Page 508 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 508

5                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

                                   Table A.4 – List of data management capabilities

              Capability     Capability                                      Related           Associated
               number           name          Capability summary         requirement(s)       component(s)

                C-4-1      Data storage    The capability of data     Storing data of things   IoT data server,
                                           storage involves the ability   is required to be   IoT gateway
                                           of storing data of things   supported.
                                           based on predefined rules
                                           and policies.
                C-4-2      Data processing  The capability of data    Processing data of     IoT data server
                                           processing involves the    things is required to
                                           ability of data fusion and   be supported.
                                           mining based on predefined
                                           rules and policies.
                C-4-3      Data querying   The capability of data     Querying historical    IoT data server
                                           querying involves the      data of things is
                                           ability of querying        required to be
                                           historical information about  supported.
                C-4-4      Data access     The capability of data     Data access control by  IoT data server
                           control         access control involves the   the data owners is
                                           abilities of controlling and   required.
                                           monitoring the data access
                                           operations by the owners of
                C-4-5      Open            The capability of open     Data exchange with     IoT data server
                           information     information exchange       entities outside the
                           exchange        involves the abilities of   IoT is required to be
                                           sending data to or receiving  supported.
                                           data from external data
                                           sources, e.g., data centres
                                           and data servers outside the
                C-4-6      Semantic data   The capability of semantic   Semantic annotation   IoT data server,
                           operation       data operation involves the   and semantic access to  IoT gateway
                                           abilities of semantic      data of things are
                                           annotating, semantic       required. Semantic
                                           discovering, semantic      storage, transfer and
                                           storing and semantic       aggregation of data of
                                           composing data of things to  things are required.
                                           fulfil the requirements of
                                           IoT users or applications
                C-4-7      Autonomic data  The capability of          Scalability is required   IoT device, IoT
                           operation       autonomic data operation   to be supported in the   gateway, end-
                                           involves the abilities of   IoT in order to handle   user device, IoT
                                           automatically collecting,   a large amount of     data server
                                           aggregating, transferring,   devices, applications
                                           storing, analysing data of   and users.
                                           things, and automatically
                                           managing these data
                                           operations for support of
                                           operating data of things in a
                                           scalable way.

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