Page 774 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 774

5                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

            –       receives the positions or the tracking result of the audience-selected object of interest in each
                    frame of the main camera object when one of the camera objects is selected as a sub-camera

            –       receives the audience's selection information such as an object of interest selection, a main
                    camera object selection in a camera object group, a selection of an interested camera object
                    among multi-camera objects, video playback terminal selection, and camera object group
                    selection from the video playback terminal function;
            –       receives the camera control information such as pan-tilt-zoom values from camera pan-tilt-
                    zoom control FE of the camera control server function.

            8.2.3   Video transmission FE
            The video transmission FE:

            –       transmits a video stream of the main camera object selected by audience to the video playback
                    terminal function.

            8.3     Camera control server function
            The camera control server function:

            –       consists of main camera object management, camera object group management, and optional
                    camera pan-tilt-zoom control FEs.

            8.3.1   Main camera object management FE
            The main camera object management FE:

            –       receives the audience's main camera object selection information from the video playback
                    terminal function;

            –       updates the main camera object candidates in each camera object group for updating based
                    on the tracking results of the audience-selected object of interest transmitted from the object
                    of interest processing FE within appropriate intervals;
            –       recommends the main camera object candidates in each camera object group to the audiences
                    based on the tracking results of the object of interest when the main camera object needs to
                    be updated;
            –       notifies the audience's selection to the newly audience-selected main camera object in order
                    to track the selected object of interest and transmit an audience-selected video when the
                    audience's main camera object selection information is updated from the video playback
                    terminal function.

            8.3.2   Camera object group management FE
            The camera object group management FE:
            –       initially generates camera object groups according to each identified object of interest;

            –       classifies each camera object into its corresponding camera object group according to the
                    existence of identified objects of interest in camera objects;

            –       receives the position or the tracking result of the audience-selected object of interest in each
                    frame from all the camera objects in the group within appropriate time interval;

            –       updates  the  members  of  each  camera  object  group  based  on  the  tracking  result  of  each
                    audience-selected object of interest;

            –       notifies member updates in each camera object group to the audiences.

            760      Rec. ITU-T Y.4412/F.747.8 (11/2015)
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