Page 914 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 914

6                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

            Via the support of these activities, the application of adaptable home energy management can be

            I.3     Use case 3: Reliable health monitoring at home
            One of the procedures for reliable home health monitoring is illustrated in Figure I.3.

                       Figure I.3 – One of the procedures for reliable health monitoring at home

            Reliable  integrity  checking  involves  activities  for  checking  all  functions  to  avoid  any  possible
            default.  These  activities  can  be  realized  by  making  use  of  the  reliable  service  integrity  check
            capability numbered as C-5-3, the reliable data integrity check capability numbered as C-5-4, the
            reliable device integrity check capability numbered as C-5-5, the reliable security integrity check
            capability numbered as C-5-6 and the reliable user profile integrity check capability numbered as
            C-5-7 and specified in clause 9.2 of this Recommendation.

            Reliable  data  collection  involves  activities  for  gathering,  transferring  and  storing  data  of  health
            monitoring at home in a reliable way. These activities can be realized by making use of the reliable
            identification  based  connectivity  capability  numbered  as  C-6-1,  the  reliable  device  mobility
            capability numbered as C-6-2, the reliable autonomic data operation capability numbered as C-4-3,
            the  reliable  event-based  communication  capability  numbered  as  C-2-1,  the  reliable  periodic
            communication  capability  numbered  as  C-2-2  and  the  reliable  quality  of  service  enabling
            communication capability numbered as C-2-3 and specified in clause 9.2.

            Reliable data processing involves activities for processing data of health monitoring at home locally
            or remotely in a reliable way. These activities can be realized by making use of the reliable data
            processing  capability  numbered  as  C-4-1  and  the  reliable  distributed  processing  management
            capability numbered as C-5-1 and specified in clause 9.2.

            Reliable service provisioning involves activities for providing reliable service interfaces, managing
            users,  groups  and  services  in  a  reliable  way  and  providing  reliable  autonomic  services.  These
            activities can be realized by making use of the reliable user management capability numbered as
            C-3-5,  the  reliable  group  management  capability  numbered  as  C-3-2,  the  reliable  programmable
            interface provision capability numbered as C-3-1, the reliable mobility service capability numbered
            as  C-1-3  and  the  reliable  autonomic  service  capability  numbered  as  C-1-4  and  specified  in
            clause 9.2.
            Via  the  support  of  these  activities,  the  application  of  reliable  health  monitoring  at  home  can  be

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