Page 719 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 719

Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         5

                                                      Appendix I

                                           Deployment model with WoT
                          (This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)

            In [b-ITU-T Y.2063] the physical device on the WoT is divided into two categories: constrained
            device and fully-fledged device.
            •       constrained  device:  A  constrained  device  cannot  connect  to  the  Internet  and  has  no
                    functionality of the web. The device interacts with an agent of the WoT broker.
            •       fully-fledged device: A fully-fledged device has the functionalities of the web. The device
                    can interact, not only with the WoT broker, but also with the services on the web.

            The constrained device and the fully-fledged device do not have the device object and hence they
            correspond  to  the  non-basic  device  described  in  this  Recommendation.  The  constrained  device
            communicates with the HGW through the adapter then further communicates with the management
            PF. The fully-fledged device can also communicate with the management PF by way of the HGW.
            In this Recommendation, the HGW, which has the function of the resource information collector,
            manages  all  of  the  devices  connected  to  it  through  the  HN  including  constrained  devices  and
            fully-fledged devices.

            [b-ITU-T Y.2063] defines the WoT broker and the physical devices can be accessed as web resources
            through it from the application. Its functional architecture is divided into the service layer and the
            adaptation layer where the service layer corresponds to the management PF and the adaptation layer
            corresponds to the HGW in this Recommendation.
            The web adaption  function  of the WoT  broker supports only the adaptation of the  communications
            protocol to the web protocol for communication between the physical devices and the WoT services.
            Therefore the web broker supports the P-D reference point only in this Recommendation. Figure I.1 shows
            the deployment model in which the HGW is connected to a constrained device and a fully-fledged device.

                                       Figure I.1 – Deployment model with WoT
            The management PF provides the virtual devices to the application developers to be treated as web
            resources through the web-based application interface so that they can develop applications for the
            mash-up service defined in [b-ITU-T Y.2063], which is a combined service integrating WoT services
            in a WoT broker with web services outside of the WoT broker.

            In this way the architecture in this Recommendation provides the HEMS and the other HN services
            with the WoT.

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