Page 1021 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 1021

Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things                         8

            URIs are widely used as generic identifiers. They can be resolved to an IP address by DNS and enable
            interaction  between  resources  over  the  Internet  using  specific  protocols  (e.g.,  hypertext  transfer
            protocol  (HTTP)).  Thus,  if  the  IoT  network  infrastructure  is  realized  by  existing  network
            technologies, such as conventional transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) based
            networks, URIs can be used as a generic identifier of the IoT.
            In the conventional Internet environment, the FQDN is a basic domain name scheme and works very
            well with current IP networks. However, if the FQDN is used as a device identifier in the IoT, the
            FQDN scheme can be a huge burden on DNS servers. Mapping of every FQDN to an IP address
            requires an entry in the DNS system. Thus, using the FQDN as an identifier of the IoT devices would
            increase entries in the DNS system. In addition, this scheme requires additional system updates for
            authentication and billing in 3G networks. The FQDN scheme has virtually unlimited name space,
            thus it does not have a limit to the number of identifiers.
            IPv4/IPv6 addresses are not suitable as public identifiers because they are used as routing identifiers
            in the Internet. Although IPv4/IPv6 addresses are generic identifiers, there are not enough of them to
            accommodate numerous devices in the IoT (i.e., the exhaustion of identifiers can occur).

            8       Common characteristics of the IoT identifier
            Common characteristics of the existing identifiers can be applied to the IoT identifier. Generally, an
            identifier can be used to identify subscriber, user, network element, function, network entity, or other
            entity (e.g., physical or logical objects) [ITU-T Y.2091].
            In addition to common characteristics of the existing identifiers, the IoT identifier has the following
            additional characteristics:
            –       Identifying things:
                    An identifier can identify various kinds of things. The existing identifiers identify specific
                    things, but the IoT identifiers identify various kinds of things. To identify various kinds of
                    things  and  interconnect  things,  it  is  acknowledged  that  the  Internet  and  the  web-based
                    identifiers are more suitable.

            –       Communicating with other things:
                    After being identified, various types of things can communicate with computers, humans,
                    and other things. With communication between things, things can be interconnected with
                    each other.

            –       Connecting to networks:
                    Although different communication technologies and services/applications are used, things
                    are  connected  to  networks  directly/indirectly  and  always/periodically/on-demand  with
            –       Huge accommodation:

                    Existing  identifiers  have  a  limited  range  of  available  allocation.  The  number  of  the  IoT
                    identifiers should be large enough (may be limitless) to cover an enormous number of things.

            –       Interconnection:
                    Identifiers of things in different networks can be interconnected. Identifiers of physical things
                    in  the  physical  world  and  identifiers  of  virtual  things  in  the  information  world  will  be

            –       Diversity:
                    Identifiers in the physical world and the information world are different.  In the physical
                    world, the identifiers of physical things of the IoT devices may be different according to
                    applied technologies.

                                                                  Rec. ITU-T Y.4801/F.748.1 (10/2014)   1007
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