Page 213 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 213

Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         3

                             Figure 4 – Overview of the shopping support service sequence

            8       Requirements for UNR-PF

            8.1     Abstraction of functionality
            It is required that UNR-PF provides a standardized and abstracted interface for controlling as well
            as receiving results from USN nodes. That is, from application point of view, UNR-PF provides
            access to a set of abstracted functionalities instead of raw USN nodes.
            One of the most simple use cases of UNR-PF is collaboration among sensor networks and robots. A
            sensor network measures phenomena in the real world, notifies them to one or more applications,
            and then the application commands actuator devices, such as robots and smartphones, to interact
            with people. Such collaboration may be performed by USN, without UNR-PF, when treating robots
            as  one of the "sensor nodes" with  actuator facility. However, by the abstraction of functionality
            provided by UNR-PF, this can be realized in a much simpler way.
            Consider the example shown in Figure 5. Here, based on the sensing result, a person is approaching
            a dangerous construction area, a robot warns the person. In order to warn the person, a) a mobile
            robot can approach the person and give a warning, or b) a nearby loudspeaker can warn the person.
            From the viewpoint of the effect, i.e., to let the person know that he/she is approaching a dangerous
            area,  these  two  devices  perform  equivalent  services.  Dangerous  spots  change  every  day.  If  the
            application  is  coded  to  use  a  navigation  robot  and  if  there  are  no  robots  available  nearby,  the
            customer would not receive a warning. However, if the application  is programmed to utilize the
            "alert" functionality, then the system would search for a device that can provide such functionality
            and choose it based on resource availability. This is also useful from the point that applications are
            not bound to a certain device at the time when it was coded. The application can then continue to
            provide service without change even though the devices have changed, if they provide the same
            kind of functionality.

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