Page 1004 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 1004

8                                     Unleashing the potential of the Internet of Things

            II.2    Positioning process

            Figure II.2 shows the information flow of the positioning process of an ALI system.

                                                    Application support FE
                                           Coordinate adaption FE
                                              Positioning FE              Configuration
                                    Positioning  Positioning  USN
                                    switching    hybrid   positioning
                                       FE         FE         FE

                                                        Adaption FE

                                                      USN middleware


                                        Defined in ITU-T F.747.4

                       Figure II.2 – Information flow of the positioning process of an ALI system

            (1)     The valid requests are sent to the ALI service platform.
            (2)     The  positioning  FE  will  then  decide,  according  to  the  positioning  request  and  any
                    requirements, on the best  positioning method, such as  positioning switching, positioning
                    hybrid  and  USN  positioning.  Positioning  switching,  positioning  hybrid  and  the  USN
                    positioning functions in the positioning FE calculate the position of the sensor.

            (3)     According  to  the  positioning  request,  the  positioning  results  are  translated  into  the
                    requested data via the coordinates adaption FE. The coordinates adaption FE sends the data
                    to the application support FE.
            (4)     The application support FE sends the data to the application.

            II.3    Configuration process

            Figure II.3 shows the information flow of the configuration process of the ALI system.

            990      Rec. ITU-T Y.4800/F.747.5 (01/2014)
   999   1000   1001   1002   1003   1004   1005   1006   1007   1008   1009