-- XSD schema extracted from ITU-T H.761 (11/2014)

<!-- XML Schema for the NCL modules This is NCL Copyright: 2005 PUC-RIO/LABORATORIO TELEMIDIA, All Rights Reserved. See http://www.telemidia.puc-rio.br Public URI: http://www.ncl.org.br/NCL3.1/modules/NCL31PropertyAnchor.xsd Author: TeleMidia Laboratory Revision: 30/06/2013 Schema for the NCL Property Anchor module namespace. --> <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:propertyAnchor="http://www.ncl.org.br/NCL3.1/PropertyAnchor" targetNamespace="http://www.ncl.org.br/NCL3.1/PropertyAnchor" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" > <complexType name="propertyAnchorPrototype"> <attribute name="name" type="string" use="required" /> <attribute name="value" type="string" use="optional" /> <attribute name="externable" type="boolean" use="optional"/> </complexType> <!-- The following reserved words are used for properties'' names. * For audio media-obejcts: soundLevel; balanceLevel; trebleLevel; bassLevel. * For text media-objects: style, which refers to a style sheet with information for text presentation; textAlign; fontColor; fontFamily; fontStyle; fontSize; fontVariant; fontWeight. * For visual media-objects (any NCL media object, represented by a <media> element, whose content produces a visual presentation when the object is started): background, specifying the background color used to fill the area of a region displaying media; scroll, which allows the specification of how an author would like to configure the scroll in a region; fit, indicating how an object will be presented (hidden, fill, meet, meetBest, slice); transparency, indicating the degree of transparency of an object presentation (the value shall be between 0 and 1, or a real value in the range [0,100] ending with the character "%" (e.g. 30%)); visible, indicating if the presentation is to be seen or hidden; rgbChromakey; the object positioning parameters: top, left, bottom, right, width, height, zIndex, plane, plan, location, size and bounds; the focus movement parameters: moveLeft, moveRight, moveUp, moveDown, focusIndex; the other related focus parameters: focusBorderColor, selBorderColor, focusBorderWidth, focusBorderTransparency, focusSrc, and focusSelSrc; the transition parameters: transIn and transOut; the timing parameters: explicitDur and freeze; and the multiple device parameters: baseDeviceRegion and deviceClass. * For media-objects in general: player; reusePlayer, which determines if a new player shall be instantiated or if a player already instantiated shall be used; and playerLife, which specifies what will happen to the player instance at the end of the presentation. --> <!-- declare global elements in this module --> <element name="property" type="propertyAnchor:propertyAnchorPrototype"/> </schema>