Page 509 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 509

Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         5

                                      Table A.5 – List of management capabilities

              Capability     Capability                                      Related          Associated
               number           name           Capability summary        requirement(s)      component(s)

                C-5-1      Managing data    The capability of managing  Interoperability is   IoT data server
                           models for       data models for exchanging  required to be
                           exchanging data  data of things involves the   ensured among
                           of things        abilities of creating,     heterogeneous IoT
                                            querying and updating data   implementations.
                                            models for support of
                                            interoperability among IoT
                                            applications. This
                                            capability also includes the
                                            abilities of creating and
                                            updating data models for
                                            support of semantic
                                            interoperability among IoT
                C-5-2      Managing         The capability of managing  Interoperability is   Service manager,
                           service          service description involves  required to be    service platform
                           description      the abilities of creating,   ensured among
                                            querying and updating      heterogeneous IoT
                                            service description for    implementations.
                                            support of service
                C-5-3      Managing         The capability of managing  Interoperability is   Network
                           network          network configuration      required to be       manager,
                           configuration    involves the abilities of   ensured among       enhanced
                                            creating, querying and     heterogeneous IoT    transport network
                                            updating network           implementations.
                                            configuration for support of
                                            network interoperability.
                C-5-4      Managing         The capability of managing  Support for         Device manager,
                           device           device configuration       heterogeneous        IoT device, IoT
                           configuration    involves the abilities of   device related      gateway, end-
                                            creating, querying and     communication        user device
                                            updating network           technologies is
                                            configuration for support of  required.
                                            device interoperability.
                C-5-5      Managing         The capability of managing  Interoperability is   Service manager,
                           security policy   security policy involves the  required to be   network
                                            abilities of creating,     ensured among        manager, device
                                            querying and updating      heterogeneous IoT    manager
                                            security policy for support   implementations.
                                            of interoperability between
                                            different implementations
                                            of security policy.

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