Page 60 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 60

1                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

                                           Table 2 – Relation profile schema

                        Relation profile parameter                           Sub-parameter

             Capability set                                   Capability 1
                                                              Capability n
                                                              End of capability set
             Grouped machines                                 Machine ID 1
                                                              Machine ID n

                                                              End of machine ID
             Workgroup ID
             Task description
             Task processing schedule                         Process 1
                                                              Process start time
                                                              Process start condition
                                                              Allotted machine ID
                                                              Start time of function 1
                                                              Functions 1

                                                              Start time of function n
                                                              Function n
                                                              End of functions

                                                              Expected time of process termination
                                                              Interface parameters
                                                              Termination condition
                                                              End of process 1
                                                              Process 2
                                                              Process start time
                                                              Process start condition
                                                              Allotted machine ID

                                                              Start time of function 1
                                                              Functions 1
                                                              Start time of function n
                                                              Function n
                                                              End of functions
                                                              Expected time of process termination

                                                              Interface parameters
                                                              Ending condition
                                                              End of process 2

            46       Rec. ITU-T Y.4002/F.748.3 (11/2015)
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