Page 326 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
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3                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

            9.2.3   QoS information provision

            According  to  service  requirements  8.4.2(2),  8.4.1(1),  8.2.3(2),  the  QoS  information  for  EHM
            services is required to be configured by the application layer and provided to the other layers, so
            that  the  other  layers  can  ensure  the  QoS  of  EHM  services  according  to  the  QoS  information
            provided by the application layer.
            The  following  QoS  related  parameters  are  recommended  to  be  indicated  in  the  provided  QoS
            1)      Required response time
                    As different types of EHM services need to be dealt with in different time periods, response
                    time is an important criterion in reckoning the requirements of an EHM service.
            2)      Allowed dispose time

                    Dispose  time  is  the  time  period  from  the  moment  when  data  arrive  at  the  server  to  the
                    moment when doctors or application providers execute an appropriate reaction. Generally
                    speaking,  dispose  time  includes  the  time  to  analyse  data,  the  time  to  store  data  in  the
                    storage area, the time to send an alarm to doctors when unusual results are deduced, and so
                    on.  Dispose  time  as  part  of  the  response  time  is  very  important  in  reckoning  the  EHM
                    application capabilities.
            3)      Instantaneity level

                    Instantaneity level indicates the level of priority of the EHM application when the EHM
                    application related data are transmitted, processed and queued.

            4)      Minimum transmission rate
                    In some EHM scenarios (i.e., in an emergency car or disaster rescue), the voice, video or
                    dynamic  monitoring  data  need  be  transmitted  to  the  remote  server  for  diagnosis  and
                    treatment in real time. To ensure real-time data transmission, a minimum transmission rate
                    is required to be indicated.
            5)      Maximum transmission time
                    Maximum transmission time as part of the response time is used to limit the transmission
                    time.  For  some  non-real  time  EHM  applications  (i.e.,  routine  physical  examination),
                    although there is no minimum transmission rate requirement, there is an allowed maximum
                    transmission time restriction.

            9.3     Capabilities of the SSAS layer

            9.3.1   Service accounting and charging
            Service  accounting  is  responsible  for  gathering  data  about  the  usage  of  EHM  services  and  for
            charging the service usage to the user. Different policies may be considered for service accounting
            and charging, e.g., the number of times the service is used, the amount of time the service is used or
            the  volume  of  service  data  used.  According  to  service  requirements  8.6.2(2),  8.2.1(4),  8.2.2(4),
            the service  accounting  and  charging  capability  supported  in  the  SSAS  layer  has  the  following
            1)      It is required to provide service accounting and charging to EHM service users.
            2)      It is recommended to provide service accounting and charging according to the quality of
                    service of EHM services.
            3)      It is recommended to provide service accounting and charging also in support to roaming
                    scenarios among networks owned by different network providers.
            4)      It is recommended to provide service accounting and charging according to the frequency
                    of access to EHM services.

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