-- MIB module extracted from ITU-T J.460.4 (06/2008)

CL-PKTC-EUE-RST-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC pktcApplicationMibs FROM CLAB-DEF-MIB PktcEUETCActStatus, PktcEUETCActStatusInfo, PktcEUETCUsrAppIndexType FROM CL-PKTC-EUE-TC-MIB pktcEUEDevOpIndex FROM CL-PKTC-EUE-DEV-MIB; pktcEUERSTMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200711060000Z" ORGANIZATION "Cable Television Laboratories, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Sumanth Channabasappa Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. 858 Coal Creek Circle, Louisville, CO 80027, USA Phone: +1 303-661-9100 Email: sumanth@cablelabs.com Acknowledgements: Thomas Clack, Broadcom - Primary author John Berg, CableLabs Satish Kumar, Texas Instruments, and members of the PacketCable PACM Focus Team." DESCRIPTION "This MIB module contains configuration MIB objects for supporting RST Features specified in the PacketCable RST specification." ::= { pktcApplicationMibs 2 } -- Administrative assignments pktcEUERSTNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTMIB 0 } pktcEUERSTObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTMIB 1 } pktcEUERSTConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTMIB 2 } pktcEUERSTCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTConformance 1 } pktcEUERSTGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTConformance 2 } -- MIB Objects pktcEUERSTProfile OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTObjects 1 } pktcEUERSTFeatures OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTObjects 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Textual Conventions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- PktcRSTTCTONEANNC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL CONVENTION is being defined as a way of indicating the announcement. If it is an URI, it is represented as a hex string representing the URI." REFERENCE "PacketCable RST Feature Specification" SYNTAX OCTET STRING PktcRSTTCFeatID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL CONVENTION is being defined as a way to enumerate the RST features." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), digitMap(2), basicCall(3), announcement(4), statusChange(5), noAnsTimeout(6), callerId(7), callerIdDisplay(8), callerIdBlocking(9), callerIdDelivery(10), callForwarding(11), callWaiting(12), callHold(13), callTransfer(14), threeWayCalling(15), doNotDisturb(16), subscriberPIN(17), msgWaitIndicator(18), autoRecall(19), autoCallback(20), busyLineVerify(21), emergencySvc(22), scf(23) } PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This TEXTUAL CONVENTION is being defined to indicate any indices related to RST Application Features. Such an instance can be referenced across tables to indicate an association." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- eUE Profile Information -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTProfileVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString(SIZE(0..6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object represents the RST Profile Version for this MIB module. The eUE MUST set this MIB Object to a value of '1.0'." ::= { pktcEUERSTProfile 1 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The Application Profile to Features Map Table -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table specifies RST profiles that can be associated with Users supporting the RST application." ::= { pktcEUERSTProfile 2 } pktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table specifies an RST profile associated with a set of RST features. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTAppProfileIndex, pktcEUERSTAppFeatIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatTable 1 } PktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTAppProfileIndex PktcEUETCUsrAppIndexType, pktcEUERSTAppFeatIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTAppFeatID PktcRSTTCFeatID, pktcEUERSTAppFeatIndexRef PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTAppNwActStat PktcEUETCActStatus, pktcEUERSTAppNwActStatInfo PktcEUETCActStatusInfo, pktcEUERSTAppEUEActStat PktcEUETCActStatus, pktcEUERSTAppEUEActStatInfo PktcEUETCActStatusInfo, pktcEUERSTAppStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTAppProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCUsrAppIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object identifies an instance of an RST application profile." ::= { pktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTAppFeatIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object identifies a specific RST feature instance." ::= { pktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTAppFeatID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcRSTTCFeatID MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The MIB Object identifies a specific RST feature, as specified by PacketCable RST." ::= { pktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTAppFeatIndexRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The MIB Object identifies an index into the RST feature table identified by the MIB Object pktcEUERSTAppFeatID. A value of '0' is reserved and is used to either identify a global feature configuration, or when no configuration data is specified for the feature. For example, the value of this object MUST be set to '0' for a feature that has no associated additional configuration table. Setting the value to '0' in any other cases will result in feature configuration error." ::= { pktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatEntry 4 } pktcEUERSTAppNwActStat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCActStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this feature as determined by the Network." DEFVAL {true} ::= { pktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatEntry 5 } pktcEUERSTAppNwActStatInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCActStatusInfo MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object MAY provide more information about the status reported by the MIB Object pktcEUERSTAppNwActStat." DEFVAL {""} ::= { pktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatEntry 6 } pktcEUERSTAppEUEActStat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCActStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this feature as determined by the eUE." DEFVAL {true} ::= { pktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatEntry 7 } pktcEUERSTAppEUEActStatInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCActStatusInfo MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object MAY provide more information about the status reported by the MIB Object pktcEUERSTAppUEActStat." DEFVAL {""} ::= { pktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatEntry 8 } pktcEUERSTAppStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object defines the row status associated with this particular application profile in the MIB table. An entry in this table is not qualified for activation until the object instances of all corresponding columns have been initialized, either by default values or via explicit SET operations. Until all object instances in this row are initialized, the status value for this realm must be 'notReady(3)'. In particular, two columnar objects must be SET: the 'pktcEUERSTAppFeatID' and 'pktcEUERSTAppFeatIndexRef'. Once these two objects have been set the row status may be SET to 'active(1)'. The eUE MUST not allow these two objects to be changed while the row is 'active'. The value of this object has no effect on whether other columnar objects in this row can be modified." ::= { pktcEUERSTAppProfileToFeatEntry 9 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The Digit Map -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTDigitMapFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTProfile 3 } -- Digit Map Timers are per UE pktcEUERSTDMTimerT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides the Digit Map Timer T." ::= { pktcEUERSTDigitMapFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTDMTimerS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides the Digit Map Timer S." ::= { pktcEUERSTDigitMapFeat 2 } pktcEUERSTDMTimerL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides the Digit Map Timer L." ::= { pktcEUERSTDigitMapFeat 3 } pktcEUERSTDMTimerZ OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides the Digit Map Timer Z." ::= { pktcEUERSTDigitMapFeat 4 } -- ------------------------------------------ -- Digit Map Profile Table -- ------------------------------------------ pktcEUERSTDigitMapProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTDigitMapProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table provides a Digit Map Profile. A Digit Map Profile may be shared by multiple Users" ::= { pktcEUERSTDigitMapFeat 5 } pktcEUERSTDigitMapProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTDigitMapProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry in this table provides a digit map profile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTDMIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTDigitMapProfileTable 1 } PktcEUERSTDigitMapProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTDMIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTDMValue OCTET STRING, pktcEUERSTDMStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTDMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTDigitMapProfileEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTDMValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..8192)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object specifies the ABNF for the Digit Map. Refer to the PacketCable RST Feature Specification for representation and validation details." REFERENCE "PacketCable RST Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTDigitMapProfileEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTDMStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTDigitMapProfileEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The Basic Call Features -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): Table "Basic Call Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTBasicCallFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 1 } -- The USER Basic-Call Feature Table pktcEUERSTBasicCallTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTBasicCallEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the Basic Call Feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTBasicCallFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTBasicCallEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTBasicCallEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a Basic Call Feature parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTBCallIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTBasicCallTable 1 } PktcEUERSTBasicCallEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTBCallIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTBCallSDP SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTBCallStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTBCallIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTBasicCallEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTBCallSDP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the SDP parameters and value." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTBasicCallEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTBCallStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTBasicCallEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The NETWORK Basic-Call Feature Table -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): Table "Basic Call Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents Network-based parameters associated with the Basic Call Feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTBasicCallFeat 2 } pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an Network Service Provider with a Basic Call Feature parameter." INDEX { pktcEUEDevOpIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallTable 1 } PktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTNfBCallByeDelay Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfBCallOrigDTTimer Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfBCallTermOHErrSig PktcRSTTCTONEANNC, pktcEUERSTNfBCallTermErrSigTimer Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTone1 PktcRSTTCTONEANNC, pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTimer1 Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTone2 PktcRSTTCTONEANNC, pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTimer2 Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTone3 PktcRSTTCTONEANNC, pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTimer3 Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfBCallLORTimer Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfBCallNEMDSCPValue Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfBCallStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTNfBCallByeDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Bye Delay in seconds." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTNfBCallOrigDTTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Origination Mode Dial Tone Timer in seconds." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTNfBCallTermOHErrSig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcRSTTCTONEANNC MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Termination Mode Off-Hook error signal." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTNfBCallTermErrSigTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Termination Mode error signal timer in seconds." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry 4 } pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTone1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcRSTTCTONEANNC MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Permanent Sequence tone 1." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry 5 } pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTimer1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Permanent Sequence timer 1 in seconds." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry 6 } pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTone2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcRSTTCTONEANNC MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Permanent Sequence tone 2." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry 7 } pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTimer2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Permanent Sequence timer 2 in seconds." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry 8 } pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTone3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcRSTTCTONEANNC MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Permanent Sequence tone 3." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry 9 } pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTimer3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Permanent Sequence timer 3 in seconds." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry 10 } pktcEUERSTNfBCallLORTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Lockout Reset timer in seconds." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry 11 } pktcEUERSTNfBCallNEMDSCPValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Non-Emergency media DSCP Value." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry 12 } pktcEUERSTNfBCallStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBasicCallEntry 13 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Announcement Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): Table "Announcement Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTAncFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 2 } -- The USER Announcement Feature Table pktcEUERSTAncTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTAncEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the Announcement Feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTAncFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTAncEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTAncEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with an Announcement Feature parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTAncIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTAncTable 1 } PktcEUERSTAncEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTAncIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTAncPrefLang SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTAncStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTAncIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTAncEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTAncPrefLang OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the preferred language for the UE announcement." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAncEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTAncStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTAncEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The NETWORK Announcement Call Feature Table -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): Table "Announcement Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTNfAncTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTNfAncEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents Network-based parameters associated with the Announcement Feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTAncFeat 2 } pktcEUERSTNfAncEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTNfAncEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an Network Service Provider with a Announcement Feature parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUEDevOpIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncTable 1 } PktcEUERSTNfAncEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTNfAncRes SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTNfAncDomain SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTNfAncPath SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTNfAncMIMEType SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTNfAncStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTNfAncRes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Announcement Resource URI for the media server" REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTNfAncDomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Announcement Domain." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTNfAncPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Announcement Path." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTNfAncMIMEType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Announcement MIME type." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncEntry 4 } pktcEUERSTNfAncStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncEntry 5 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The NETWORK Announcement Map Feature Table -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): Table "Announcement Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTNfAncMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTNfAncMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents the network-based announcement MAP entries" REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAncFeat 3 } pktcEUERSTNfAncMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTNfAncMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents the network-based announcement MAP entries. Each entry in this table represents the Announcement MAP entry URI corresponding to a response code. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" INDEX {pktcEUEDevOpIndex, pktcEUERSTNfAncMapRspCode} ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncMapTable 1 } PktcEUERSTNfAncMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTNfAncMapRspCode Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfAncMapURI SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTNfAncMapStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTNfAncMapRspCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..32000) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Response code." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncMapEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTNfAncMapURI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Announcement Map entry. A string identifying the URI for response code." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncMapEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTNfAncMapStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncMapEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The NETWORK Announcement Media Map Feature Table -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): Table "Announcement Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTNfAncMediaMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents the network-based announcement Media MAP entries" REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAncFeat 4 } pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTNfAncMediaMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents the announcement Media MAP entries. Each entry in this table represents the Announcement Media MAP entry URI corresponding to an announcement identifier. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" INDEX {pktcEUEDevOpIndex, pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaId} ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaMapTable 1 } PktcEUERSTNfAncMediaMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaId SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaURI SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaCachMaxAge Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the announcement Identifier." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaMapEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaURI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Announcement Media Map entry. A string identifying the URI for announcement identifier." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaMapEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaCachMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Announcement Media Cache maximum age in seconds." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaMapEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaMapEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The NETWORK Announcement Local Media Feature Table -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): Table "Local Media" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTNfAncLocalMediaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTNfAncLocalMediaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents the network-based Local Media entries" REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAncFeat 5 } pktcEUERSTNfAncLocalMediaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTNfAncLocalMediaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this table represents the Local Media entries. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX {pktcEUEDevOpIndex, pktcEUERSTNfAncLclMediaURI} ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncLocalMediaTable 1 } PktcEUERSTNfAncLocalMediaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTNfAncLclMediaURI SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTNfAncLclMediaType SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTNfAncLclMediaData SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTNfAncLclMediaStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTNfAncLclMediaURI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Local Media entry. A string identifying the URI for the Local Media." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncLocalMediaEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTNfAncLclMediaType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Media Type entry." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncLocalMediaEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTNfAncLclMediaData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Media Data entry." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncLocalMediaEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTNfAncLclMediaStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTNfAncLocalMediaEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST UE ActStatus Change Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "UE ActStatus Change Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 3 } -- The USER UE ActStatus Change Feature Table pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTUEActStatChgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the UE ActStatus Change Feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTUEActStatChgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a UE ActStatus Change Feature parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgTable 1 } PktcEUERSTUEActStatChgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgRegExp Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgRegExp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the UE ActStatus Registration expiration in seconds." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST No Answer Timeout Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "No Answer Timeout Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTNoAnsTimeoutFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 4 } -- The USER No Answer timeout Feature Table pktcEUERSTNoAnsTimeoutTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTNoAnsTimeoutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the No Answer Timeout Feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTNoAnsTimeoutFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTNoAnsTimeoutEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTNoAnsTimeoutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a No Answer Timeout Feature parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTNoAnsTOIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTNoAnsTimeoutTable 1 } PktcEUERSTNoAnsTimeoutEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTNoAnsTOIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTNoAnsTODuration Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNoAnsTOStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTNoAnsTOIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTNoAnsTimeoutEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTNoAnsTODuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the No Answer Timeout Duration in seconds." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNoAnsTimeoutEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTNoAnsTOStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTNoAnsTimeoutEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Caller ID Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): " Caller ID Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTCallerIdFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 5 } -- The USER Caller ID Feature Table pktcEUERSTCIDTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTCIDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the Caller ID Feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallerIdFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTCIDEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTCIDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a Caller ID Feature parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTCIDIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDTable 1 } PktcEUERSTCIDEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTCIDIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTCIDPPS INTEGER, pktcEUERSTCIDStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTCIDIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTCIDPPS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { anonymous(1), public(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Permanent Presentation ActStatus." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTCIDStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Caller ID Display Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "Caller ID Display Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTCIDDisFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 6 } -- The USER Caller ID Display Feature Table pktcEUERSTCIDDisTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTCIDDisEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the Caller ID Display Feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDDisFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTCIDDisEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTCIDDisEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a Caller ID Display Feature parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTCIDDisIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDDisTable 1 } PktcEUERSTCIDDisEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTCIDDisIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTCIDDisCNDActStat TruthValue, pktcEUERSTCIDDisCNAMDActStat TruthValue, pktcEUERSTCIDDisDefCountry SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTCIDDisStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTCIDDisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDDisEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTCIDDisCNDActStat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the activation status for Calling Number Display (CND)." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDDisEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTCIDDisCNAMDActStat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the activation status for Calling Name Display (CNAMD)." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDDisEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTCIDDisDefCountry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies default country code." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDDisEntry 4 } pktcEUERSTCIDDisStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDDisEntry 5 } -- A static object pktcEUERSTCIDDisTimeAdj OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the adjustment from location invariant time to time at current location. The time delta in minutes." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDDisFeat 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Caller ID Per Call Blocking Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "Caller ID Per-Call Blocking Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTCIDCallBlkFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 7 } -- The USER Caller Call Block Feature Table pktcEUERSTCallBlkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTCallBlkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the Call Block Feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDCallBlkFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTCallBlkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTCallBlkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a Call Block Feature parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTCIDBlkIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTCallBlkTable 1 } PktcEUERSTCallBlkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTCIDBlkIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTCIDCBlkConfTone PktcRSTTCTONEANNC, pktcEUERSTCIDCBlkErrTone PktcRSTTCTONEANNC, pktcEUERSTCIDCBlkStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTCIDBlkIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallBlkEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTCIDCBlkConfTone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcRSTTCTONEANNC MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the confirmation tone after vertical feature code." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCallBlkEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTCIDCBlkErrTone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcRSTTCTONEANNC MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the error tone after vertical feature code failure." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCallBlkEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTCIDCBlkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallBlkEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Caller ID Per Call Delivery Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "Caller ID Per-Call Delivery Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTCIDCallDelFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 8 } -- The USER Caller Call Delivery Feature Table pktcEUERSTCallDelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTCallDelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the Call Delivery Feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTCIDCallDelFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTCallDelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTCallDelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a Call Delivery Feature parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTCIDDelIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTCallDelTable 1 } PktcEUERSTCallDelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTCIDDelIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTCIDDelConfTone PktcRSTTCTONEANNC, pktcEUERSTCIDDelErrTone PktcRSTTCTONEANNC, pktcEUERSTCIDDelStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTCIDDelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallDelEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTCIDDelConfTone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcRSTTCTONEANNC MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the confirmation tone after vertical feature code." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCallDelEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTCIDDelErrTone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcRSTTCTONEANNC MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the error tone after vertical feature code failure." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCallDelEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTCIDDelStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallDelEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Call Forwarding Variable Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "Call Forwarding Variable Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTCFwdFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 9 } -- The USER Call Forwarding Feature Table pktcEUERSTCallFwdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTCallFwdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the Call Forwarding Feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTCFwdFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTCallFwdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTCallFwdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a Call Forwarding Feature parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTCallFwdIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTCallFwdTable 1 } PktcEUERSTCallFwdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTCallFwdIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTCallFwdRingReminder TruthValue, pktcEUERSTCallFwdSubDuration Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTCallFwdStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTCallFwdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallFwdEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTCallFwdRingReminder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Call Forward Ring Reminder." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCallFwdEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTCallFwdSubDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the subscription duration in seconds." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCallFwdEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTCallFwdStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallFwdEntry 4 } -- The NETWORK Call Forwarding Feature Table pktcEUERSTNfCallFwdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTNfCallFwdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents the network-based Call Forwarding entries" REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCFwdFeat 2 } pktcEUERSTNfCallFwdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTNfCallFwdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this table represents the Call Forwarding entries. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX {pktcEUEDevOpIndex} ::= { pktcEUERSTNfCallFwdTable 1 } PktcEUERSTNfCallFwdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTNfCallFwdSpDialTone TruthValue, pktcEUERSTNfCallFwdStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTNfCallFwdSpDialTone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the special conditions dial tone when forwarded indicator." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfCallFwdEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTNfCallFwdStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTNfCallFwdEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Call Waiting Feature Data -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "Call Waiting Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTCallWaitFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 10 } -- The USER Call Waiting Feature Table pktcEUERSTCallWaitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTCallWaitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the Call Waiting Feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallWaitFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTCallWaitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTCallWaitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a Call Waiting Feature parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTCWIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTCallWaitTable 1 } PktcEUERSTCallWaitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTCWIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTCWDisStarCode SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTCWStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTCWIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallWaitEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTCWDisStarCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the per call call-waiting disable star code." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCallWaitEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTCWStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallWaitEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Call Hold Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "Call Hold Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTCallHoldFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 11 } -- The USER Call Hold Feature Table pktcEUERSTCallHoldTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTCallHoldEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the Call Hold Feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallHoldFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTCallHoldEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTCallHoldEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a Call Hold Feature parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTCHIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTCallHoldTable 1 } PktcEUERSTCallHoldEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTCHIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTCHFeatCode SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTCHFeatConfirm PktcRSTTCTONEANNC, pktcEUERSTCHStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTCHIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallHoldEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTCHFeatCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Call Hold Feature Code." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCallHoldEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTCHFeatConfirm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcRSTTCTONEANNC MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the feature activation/deactivation confirmation indicator." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCallHoldEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTCHStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallHoldEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Call Transfer Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "Call Transfer Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTCallXfrFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 12 } -- The USER Call Transfer Feature Table pktcEUERSTCallXfrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTCallXfrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the Call Hold Transfer for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallXfrFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTCallXfrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTCallXfrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a Call Hold Transfer parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTCXIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTCallXfrTable 1 } PktcEUERSTCallXfrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTCXIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTCXNtfyTimeout Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTCXStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTCXIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallXfrEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTCXNtfyTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Notify Timeout in seconds." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTCallXfrEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTCXStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTCallXfrEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc 3WC Feature Data -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "3WC Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- No extension objects for this feature -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Do Not Disturb Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "DND Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTDnDFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 13 } -- The USER Do Not Disturb Feature Table pktcEUERSTDnDTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTDnDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the Do Not Disturb feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTDnDFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTDnDEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTDnDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a Do Not Disturb parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTDnDIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTDnDTable 1 } PktcEUERSTDnDEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTDnDIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTDnDActConfirm PktcRSTTCTONEANNC, pktcEUERSTDnDDeActConfirm PktcRSTTCTONEANNC, pktcEUERSTDnDStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTDnDIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTDnDEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTDnDActConfirm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcRSTTCTONEANNC MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Feature Activation Confirmation Indicator." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTDnDEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTDnDDeActConfirm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcRSTTCTONEANNC MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Feature Deactivation Confirmation Indicator." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTDnDEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTDnDStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTDnDEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Subscriber Programmable PIN Feature Data -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "Subscriber Programmable PIN Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- No extension objects for this feature -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST MWI Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "MWI Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTMWIFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 14 } -- The NETWORK MWI Feature Table pktcEUERSTNfMWITable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTNfMWIEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents the network-based MWI entries" REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTMWIFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTNfMWIEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTNfMWIEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this table represents the MWI feature entries. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX {pktcEUEDevOpIndex} ::= { pktcEUERSTNfMWITable 1 } PktcEUERSTNfMWIEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTNfMWISubDuration Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfMWIStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTNfMWISubDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the MWI Subscription duration." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfMWIEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTNfMWIStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTNfMWIEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Auto Recall Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "Auto Recall Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTAutoRclFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 15 } -- The USER Auto Recall Feature Table pktcEUERSTAutoRclTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTAutoRclEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the Auto Recall feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoRclFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTAutoRclEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTAutoRclEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a Auto Recall parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTARIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoRclTable 1 } PktcEUERSTAutoRclEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTARIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTARTimer Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTARSpRngDuration Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTARSpRngRetryTime Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTARSpRngRetries Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTARMaxSubSend Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTARMaxSubRec Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTARStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTARIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoRclEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTARTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..30) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the auto recall timer. This is minutes of feature duration." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" DEFVAL {30} ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoRclEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTARSpRngDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the auto recall special ring duration. This is the number of special ringing ring cycles." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoRclEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTARSpRngRetryTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the auto recall special ringing retry wait interval. This is seconds to wait between attempts to alert the user with special ringing." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoRclEntry 4 } pktcEUERSTARSpRngRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the number of auto recall special ringing retries. This is the number of times to retry special ringing before canceling the AR request." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoRclEntry 5 } pktcEUERSTARMaxSubSend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the maximum number of simultaneous subscribes the UE should send." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoRclEntry 6 } pktcEUERSTARMaxSubRec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the maximum number of simultaneous subscriptions the UE should honor." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoRclEntry 7 } pktcEUERSTARStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoRclEntry 8 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Auto Callback Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "Auto Callback Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTAutoCbFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 16 } -- The USER Auto Callback Feature Table pktcEUERSTAutoCbTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTAutoCbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the Auto Callback feature for the RST Service." ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoCbFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTAutoCbEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTAutoCbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a Auto Callback parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTACbIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoCbTable 1 } PktcEUERSTAutoCbEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTACbIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTACbTimer Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTACbSpRngDuration Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTACbSpRngRetryTime Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTACbSpRngRetries Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTACbMaxSubSend Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTACbMaxSubRec Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTACbStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTACbIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoCbEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTACbTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..30) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the auto callback timer. This is minutes of feature duration. 0-30min. Default=30" REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" DEFVAL {30} ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoCbEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTACbSpRngDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the auto callback special ring duration. This is the number of special ringing ring cycles." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoCbEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTACbSpRngRetryTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the auto callback special ringing retry wait interval. This is seconds to wait between attempts to alert the user with special ringing." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoCbEntry 4 } pktcEUERSTACbSpRngRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the number of auto callback special ringing retries. This is the number of times to retry special ringing before canceling the AR request." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoCbEntry 5 } pktcEUERSTACbMaxSubSend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the maximum number of simultaneous subscribes the UE should send.." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoCbEntry 6 } pktcEUERSTACbMaxSubRec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the maximum number of simultaneous subscriptions the UE should honor." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoCbEntry 7 } pktcEUERSTACbStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTAutoCbEntry 8 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Busy Line Verify Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "Busy Line Verify Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTBusyLineVFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 17 } -- The NETWORK Busy Line Verify Feature Table pktcEUERSTNfBusyLineVTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTNfBusyLineVEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents the network-based Busy Line Verify Feature entries" REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTBusyLineVFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTNfBusyLineVEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTNfBusyLineVEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this table represents the Busy Line Verify feature entries. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX {pktcEUEDevOpIndex} ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBusyLineVTable 1 } PktcEUERSTNfBusyLineVEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTNfBLVOperId SnmpAdminString, pktcEUERSTNfBLVStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTNfBLVOperId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Busy Line Verify Operator Id." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBusyLineVEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTNfBLVStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTNfBusyLineVEntry 2 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST Emergency Services Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "Emergency Services Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTEmSvcFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 18 } -- The NETWORK Emergency Services Feature Table pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTNfEmSvcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents the network-based Emergency Services Feature entries" REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTEmSvcFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTNfEmSvcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this table represents the Emergency Services feature entries. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX {pktcEUEDevOpIndex} ::= { pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcTable 1 } PktcEUERSTNfEmSvcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcNwHoldTimer Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcHowlTimer Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcMediaDSCPVal Unsigned32, pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcNwHoldTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Emergency Services network hold timer in minutes." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" DEFVAL {45} ::= { pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcHowlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Emergency Services howler timer in seconds. " REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" DEFVAL {3} ::= { pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcMediaDSCPVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This MIB Object specifies the Emergency Services emergency media DSCP value." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcEntry 3 } pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcEntry 4 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pktc EUE RST SCF Feature Profile -- Ref (PacketCable RST specification): "SCF Feature Data" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTSCFFeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTFeatures 19 } -- The USER Call Forwarding Feature Table pktcEUERSTSCFTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PktcEUERSTSCFEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data table represents User-based parameters associated with the RST SCF Feature." ::= { pktcEUERSTSCFFeat 1 } pktcEUERSTSCFEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUERSTSCFEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry in this data table describes an association of an user with a SCF parameter. Each entry in this table has StorageType of volatile." INDEX { pktcEUERSTSCFIndex } ::= { pktcEUERSTSCFTable 1 } PktcEUERSTSCFEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pktcEUERSTSCFIndex PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType, pktcEUERSTSCFRingReminder TruthValue, pktcEUERSTSCFStatus RowStatus } pktcEUERSTSCFIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PktcEUETCRSTAppFeatIndexType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This data element provides an index for the table. Values used for this index must be greater than zero and are not required to be sequential. This index value may be provided as data in other objects that reference this table." ::= { pktcEUERSTSCFEntry 1 } pktcEUERSTSCFRingReminder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This MIB Object specifies the Call Forward Ring Reminder." REFERENCE "PacketCable Residential SIP Telephony Feature Specification" ::= { pktcEUERSTSCFEntry 2 } pktcEUERSTSCFStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this conceptual row. There is no restriction on the ability to change values in this row while the row is active. A created row can be set to active only after all corresponding instances of objects in the row have been set to valid values." ::= { pktcEUERSTSCFEntry 3 } -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Conformance Information -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- pktcEUERSTMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTConformance 1 } pktcEUERSTMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pktcEUERSTConformance 2 } -- Compliance ActStatements pktcEUERSTMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for implementations of the RST Mib " MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { pktcEUERSTProfileGroup, pktcEUERSTBasicCallGroup, pktcEUERSTAncGroup, pktcEUERSTUEStGroup, pktcEUERSTNoAnsGroup, pktcEUERSTCallerIDGroup, pktcEUERSTCallFwdGroup, pktcEUERSTCallWaitGroup, pktcEUERSTCallHoldGroup, pktcEUERSTCallTransGroup, pktcEUERSTDNDGroup, pktcEUERSTMWIGroup, pktcEUERSTAutoRecallGroup, pktcEUERSTAutoCallbackGroup, pktcEUERSTBusyLineGroup, pktcEUERSTEmerSvcGroup, pktcEUERSTDigitMapGroup, pktcEUERSTAppProfileGroup } ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBCompliances 1 } pktcEUERSTProfileGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTProfileVersion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The eUE RST Profile Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 1} pktcEUERSTBasicCallGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTBCallSDP, pktcEUERSTBCallStatus, pktcEUERSTNfBCallByeDelay, pktcEUERSTNfBCallOrigDTTimer, pktcEUERSTNfBCallTermOHErrSig, pktcEUERSTNfBCallTermErrSigTimer, pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTone1, pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTimer1, pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTone2, pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTimer2, pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTone3, pktcEUERSTNfBCallPermSeqTimer3, pktcEUERSTNfBCallLORTimer, pktcEUERSTNfBCallNEMDSCPValue, pktcEUERSTNfBCallStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST Basic Call Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 2} pktcEUERSTAncGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTAncPrefLang, pktcEUERSTAncStatus, pktcEUERSTNfAncRes, pktcEUERSTNfAncDomain, pktcEUERSTNfAncPath, pktcEUERSTNfAncMIMEType, pktcEUERSTNfAncStatus, pktcEUERSTNfAncMapURI, pktcEUERSTNfAncMapStatus, pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaURI, pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaCachMaxAge, pktcEUERSTNfAncMediaStatus, pktcEUERSTNfAncLclMediaData, pktcEUERSTNfAncLclMediaType, pktcEUERSTNfAncLclMediaStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST Announcement Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 3} pktcEUERSTUEStGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgRegExp, pktcEUERSTUEActStatChgStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST UE ActStatus Change Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 4} pktcEUERSTNoAnsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTNoAnsTODuration, pktcEUERSTNoAnsTOStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST No Answer Timeout Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 5} pktcEUERSTCallerIDGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTCIDPPS, pktcEUERSTCIDStatus, -- CID Display pktcEUERSTCIDDisTimeAdj, pktcEUERSTCIDDisCNDActStat, pktcEUERSTCIDDisCNAMDActStat, pktcEUERSTCIDDisDefCountry, pktcEUERSTCIDDisStatus, -- CID per Blocking pktcEUERSTCIDCBlkConfTone, pktcEUERSTCIDCBlkErrTone, pktcEUERSTCIDCBlkStatus, -- CID per Delivery pktcEUERSTCIDDelConfTone, pktcEUERSTCIDDelErrTone, pktcEUERSTCIDDelStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST Caller ID Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 6} pktcEUERSTCallFwdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTCallFwdRingReminder, pktcEUERSTCallFwdSubDuration, pktcEUERSTCallFwdStatus, pktcEUERSTNfCallFwdSpDialTone, pktcEUERSTNfCallFwdStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST Call Forward Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 7} pktcEUERSTCallWaitGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTCWDisStarCode, pktcEUERSTCWStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST Call Waiting Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 8} pktcEUERSTCallHoldGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTCHFeatCode, pktcEUERSTCHFeatConfirm, pktcEUERSTCHStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST Call Hold Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 9} pktcEUERSTCallTransGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTCXNtfyTimeout, pktcEUERSTCXStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST Call Transfer Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 10} pktcEUERSTDNDGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTDnDActConfirm, pktcEUERSTDnDDeActConfirm, pktcEUERSTDnDStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST Do Not Disturb Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 11} pktcEUERSTMWIGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTNfMWISubDuration, pktcEUERSTNfMWIStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST MWI Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 12} pktcEUERSTAutoRecallGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTARTimer, pktcEUERSTARSpRngDuration, pktcEUERSTARSpRngRetryTime, pktcEUERSTARSpRngRetries, pktcEUERSTARMaxSubSend, pktcEUERSTARMaxSubRec, pktcEUERSTARStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST Auto Recall Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 13} pktcEUERSTAutoCallbackGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTACbTimer, pktcEUERSTACbSpRngDuration, pktcEUERSTACbSpRngRetryTime, pktcEUERSTACbSpRngRetries, pktcEUERSTACbMaxSubSend, pktcEUERSTACbMaxSubRec, pktcEUERSTACbStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST Auto Callback Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 14} pktcEUERSTBusyLineGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTNfBLVOperId, pktcEUERSTNfBLVStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST Busy Line Verify Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 15} pktcEUERSTEmerSvcGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcNwHoldTimer, pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcHowlTimer, pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcMediaDSCPVal, pktcEUERSTNfEmSvcStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RST Emergency Services Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 16} pktcEUERSTDigitMapGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTDMTimerT, pktcEUERSTDMTimerS, pktcEUERSTDMTimerL, pktcEUERSTDMTimerZ, pktcEUERSTDMValue, pktcEUERSTDMStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Digit Map Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 17} pktcEUERSTAppProfileGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTAppFeatID, pktcEUERSTAppFeatIndexRef, pktcEUERSTAppNwActStat, pktcEUERSTAppNwActStatInfo, pktcEUERSTAppEUEActStat, pktcEUERSTAppEUEActStatInfo, pktcEUERSTAppStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The App Profile Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 18} pktcEUERSTSCFProfileGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { pktcEUERSTSCFRingReminder, pktcEUERSTSCFStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SCF Profile Group." ::= { pktcEUERSTMIBGroups 19} END