Page 879 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 879

Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         6

            8       The adaptable application support model

            The adaptable application support model consists of the functional view, implementation view and
            deployment view and related capabilities.

            NOTE  1  –  The  three  views  of  the  application  support  model  can  be  used  to  derive  and  validate  the
            capabilities for support of adaptable applications of the IoT.
            NOTE 2 – "Adaptable" capabilities in this Recommendation refer to capabilities that can adjust themselves
            to make them suitable to their operating environment, including requirements of the IoT applications.

            8.1     The description of the adaptable application support model
            8.1.1   The functional view of the adaptable application support model

            The  functional  view  of  the  configurable  application  support  model  consists  of  the  adaptable
            application support group, the adaptable data management group, the adaptable service provision
            group, the adaptable communication group, the adaptable connectivity group and the interactions
            among these groups as illustrated in Figure 8-1. Each functional group contains related capabilities
            for support of the IoT adaptable applications. Each functional group contains related capabilities for
            support of the IoT adaptable applications.

                      Figure 8-1 – The functional view of the adaptable application support model

            The adaptable application support group is  related to  the adaptable data management  group,  the
            adaptable  service  provision  group,  the  adaptable  communication  group  and  the  adaptable
            connectivity group to expose their adaptable capabilities to the IoT applications.

            NOTE – Neither the adaptable management group nor the adaptable security and privacy protection group
            are specified in the functional view of the adaptable application support model, because the functions both in
            management group and in security and privacy protection group are not adaptable. The management group
            contains capabilities that can manage the capabilities of the adaptable application support model based on
            policies or rules predefined by human operators, in order to make these adaptable capabilities controllable by
            humans, the adaptable application support model does not contain capabilities of the management group.
            The security and privacy protection group contains capabilities that can secure the capabilities of
            the adaptable application support model and protect privacy in these adaptable capabilities based on
            the policies or rules predefined by human operators, in order to make these adaptable capabilities
            secured and privacy-protected strictly by humans, the adaptable application support model does not
            contain capabilities of the security and privacy protection group.

                                                                  Rec. ITU-T Y.4552/Y.2078 (02/2016)     865
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