Page 494 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 494

5                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

            •       The capability of application support operation acknowledgement involves the abilities of
                    acknowledging the correct operations requested by applications in order to support reliable
                    application operations in the IoT [C-3-6].

            8.4     Data management capabilities
            The  data  management  group  includes  data  storage,  data  processing,  data  querying,  data  access
            control,  open  information  exchange,  semantic  data  operation  and  autonomic  data  operation
            •       The  capability  of  data  storage  involves  the  ability  of  storing  data  of  things  based  on
                    predefined rules and policies [C-4-1].
            •       The capability of data processing involves the ability of data fusion and mining based on
                    predefined rules and policies [C-4-2].
            NOTE 1 – Data processing refers to a set of data operations in order to fulfil the application requirements. Data
            processing in the IoT includes collecting, representing, fusing, mining, and interpreting the data of things.
            From an application perspective, data processing can be regarded as data analysis that consists of data fusing
            and data mining. From an implementation perspective, the operation of data fusing includes data collection
            and data representation, and the operation of data mining includes data interpretation.
            •       The capability of data querying involves the ability of querying information about things
                    connected to the IoT [C-4-3].
            •       The capability of data access control involves the abilities of controlling and monitoring data
                    access operations by the owners of the data [C-4-4].
            •       The capability of open information exchange involves the abilities of sending data to or
                    receiving data from external data sources, e.g., data centres and data servers outside the IoT
            •       The  capability  of  semantic  data  operation  involves  the  abilities  of  semantic  annotating,
                    semantic discovering, semantic storing, and semantic composing data of things to fulfil the
                    requirements of IoT users or applications [C-4-6].

            •       The capability of autonomic data operation involves the abilities of automatically collecting,
                    aggregating, transferring, storing, analysing data of things, and automatically managing these
                    data operations for support of operating data of things in a scalable way [C-4-7].
            NOTE 2 – This capability can be used to face the impact of big data in the IoT.

            8.5     Management capabilities

            The  management  group  includes  capabilities  fulfilling  the  IoT  interoperability  requirements,
            capabilities  fulfilling  the  IoT  scalability  requirements,  capabilities  fulfilling  the  IoT  reliability
            requirements, capabilities fulfilling the IoT high availability requirements, and capabilities fulfilling
            the IoT manageability requirements.
            NOTE – The abilities involved in the management capabilities specified in this Recommendation may be
            operated in a remote way. Remote operation can be disabled based on security or other policy considerations.
            8.5.1   Capabilities fulfilling IoT interoperability requirements

            The capabilities fulfilling the IoT interoperability requirements specified in [ITU-T Y.2066] include
            managing  data  models  for  exchanging  data  of  things,  managing  service  description,  managing
            network  configuration,  managing  device  configuration,  managing  security  policy,  and  managing
            privacy protection policy capabilities.
            •       The capability of managing data models for exchanging data of things involves the abilities
                    of creating, querying and updating data models for support of interoperability among IoT
                    applications. This capability also includes the abilities of creating and updating data models
                    for support of semantic interoperability among IoT applications [C-5-1].

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