Page 878 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 878

6                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

            The  configurable  time  synchronization  capability  enables  the  IoT  applications  to  configure  the
            parameters for synchronizing the time among related functional components with different degrees
            of  reliability,  in  order  to  support  global  or  local  time  stamping  for  applications  based  on  the
            different QoS requirements of the IoT applications [A-6-2].

            The configurable orchestration capability enables the IoT applications to configure the parameters
            for automatic coordination of service provisioning or device operations based on the requirements
            of the IoT applications [A-6-3].

            The  configurable  application  support  operation  acknowledgement  capability  enables  the  IoT
            applications  to  configure  the  parameters  for  acknowledging  the  correct  operations  requested  by
            applications in order to support reliable application operations in the IoT, based on the requirements
            of the IoT applications [A-6-4].

            7.2.7   Configurable management capabilities
            The configurable management capabilities enhance the management capabilities of the IoT basic
            capabilities specified in [ITU-T Y.4401], in order to enable IoT applications to configure the IoT
            management capabilities based on their requirements.

            The  configurable  management  capabilities  include  the  configurable  redundant  deployment
            enablement  capability,  the  configurable  service  integrity  check  capability,  the  configurable  data
            integrity  check  capability,  the  configurable  device  integrity  check  capability,  the  configurable
            security integrity check capability and the configurable user profile integrity check capability.

            The  configurable  redundant  deployment  enablement  capability  enables  the  IoT  applications  to
            configure deployment of redundant functional components of the IoT in order to provide different
            degrees of reliability required in communication, service provision and data management, based on
            the requirements of the IoT applications [A-7-1].
            The configurable service integrity check capability enables  the IoT applications to configure  the
            parameters for checking the service lifetime, the available resources required to provide the service
            in  order  to  provide  different  degrees  of  availability  in  service  provisioning,  based  on  the
            requirements of the IoT applications [A-7-2].
            The  configurable  data  integrity  check  capability  enables  the  IoT  applications  to  configure  the
            parameters for checking the data lifetime, the available attributes of the data and the consistency of
            data  in  order  to  provide  different  degrees  of  availability  in  data  management,  based  on  the
            requirements of the IoT applications [A-7-3].

            The  configurable  device  integrity  check  capability  enables  the  IoT  applications  to  configure  the
            parameters for checking the status of all device functions in order to provide different degrees of
            availability of IoT devices, based on the requirements of the IoT applications [A-7-4].

            The configurable security integrity check capability enables the IoT applications to configure the
            parameters for checking the consistency of security policies deployed in all functional components
            of the IoT in order to provide different degrees of availability in security  and privacy protection
            provisioning, based on the requirements of the IoT applications [A-7-5].
            The configurable user profile integrity check capability enables the IoT applications to configure
            the parameters for checking the lifetime, subscription, privacy protection and availability of services
            subscribed by users in order to provide different degrees of availability in service provisioning and
            privacy protection for users, based on the requirements of the IoT applications [A-7-6].

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