Page 620 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
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5                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

            3.1.2   forward identifier resolution [ITU-T Y.2213]: A function to resolve an identifier into an
            associated information.
            3.1.3   ID  tag  [ITU-T  Y.2213]:  A  physical  object  which  stores  one  or  more  identifiers  and
            optionally application data such as name, title, price, address, etc.
            NOTE – It may have a communication capability with an ID terminal depending on implementations.

            3.1.4   ID terminal [ITU-T Y.2213]: A device with a data reading and optional writing capability
            which reads (and optionally writes) identifier(s) and optionally application data from/into an ID tag.

            NOTE – The data reading (and optionally writing) capability depends on implementations.
            3.1.5   identifier resolution [ITU-T Y.2213]: A function to resolve an identifier into associated
            information  (see  "Forward  identifier  resolution")  and  vice  versa  (see  "Reverse  identifier

            3.1.6   reference  point  [ITU-T  Y.2012]:  A  conceptual  point  at  the  conjunction  of  two
            non-overlapping  functional  entities  that  can  be  used  to  identify  the  type  of  information  passing
            between these functional entities.

            NOTE – A reference point may or may not correspond to one or more physical interfaces between pieces of
            3.1.7   reverse  identifier  resolution  (or  backward  identifier  resolution)  [ITU-T  Y.2213]:
            A function  to  resolve  an  associated  information  into  a  corresponding  identifier.  It  is  the  reverse
            operation of the forward identifier resolution.
            3.1.8   tag-based  identification  [ITU-T  Y.2213]:  The  process  of  specifically  identifying  a
            physical or logical object from other physical or logical objects by using identifiers stored on an ID

            3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation
            This Recommendation defines the following terms:

            3.2.1   functional architecture: A set of functional entities used to describe the structure of an
            NGN.  These  functional  entities  are  separated  by  reference  points,  and  thus,  they  define  the
            distribution  of  functions.  The  functional  entities  can  be  used  to  describe  a  set  of  reference
            configurations.  These  reference  configurations  identify  which  reference  points  are  visible  at  the
            boundaries of equipment implementations and between administrative domains.
            3.2.2   functional entity: An entity that comprises a specific set of functions at a given location.
            Functional entities are logical concepts, while groupings of functional entities are used to describe
            practical and physical implementations.
            3.2.3   identifier: An identifier is a series of digits, characters and symbols or any other form of
            data  used  to  identify  subscriber(s),  user(s),  network  element(s),  function(s),  network  entity(ies)
            providing services/applications, or other entities (e.g., physical or logical objects). Identifiers can be
            used for registration or authorization.

            NOTE – Identifier can be either public to all networks, shared between a limited number of networks or
            private to a specific network (private identifiers are normally not disclosed to third parties).

            4       Abbreviations and acronyms

            This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations:
            ABG-FE           Access Border Gateway Functional Entity
            AN-FE            Access Node Functional Entity

            ANI              Application Network Interface

            606      Rec. ITU-T Y4406/Y.2016 (08/2009)
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