RFC 3084, error codes section 4.5." DEFVAL { 65535 } ::= { rwFilterEntry 13 } --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- RW Flux Info Table -- rwFluxInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwFluxInfoEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing the bandwidth information." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 10 } rwFluxInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwFluxInfoEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Flux Info Table describing the bandwidth information of a flow in the direction of uplink or downlink. It is referenced by RwFlowDirDec, RwVSWITCHFluxInfoBaseFluxInfo and RwUserbasedDecInfo." PIB-INDEX { RwFluxInfoPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwFluxInfoTable 1 } RwFluxInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwFluxInfoPrid InstanceId, rwFluxInfoBandwidthUnit INTEGER, rwFluxInfoPeakBandwidth Unsigned32, rwFluxInfoAverageBandwidth Unsigned32, rwFluxInfoMaxPktLength Unsigned32 } rwFluxInfoPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the Rw Flux class." ::= { rwFluxInfoEntry 1 } rwFluxInfoBandwidthUnit OBJECT-TYPE -- bandwidth unit SYNTAX INTEGER { bps (1), kbps (2), mbps (3) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of the unit of measure for RwFluxPeakBandwith and RwFluxAverageBandwidth, in bits per second, kilo bits per second, or mega bits per second." ::= { rwFluxInfoEntry 2 } rwFluxInfoPeakBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE -- peak bandwidth SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Flux peek bandwith." ::= { rwFluxInfoEntry 3 } rwFluxInfoAverageBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE -- average bandwidth SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Flux average bandwith." ::= { rwFluxInfoEntry 4 } rwFluxInfoMaxPktLength OBJECT-TYPE -- Max package length SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Flux max packet length." ::= { rwFluxInfoEntry 5 } --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- RW VSWITCH Flux Table -- rwVSWITCHFluxInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwVSWITCHFluxInfoEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PRC representing the flux information." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 11 } rwVSWITCHFluxInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwVSWITCHFluxInfoEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the VSWITCH Flux Info Table describing the flux information of a flow in the direction of uplink or downlink. It is referenced by RwFlowDirDec." PIB-INDEX { RwVSWITCHFluxInfoPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwVSWITCHFluxInfoTable 1 } RwVSWITCHFluxInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwVSWITCHFluxInfoPrid InstanceId, rwVSWITCHFluxInfoBaseFluxInfo Prid, rwVSWITCHFluxInfoFlowPriority INTEGER, rwVSWITCHFluxInfoCarFlag INTEGER, rwVSWITCHFluxInfoBroadcastBateFlag INTEGER, rwVSWITCHFluxInfoPathBackupFlag INTEGER, } rwVSWITCHFluxInfoPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the Rw VSWITCH Flux class." ::= { rwVSWITCHFluxInfoEntry 1 } rwVSWITCHFluxInfoBaseFluxInfo OBJECT-TYPE -- base traffic information SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reference the instances of the RwFluxInfoTable, contain the basic bandwidth information " ::= { rwVSWITCHFluxInfoEntry 2 } rwVSWITCHFluxInfoFlowPriority OBJECT-TYPE -- flow Priority SYNTAX INTEGER STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of the flow's priority. Can be devided to 8. level 0 - 7" ::= { rwVSWITCHFluxInfoEntry 3 } rwVSWITCHFluxInfoCarFlag OBJECT-TYPE -- car flag SYNTAX INTEGER STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate whether the route will do car." ::= { rwVSWITCHFluxInfoEntry 4 } rwVSWITCHFluxInfoBroadcastBateFlag OBJECT-TYPE -- broadcast bate flag SYNTAX INTEGER STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flag indicates the bate of broadcast, if true, make car." ::= { rwVSWITCHFluxInfoEntry 5 } rwVSWITCHFluxInfoPathBackupFlag OBJECT-TYPE -- Path backup flag SYNTAX INTEGER STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flag indicates whether there is backup path" ::= { rwVSWITCHFluxInfoEntry 6 } ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Path Selection Information in the core network -- -- MPLS Connection Table -- rwMPLSConnectInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwMPLSConnectInfoEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing the MPLS LSP information.." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 12 } rwMPLSConnectInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwMPLSConnectInfoEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the MPLS Connection Table describing the MPLS LSP information. It is referenced by RwFlowDescConnectInfo." PIB-INDEX { RwMPLSConnectInfoPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwMPLSConnectInfoTable 1 } RwMPLSConnectInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwMPLSConnectInfoPrid InstanceId, rwMPLSConnectInfoPathMTU Unsigned32, rwMPLSConnectInfoMPLSStack Prid } rwMPLSConnectInfoPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the Rw Connection Info class." ::= { rwMPLSConnectInfoEntry 1 } rwMPLSConnectInfoPathMTU OBJECT-TYPE -- Maximum transport unit in the path SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MTU in the path." ::= { rwMPLSConnectInfoEntry 2 } rwMPLSConnectInfoMPLSStack OBJECT-TYPE -- label stack SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "References the first of a list of Rw MPLS Label. A value of zeroDotZero indicates an empty list which is an error condition." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwMPLSConnectInfoEntry 3 } --------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Rw MPLS Label Table -- rwMPLSLabelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwMPLSLabelEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing the MPLS label stack.." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 13 } rwMPLSLabelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwMPLSLabelEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the MPLS Lable Table describing the MPLS label stack. It is referenced by RwMPLSConnectInfoMPLSStack." PIB-INDEX { RwMPLSLabelPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwMPLSLabelTable 1 } RwMPLSLabelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwMPLSLabelPrid InstanceId, rwMPLSLabelValue Prid, rwMPLSLabelNext Prid } rwMPLSLabelPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the Rw label class." ::= { rwMPLSLabelEntry 1 } rwMPLSLabelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label value, reference the frwkILabelMarkerTable in RFC 3318." ::= { rwMPLSLabelEntry 2 } rwMPLSLabelNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "References the next RwLabelEntry of a list RwLabel class." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwMPLSLabelEntry 3 } ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- VSwitch Connection Table -- rwVSWITCHConnectInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwVSWITCHConnectInfoEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing the information of the VSWITCH connection." ::= { rwServiceInfoClasses 14 } rwVSWITCHConnectInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwVSWITCHConnectInfoEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the MPLS Connection Table describing the information of the VSWITCH connection. It is referenced by RwFlowDescConnectInfo." PIB-INDEX { RwVSWITCHConnectInfoPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwVSWITCHConnectInfoTable 1 } RwVSWITCHConnectInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwVSWITCHConnectInfoPrid InstanceId, rwVSWITCHConnectInfoSrcIFName OCTET STRING, rwVSWITCHConnectInfoSrcVlanID Unsigned32, rwVSWITCHConnectInfoSrcVlanIDQinQ Unsigned32, rwVSWITCHConnectInfoDstIFName OCTET STRING, rwVSWITCHConnectInfoDstVlanID Unsigned32, rwVSWITCHConnectInfoDstVlanIDQinQ Unsigned32 } rwVSWITCHConnectInfoPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the Rw VSWITCH Connection Info class." ::= { rwVSWITCHConnectInfoEntry 1 } rwVSWITCHConnectInfoSrcIFName OBJECT-TYPE -- source interface address information SYNTAX OCTET STRING STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source Interface Name." ::= { rwVSWITCHConnectInfoEntry 2 } rwVSWITCHConnectInfoSrcVlanID OBJECT-TYPE -- source VlanID SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..64535) STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source VlanID." ::= { rwVSWITCHConnectInfoEntry 3 } rwVSWITCHConnectInfoSrcVlanIDQinQ OBJECT-TYPE -- source VlanID QinQ SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..64535) STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It's the normal 802.1Q when the value is illegal or invalid. If the value is valid, it's the QinQ, the value is inner VlanID and RwVSWITCHConnectInfoSrcVlanID is the outer VlanID." ::= { rwVSWITCHConnectInfoEntry 4 } rwVSWITCHConnectInfoDstIFName OBJECT-TYPE -- destination interface address information SYNTAX OCTET STRING STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dest Interface Name." ::= { rwVSWITCHConnectInfoEntry 5 } rwVSWITCHConnectInfoDstVlanID OBJECT-TYPE -- destination VlanID SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..64535) STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dest VlanID." ::= { rwVSWITCHConnectInfoEntry 6 } rwVSWITCHConnectInfoDstVlanIDQinQ OBJECT-TYPE -- destination VlanID QinQ SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..64535) STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It's the normal 802.1Q when the value is illegal or invalid. If the value is valid, it's the QinQ, the value is inner VlanID and RwVSWITCHConnectInfoSrcVlanID is the outer VlanID" ::= { rwVSWITCHConnectInfoEntry 7 } ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Rw Request Info Classes -- -- -- Rw Request Info Table -- rwReqInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwReqInfoEntry ACCESS notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC from PE-PE to PD-PE, indicating the physical and/or logical connection of the access transport network that the CPE is attached to, requesting user-based policy." ::= { rwReqInfoClasses 1 } rwReqInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwReqInfoEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the RwReqInfo class sent by PE-PE to PD-PE." PIB-INDEX { RwReqInfoPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwReqInfoTable 1 } RwReqInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwReqInfoPrid InstanceId, rwReqInfoIPAddrType InetAddressType, rwReqInfoIPAddress InetAddress, rwReqInfoUserId OCTET STRING, rwReqInfoMacAddr OCTET STRING, rwReqInfoPhyInfo OCTET STRING, rwReqBindingTokenRefPrid Prid } rwReqInfoPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwReqInfo entry." ::= { rwReqInfoEntry 1 } rwReqInfoIPAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address type enumeration value to specify the type of the CPE's IP address(Ipv4, Ipv6 or DNS etc)." ::= { rwReqInfoEntry 2 } rwReqInfoIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPE's Ip Address." ::= { rwReqInfoEntry 3 } rwReqInfoUserId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE (0..67)) STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User ID uniquely identifies the CPE, in a format consistent with the NAI specification." ::= { rwReqInfoEntry 4 } rwReqInfoMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE (0..16)) STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPE's Mac Address. " ::= { rwReqInfoEntry 5 } rwReqInfoPhyInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE (0..63)) STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPE's physics infomation." ::= { rwReqInfoEntry 6 } rwReqBindingTokenRefPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This shall be used for pull mode supporting Authorization token for binding purposes.This shall refer to instance of RwReqBindingToken class. Value zeroDotZero shall refer to absence of authorization token and this value could be used when different mechanism other than authorization token is used for binding purposes in pull mode." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwReqInfoEntry 7 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Rw Binding Token Table -- rwReqBindingTokenTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwReqBindingTokenEntry ACCESS notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC from PE-PE to PD-PE, containing the authorization token which is used for pull scenario using this authorization token as binding mechanism." ::= { rwReqInfoClasses 2 } rwReqBindingTokenEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwReqBindingTokenEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the RwReqBinding class sent by PE-PE to PD-PE." PIB-INDEX { RwReqBindingTokenPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwReqBindingTokenTable 1 } RwReqBindingTokenEntry::= SEQUENCE { rwReqBindingTokenPrid InstanceId, rwReqBindingTokenValue OCTET STRING } rwReqBindingTokenPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwReqBindingToken entry." ::= { rwReqBindingTokenEntry 1 } rwReqBindingTokenValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains authorization token for pull mode binding purposes." ::= { rwReqBindingTokenEntry 2 } ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Rw Decision Info classes -- Rw Flow-based Decision Information Table -- rwFlowBasedDecInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwFlowBasedDecInfoEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC from PD-PE to PE-PE carried by COPS-PR Install decision, providing flow-based policy and/or NAT request." ::= { rwDecInfoClasses 1 } rwFlowBasedDecInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwFlowBasedDecInfoEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An instance of the RwFlowBasedDecInfo class sent by PD-PE to PE-PE, carrying the QoS policy and/or NAT request." PIB-INDEX { RwFlowBasedDecInfoPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwFlowBasedDecInfoTable 1 } RwFlowBasedDecInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwFlowBasedDecInfoPrid InstanceId, rwFlowBasedDecInfoRequestPriority Integer32, rwFlowBasedDecInfoFlowDesc Prid, rwFlowBasedDecInfoNatAction Prid, rwFlowBasedDecInfoEventIndicator Prid, rwFlowBasedDecAppChrgIds Prid } rwFlowBasedDecInfoPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwFlowBasedDecInfo Entry." ::= { rwFlowBasedDecInfoEntry 1 } rwFlowBasedDecInfoRequestPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0-7) STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The indication of the importance of a resource control request. It can be used for processing simultaneous requests by PE-PE based on the priority level. 0 is the lowest level of priority by default." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { rwFlowBasedDecInfoEntry 2 } rwFlowBasedDecInfoFlowDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "References the first of a list of RwFlowDesc associated with this instance of RwFlowBasedDecInfo. A value of zeroDotZero indicates an empty list which is an error condition." ::= { rwFlowBasedDecInfoEntry 3 } rwFlowBasedDecInfoNatAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that references the first of a list of RwNatAction Instances. References the first of a list of RwNatAction class instances that are associated with this decision. A value of zeroDotZero indicates there are no RwNatAction class instance associated with this decision." ::= { rwFlowBasedDecInfoEntry 4 } rwFlowBasedDecInfoEventIndicator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwEventIndicator Entry." ::= { rwFlowBasedDecInfoEntry 5 } rwFlowBasedDecAppChrgIds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwAppChrgInfo. There should be one Application Charging ID for each session identified by a Client Handle value. A value of zeroDotZero indicates an empty list and there is no Application Charging Info associated with this Decision." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwFlowBasedDecInfoEntry 6 } --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Rw NAT action Table -- rwNatActionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwNatActionEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing NAT Action information. Sent by PD-PE to indicate which type of NAT is requested in PE-PE. In a COPS-PR install decision object." ::= { rwDecInfoClasses 2 } rwNatActionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwNatActionEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the NAT Action Table describing a single NAT type. Each entry is referenced by RwDecInfoNatAction or RwNatActionNext." PIB-INDEX { RwNatActionPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwNatActionTable 1 } RwNatActionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwNatActionPrid InstanceId, rwNatAction Integer32, rwNatActionNext Prid, } rwNatActionPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwNatAction class." ::= { rwNatActionEntry 1 } rwNatAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32{ addressTranslation(1), portTranslation(2), protocolTranslation(3) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The basic type of Nat which the PD-PE reqest the PE-PE to perform." ::= { rwNatActionEntry 2 } rwNatActionNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION " References the next RwNatActionEntry of a list NatAction. There should be one NAT action on this list for each service install in the COPS-PR install decision. A value of zeroDotZero indicates the end of the list of NAT action." ::= { rwNatActionEntry 3 } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Rw Application Charging Information Table -- rwAppChrgInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwAppChrgInfoEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents Application Charging Info." ::= { rwDecInfoClasses 3 } rwAppChrgInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwAppChrgInfoEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the App Chrg Info Table describing the Application charging Info. It is referenced by RwFlowBasedDecAppChrgIds." PIB-INDEX { RwAppChrgInfoPrInfo } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwAppChrgInfoTable 1 } RwAppChrgInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwAppChrgInfoPrInfo InstanceId, rwAppChrgInfoValue OCTET STRING } rwAppChrgInfoPrInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwAppChrgInfo class." ::= { rwAppChrgInfoEntry 1 } rwAppChrgInfoValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Application charging Id." ::= { rwAppChrgInfoEntry 2 } -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Rw User-based Decision Information Table -- rwUserBasedDecInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwUserBasedDecInfoEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC from PD-PE to PE-PE carried by COPS-PR install decision, provision user-based policy." ::= { rwDecInfoClasses 4 } rwUserBasedDecInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwUserBasedDecInfoEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the User based Dec Info Table describing the policy information." PIB-INDEX { RwUserBasedDecInfoPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwUserBasedDecInfoTable 1 } RwUserBasedDecInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwUserBasedDecInfoPrid InstanceId, rwUserBasedDecInfoUserId Unsigned32, rwUserBasedDecInfoPolicyId Unsigned32, rwUserBasedDecInfoNetworkClass Prid, rwUserBasedDecInfoDirFlux Prid } rwUserBasedDecInfoPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwUserBasedDecInfo class." ::= { rwUserBasedDecInfoEntry 1 } rwUserBasedDecInfoUserId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User ID uniquely identifies the user for which the policy is applied." ::= { rwUserBasedDecInfoEntry 2 } rwUserBasedDecInfoPolicyId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PolicyID is the handle of one policy. The PolicyID is assigned by PDP. Since there can be a many to many relationship between PDP and PEP, the PolicyID allocated by different PDP can not be guaranteed to be unique across network. So PEP can use IP address of the PDP along with PolicyID to uniquely identify a dedicated policy." ::= { rwUserBasedDecInfoEntry 3 } rwUserBasedDecInfoNetworkClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the NetworkClass. A value of zeroDotZero indicates the default network service class." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwUserBasedDecInfoEntry 4 } rwUserBasedDecInfoDirFlux OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwDirFlux. A value of zeroDotZero indicates the default bandwidth." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwUserBasedDecInfoEntry 5 } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Rw Network Class Table -- rwNetworkClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwNetworkClassEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing network service class subscribed by a CPE sent by PD-PE to PE-PE. In a COPS-PR install decision object." ::= { rwDecInfoClasses 5 } rwNetworkClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwNetworkClassEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Network Class Table describing network service class subscribed by a CPE. Referenced by RwUserBasedDecInfoNetworkClass." PIB-INDEX { RwNetworkClassPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwNetworkClassTable 1 } RwNetworkClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwNetworkClassPrid InstanceId, rwNetworkClass OCTET STRING } rwNetworkClassPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwNetworkClass." ::= { rwNetworkClassEntry 1 } rwNetworkClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The network service class subscribed by a CPE (e.g., Premium, Gold, Silver, and Regular)." ::= { rwNetworkClassEntry 2 } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Rw Dir Flux Table -- rwDirFluxTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwDirFluxEntry ACCESS install STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing uplink and/or downlink bandwidth information, sent by PD-PE to PE-PE. In a COPS-PR install decision object." ::= { rwDecInfoClasses 6 } rwDirFluxEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwDirFluxEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Direction Flux Table describing uplink and/or downlink bandwidth information subscribed by a CPE. Referenced by RwUserBasedDecInfoDirFlux." PIB-INDEX { RwDirFluxPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwDirFluxTable 1 } RwDirFluxEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwDirFluxPrid InstanceId, rwDirFluxDirection Integer32, rwDirFluxInfo Prid, rwDirFluxNext Prid } rwDirFluxPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwDirFlux." ::= { rwDirFluxEntry 1 } rwDirFluxDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 { uplink(1), downlink(2) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the direction the flow." ::= { rwDirFluxEntry 2 } rwDirFluxInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An arbitrary integer index that references the RwFluxInfo Instances." ::= { rwDirFluxEntry 3 } rwDirFluxNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "References the next RwDirFluxEntry. There should be at most two Directional Flux per COPS-PR install decision. A value of zeroDotZero indicates the end of the list of DirFlux." ::= { rwDirFluxEntry 4 } --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Rw Report Classes -- Rw State Report Table -- rwStateReportTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwStateReportEntry ACCESS notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRCs from PE-PE to PD-PE carried by the COPS-PR RPT message, carrying the Decision enforcement result or the notification of transport event." ::= { rwReportClasses 1 } rwStateReportEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwStateReportEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the State Report Table describing the Decision enforcement result or the notification of transport event." PIB-INDEX { RwStateReportPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwStateReportTable 1 } RwStateReportEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwStateReportPrid InstanceId, rwStateReportStatus INTEGER, rwStateReportDetails Prid, rwStateReportNATInfoFlowDesc Prid } rwStateReportPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwDecResultRpt class." ::= { rwStateReportEntry 1 } rwStateReportStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { success (1), failure (2), event (3) } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When Status is: success: Indicates the successful implementation of the decision. RwStateReportDetails: Reference an instance of RwRprtBearChrgInfo for the a successful session; or References nothing otherwise (contains the value zeroDotZero). Failure: Indicates the failure of implementing the decision. RwStateReportDetails may reference an Error object, or may have the value zeroDotZero when no error object is needed, in which case COPS and COPS-PR error codes and error objects are sufficient. Event: RwStateReportDetails references an instance of RwEventIndicator." ::= { rwStateReportEntry 2 } rwStateReportDetails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "May reference an instance of RwRprtBearChrgInfo, RwEventIndicator, or may have the value of zeroDotZero depending on the value of RwStateReportStatus." ::= { rwStateReportEntry 3 } rwStateReportNATInfoFlowDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Prid STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Refers to an instance of RwFlowDesc class. This attribute shall refer to this PRC only if NAT information is requested by PD-PE otherwise this attribute shall hold value zeroDotzero." DEFVAL { zeroDotZero } ::= { rwStateReportEntry 4 } ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Rw report Bearer charging information Table -- rwRprtBearChrgInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RwRprtBearChrgInfoEntry ACCESS notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PRC representing the bearer charging information" ::= { rwReportClasses 2 } rwRprtBearChrgInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RwRprtBearChrgInfoEntry STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Rprt Bearer Chrg Info Table describing the information of the bearer Charging Identifier and PE-PE address. It is referenced by RwStateReportDetails." PIB-INDEX { RwRprtBearChrgInfoPrid } UNIQUENESS { } ::= { rwRprtBearChrgInfoTable 1 } RwRprtBearChrgInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rwRprtBearChrgInfoPrid InstanceId, rwRprtBearChrgInfoAddrType InetAddressType, rwRprtBearChrgInfoAddr InetAddress, rwRprtBearChrgInfoChrgId OCTET STRING } rwRprtBearChrgInfoPrid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InstanceId STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer index that uniquely identifies an instance of the RwRprtBearChrgInfo class." ::= { rwRprtBearChrgInfoEntry 1 } rwRprtBearChrgInfoAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address type enumeration value to specify the type of the charging device's IP address." ::= { rwRprtBearChrgInfoEntry 2 } rwRprtBearChrgInfoGGSNAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Contains the IP Address of the device providing the bearer charging Id." ::= { rwRprtBearChrgInfoEntry 3 } rwRprtBearChrgInfoChrgId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bearer Charging ID related to the session." ::= { rwRprtBearChrgInfoEntry 4 } ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Conformance Section -- rwCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rwConformance 1 } rwGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rwConformance 2 } rwCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the requirements for conformance to the ITU-T Rw PIB." MODULE FRAMEWORK-PIB -- Defined in RFC 3318 MANDATORY-GROUPS { frwkPrcSupportGroup, frwkILabelMarkerGroup } MODULE RW-PIB -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { rwDecCapGroup, rwDecCapACKGroup, rwEventIndicatorGroup, rwFlowDescGroup, rwSingleFlowInfoGroup, rwFlowTerminationGroup, rwFlowAddressRealmGroup, rwFlowLatchingIndicationGroup, rwFlowFirewallModeIndicationGroup, rwFlowDirDescGroup, rwFlowInfoGroup, rwFilterGroup, rwFluxInfoGroup, rwVSWITCHFluxInfoGroup, rwMPLSConnectInfoGroup, rwMPLSLabelGroup, rwVSWITCHConnectInfoGroup, rwReqInfoGroup, rwReqBindingTokenGroup, rwFlowbasedDecInfoGroup, rwNatActionGroup, rwAppChrgInfoGroup, rwUserBasedDecInfoGroup, rwNetworClassGroup, rwDirFluxGroup, rwStateReportGroup, rwRprtBearChrgInfoGroup} ::= { rwCompliances 1 } rwDecCapGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { RwDecCapAppChrgIds, RwDecCapFlowIds } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the Decision capabilities." ::= { rwGroups 1 } rwDecCapACKGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { RwDecCapACKEnable, RwDecCapACKChrgIds, RwDecCapACKFlowIds } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe capabilities which PE-PE is acceptable." ::= { rwGroups 2 } rwEventIndicatorGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwEventIndicator, rwEventIndicatornext } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the query and notification of a transport event." ::= { rwGroups 3 } rwFlowDescGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwFlowDescSingleFlowInfo, rwFlowDescConnectInfo, rwFlowDescNext } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the information of a list flows in a session." ::= { rwGroups 4 } rwSingleFlowInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwSingleFlowInfoFlowId, rwSingleFlowInfoFlowTermination, rwSingleFlowInfoAddressRealm, rwSingleFlowInfoLatchingIndication, rwSingleFlowInfoFirewallmodeIndication, rwSingleFlowInfoFlowDirDesc } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the information of a flow,including QoS information, NAT information and path selection information,etc." ::= { rwGroups 5 } rwFlowTerminationGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwFlowTermination } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the side information of a flow(access or core)." ::= { rwGroups 6 } rwFlowAddressRealmGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwFlowAddressRealmAddressRealm } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the realm information of a flow's source and destination address." ::= { rwGroups 7 } rwFlowLatchingIndicationGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwFlowLatchingIndicationLatchingIndication } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the latching information of a flow(latching or relatch)." ::= { rwGroups 8 } rwFlowFirewallModeIndicationGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwFlowFirewallModeIndication } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the information for dynamic firewall working mode selection." ::= { rwGroups 9 } rwFlowDirDescGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwFlowDirDescInfo, rwFlowDirDescFluxInfo, rwFlowDirDescNext } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the Qos and NAT information of flow." ::= { rwGroups 10 } rwFlowInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwFlowInfoDirection, rwFlowInfoFilter, rwFlowInfoFilterStatus, rwFlowInfoServiceType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the filter information of a flow." ::= { rwGroups 11 } rwFilterGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwFilterDstAddrType, rwFilterDstAddr, rwFilterDstPrefixLength, rwFilterSrcAddrType, rwFilterSrcAddr, rwFilterSrcPrefixLength, rwFilterDscp, rwFilterProtocol, rwFilterDstL4PortMin, rwFilterDstL4PortMax, rwFilterSrcL4PortMin, rwFilterSrcL4PortMax } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the information of a filter." ::= { rwGroups 12 } rwFluxInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwFluxInfoBandwidthUnit, rwFluxInfoPeakBandwidth, rwFluxInfoAverageBandwidth, rwFluxInfoMaxPktLength } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the bandwidth information." ::= { rwGroups 13 } rwVSWITCHFluxInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwVSWITCHFluxInfoBaseFluxInfo, rwVSWITCHFluxInfoFlowPriority, rwVSWITCHFluxInfoCarFlag, rwVSWITCHFluxInfoBroadcastBateFlag, rwVSWITCHFluxInfoPathBackupFlag } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the flux information of a flow." ::= { rwGroups 14 } rwMPLSConnectInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwMPLSConnectInfoPathMTU, rwMPLSConnectInfoMPLSStack } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the MPLS LSP information." ::= { rwGroups 15 } rwMPLSLabelGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwMPLSLabelValue, rwMPLSLabelNext } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the MPLS label stack." ::= { rwGroups 16 } rwVSWITCHConnectInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwVSWITCHConnectInfoSrcIFName, rwVSWITCHConnectInfoSrcVlanID, rwVSWITCHConnectInfoSrcVlanIDQinQ, rwVSWITCHConnectInfoDstIFName, rwVSWITCHConnectInfoDstVlanID, rwVSWITCHConnectInfoDstVlanIDQinQ } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the information of the VSWITCH connection." ::= { rwGroups 17 } rwReqInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwReqInfoIPAddrType, rwReqInfoIPAddress, rwReqInfoUserId, rwReqInfoMacAddr, rwReqInfoPhyInfo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the physical and/or logical connection of the access transport network that the CPE is attached to." ::= { rwGroups 18 } rwReqBindingTokenGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwReqBindingTokenValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the authorization token which is used for pull scenario using this authorization token as binding mechanism." ::= { rwGroups 19} rwFlowbasedDecInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwFlowBasedDecInfoRequestPriority, rwFlowBasedDecInfoFlowDesc, rwFlowBasedDecInfoNatAction, rwFlowBasedDecInfoEventIndicator, rwFlowBasedDecAppChrgIds } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the information QoS policy and/or NAT request." ::= { rwGroups 20 } rwNatActionGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwNatAction, rwNatActionNext } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the NAT type." ::= { rwGroups 21} rwAppChrgInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwAppChrgInfoValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the Application charging Info." ::= { rwGroups 22 } rwUserBasedDecInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwUserBasedDecInfoUserId, rwUserBasedDecInfoPolicyId, rwUserBasedDecInfoNetworkClass, rwUserBasedDecInfoDirFlux } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the user-based policy." ::= { rwGroups 23 } rwNetworClassGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwNetworkClass } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe network service class subscribed by a CPE." ::= { rwGroups 24 } rwDirFluxGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwDirFluxDirection, rwDirFluxInfo, rwDirFluxNext } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe uplink and/or downlink bandwidth information subscribed by a CPE." ::= { rwGroups 25 } rwStateReportGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwStateReportStatus, rwStateReportDetails } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the Decision enforcement result or the notification of transport event." ::= { rwGroups 26 } rwRprtBearChrgInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { rwRprtBearChrgInfoAddrType, rwRprtBearChrgInfoAddr, rwRprtBearChrgInfoChrgId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Group defines the PIB Objects that describe the information of the bearer Charging Identifier and PE-PE address." ::= { rwGroups 27 } END