Page 280 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
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3                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

            The  MOC  device  provider  has  a  business  relationship  with  the  MOC  platform  provider  and  the
            network provider.
            NOTE  3  –  An  actor  playing  the  role  of  MOC  device  provider  can  also  play  the  role  of  MOC
            application provider and the MOC platform provider.
            •       MOC platform provider

            The MOC  platform provider is  the role  responsible for providing the following functions in  the
            NGN domain:
            –       access to and integration of resources provided by MOC device providers and the network

            –       support and control of the service integration and delivery functionalities;
            –       offering to the MOC application provider of capabilities (including resource exposure) for
                    support of MOC applications.
            The MOC platform provider has a business relationship with the MOC device provider, the MOC
            application provider and the network provider.
            NOTE 4 – An actor playing the role of MOC platform provider can also play the role of MOC application
            provider and MOC device provider.
            •       MOC application customer
            The  MOC  application  customer  may  be  a  human  or  a  device.  The  MOC  application  customer
            consumes applications offered by the MOC application provider. Organizations or persons such as
            enterprise, family or individuals are examples of MOC application customers.
            The MOC application customer has a business relationship with the MOC application provider. The
            MOC application customer is a subscriber of the MOC application provider.
            NOTE 5 – A given MOC application customer can represent multiple MOC end users in the MOC-service
            Appendix I provides details of actors and roles in the MOC ecosystem.

            7       Characteristics of MOC
            This  clause  provides  the  characteristics  of  MOC  including  those  for  applications,  devices  and
            gateways. Consideration should be given to the fact that these characteristics may vary across MOC
            applications,  devices  and  gateways.  These  characteristics  include,  but  are  not  limited  to,  the
            1)      Variety of MOC device types and capability levels
            There are various types of MOC devices for different uses; some of them have low performance and
            limited functionality (e.g., low processing capability, small memory, limited security capabilities),
            while others have powerful embedded capabilities (e.g., bilateral authentication and authorization
            capabilities with the network and MOC applications).
            2)      MOC applications support of heterogeneous MOC devices
            MOC  applications  may  communicate  with  more  than  one  type  of  MOC  devices.  In  such  cases,
            MOC applications need to cope with this heterogeneity.
            3)      Grouping of MOC devices
            In some use cases, groups of MOC devices are deployed for services. Usually, the MOC devices of
            a specific group have the same characteristics, functions, performance or policies.

            266      Rec. ITU-T Y.4109/Y.2061 (06/2012)
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