Page 487 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
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Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         5

            order to describe and analyse the capabilities of the IoT. It is anticipated that there is no need to cover all
            possible implementation views of the IoT functional framework: the implementation view of the IoT is in fact
            only used for showing the implementability of the IoT capabilities, so one implementation view of the IoT is
            sufficient to show this possibility.
            7.2.1   Structure of an implementation view

            An implementation view of the IoT functional framework consists of the functional entities of the
            IoT, and their high level relations. Figure 7-2 illustrates an implementation view of the IoT functional
            framework based on the IoT reference model specified in [ITU-T Y.2060] and the IoT common
            requirements specified in [ITU-T Y.2066], and building over functional entities described in the NGN
            functional architecture [ITU-T Y.2012].

              Figure 7-2 – Implementation view of the IoT functional framework building over the NGN
                                                 functional architecture
            There  are  two  classes  of  functional  entities  in  this  implementation  view  of  the  IoT  functional
            framework, one is for the functional entities already specified for the NGN [ITU-T Y.2012], and
            another is for the functional entities specific to the IoT.
            The functional entities that are illustrated by green boxes in Figure 7-2 are the functional entities
            specific to the IoT (to be specified in this Recommendation), while the functional entities illustrated
            by differently coloured boxes are the functional entities described in [ITU-T Y.2012]. Among the
            functional entities described in [ITU-T Y.2012], the functional entities illustrated by the same colour
            belong to a single functional layer except the Management and Identity Management functional entity
            that crosses all functional layers of the IoT reference model [ITU-T Y.2060].
            Even  if  some  end-user  functions  are  already  mentioned  in  NGN  Recommendations,  these
            Recommendations only cover specifications on interactions between end-user functions and other
            NGN functions. There is no specification of end-user functions. In the implementation view, the end-
            user  functions  are  needed  to  be  described  in  order  to  cover  the  possibility  that  the  IoT  device
            capabilities are implemented in  end-user functional  entities.  The "End-User"  functional  entity of
            NGN Recommendations enhanced with some IoT device capabilities is named as "End-User Device"
            functional entity in this Recommendation.

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