Page 869 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 869

Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         6

            5       Conventions

            In this Recommendation:
            The keywords  "is  required to"  indicate  a requirement which must be strictly  followed and from
            which no deviation is permitted if conformance to this document is to be claimed.
            The keywords "is recommended" indicate a requirement which is recommended but which is not
            absolutely required. Thus this requirement need not be present to claim conformance.
            The keywords "can optionally" and "may" indicate an optional requirement which is permissible,
            without implying any sense of being recommended.  These terms are not intended to imply that the
            vendor's implementation must provide the option and the feature can be optionally enabled by the
            network operator/service provider.  Rather, it means the vendor may optionally provide the feature
            and still claim conformance with the specification.

            6       Basis of IoT application support models

            6.1     Concepts and purpose of IoT application support models
            The IoT application support models refer to different sets of the IoT capabilities, including their
            relations,  which  can  support  IoT  applications  with  some  characteristic  requirements,  such  as
            application adaptability, reliability and manageability.

            NOTE 1 – The application characteristic requirements, as named in this Recommendation, are part of the
            common requirements as specified in [ITU-T Y.4100]. The application characteristic requirements refer to
            requirements  related  with  some  characteristics  of  IoT  applications,  such  as  the  adaptability  of  M2M
            applications, the reliability of e-health applications and the configurability of smart city applications.
            The IoT application support models are used to guide the design, implementation and deployment
            of  the  IoT  capabilities  to  fulfil  application  characteristic  requirements,  in  order  to  establish  a
            common  service  platform  [ITU-T  Y.4401]  for  support  of  IoT  applications  across  different
            application domains.
            NOTE  2  –  The  service  platform  established  by  implementing  and  deploying  capabilities  of  the  IoT
            application support models may be used to shorten the time period and reduce the cost of developing the IoT
            applications with characteristic requirements, such as configurable, adaptable, or reliable requirements, by
            making usage of the capabilities of the service platform. Appendix I describes some use cases from the smart
            home environment showing examples about the usage of the IoT application support models.
            In particular, the purposes of the IoT application support models are as follows: the first one is to
            specify  groups  of  IoT  capabilities  in  order  to  facilitate  the  selection  of  IoT  capabilities
            [ITU-T Y.4401]  for  the  support  of  IoT  applications  with  some  characteristic  requirements;  the
            second one is to derive, based on the selected IoT capabilities, other IoT capabilities, not explicitly
            identified  in  [ITU-T  Y.4401],  as  necessary  in  order  to  facilitate  the  design,  implementation  and
            deployment  of  the  IoT  capabilities  for  support  of  IoT  applications  with  some  characteristic

            In this Recommendation, the framework of the IoT application support models and three specific
            application  support  models:  the  adaptable  application  support  model,  the  reliable  application
            support model and the configurable application support model, are specified. Clause 6.2 provides
            the rationale for this classification of the IoT application support models.
            NOTE 3 –This Recommendation specifies only three application support models. Because of different IoT
            application characteristic requirements, different IoT application support models could be specified.  Other
            application  support  models  are  for  further  consideration  with  respect  to  other  relevant  characteristic
            requirements of IoT applications.

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