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1                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

                                                      Appendix I

                                        IoT ecosystem and business models

                          (This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)

            I.1     Business roles

            The IoT ecosystem is composed of a variety of business players. Each business player plays at least
            one  business  role,  but  more  roles  are  possible.  The  identified  IoT  business  roles  are  shown  in
            Figure I.1.

                                                                   Application customer

                                   Platform provider               Application provider

                                   Network provider

                                    Device provider

                                               Figure I.1 – IoT ecosystem
            NOTE  –  The  identified  business  roles  and  their  relationships  as  described  in  the  IoT  ecosystem  do  not
            represent all possible relevant roles and relationships which can be found across IoT business deployments.
            I.1.1   Device provider

            The device provider is responsible for devices providing raw data and/or content to the network
            provider and application provider according to the service logic.

            I.1.2   Network provider

            The network provider plays a central role in the IoT ecosystem. In particular, the network provider
            performs the following main functions:

            –       access and integration of resources provided by other providers;
            –       support and control of the IoT capabilities infrastructure;
            –       offering of IoT capabilities, including network capabilities and resource exposure to other

            I.1.3   Platform provider
            The platform provider provides integration capabilities and open interfaces. Different platforms can
            provide  different  capabilities  to  application  providers.  Platform  capabilities  include  typical
            integration capabilities, as well as data storage, data processing or device management. Support for
            different types of IoT applications is also possible.

            16       Rec. ITU-T Y.4000/Y.2060 (06/2012)
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