Page 195 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
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            Annex C: Summary of security-related ITU-T Study Groups

            The work of most Study Groups includes at least some aspects of telecommunications and/or ICT security.
            Each Study Group is responsible for addressing security issues within its own area of responsibility, but SG17,
            which has security as its primary focus, has been designated the Lead Study Group on security. The table
            below summarizes the roles of Study Groups with security-related responsibilities and lists their respective
            Lead Study Group responsibilities during the 2013-2016 Study Period.

              Study               Title                          Responsibilities/Security role
              SG2     Operational aspects of service   Lead Study Group for service definition, numbering and routing
                      provision and telecommunications   Lead Study Group on telecommunications for disaster relief/early
                      management                    warning, network resilience and recovery
                                                    Lead Study Group on telecommunication management
              SG5     Environment and climate change   Lead Study Group on electromagnetic compatibility and
                                                    electromagnetic effects
                                                    Lead Study Group on ICTs and climate change
              SG9     Television and sound transmission   Lead Study Group on integrated broadband cable and television
                      and integrated broadband cable   networks
              SG11    Signalling requirements, protocols   Lead Study Group on signalling and protocols
                      and test specifications       Lead Study Group on machine-to-machine (M2M) signalling and
                                                    Lead Study Group on test specifications, conformance and
                                                    interoperability testing
              SG12    Performance, QoS and QoE      Lead Study Group on quality of service and quality of experience
                                                    Lead Study Group on driver distraction and voice aspects of car
              SG13    Future networks including cloud   Lead Study Group on future networks (FN)
                      computing, mobile and next-   Lead Study Group on mobility management and next generation
                      generation networks           networks (NGN)
                                                    Lead Study Group on cloud computing
                                                    Lead Study Group on software-defined networking (SDN)
              SG15    Networks, technologies and    Lead Study Group on access network transport
                      infrastructures for transport, access   Lead Study Group on optical technology
                      and home                      Lead Study Group on optical transport networks
                                                    Lead Study Group on smart grid
              SG16    Multimedia coding, systems and   Lead study group on multimedia coding, systems and applications
                      applications                  Lead study group on ubiquitous and Internet of things (IoT)
                                                    Lead study group on telecommunication/ICT accessibility for persons
                                                    with disabilities
                                                    Lead study group on intelligent transport system (ITS)
                                                    Lead study group on Internet Protocol television (IPTV)
              SG17    Security                      Lead Study Group on telecommunication security
                                                    Lead Study Group on identity management (IDM)
                                                    Lead Study Group on languages and description techniques
              SG20    Internet of Things (IoT) and its
                      applications including smart cities
                      and communities (SC&C)

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