Page 18 - 2015 Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology
P. 18


                               Table 1 – How the manual addresses the needs of different audiences

                  Organization      Specific               Needs               How the manual can address
                                    audience                                            the needs
                                               Broad overview of scope of ICT
                                  Senior       security standardization efforts.   The manual directly addresses
                                  executives /                                these needs
                                  managers     High level roadmap to relevant
                                               ICT security standards
                service providers                                             The manual provides a roadmap
                                  Design and   Roadmap to relevant ICT security   plus links to detailed explanatory
                                  deployment   standards plus technical details   text
                                  engineers    associated with specific areas
                                                                              The Recommendations provide
                                                                              technical details
                                               Broad overview of scope of ICT
                                  Senior       security standardization efforts   The manual directly addresses
                                  executives /                                these needs
                                  managers     High level roadmap to relevant
                                               ICT security standards

                Telecommunication   Product    Roadmap to relevant standards   The manual provides a roadmap
                                                                              plus links to detailed explanatory
                service vendors   managers
                                                                              The manual provides links to
                                                                              detailed explanatory text on
                                  Product      Technical details associated with   specific areas
                                  design       specific areas
                                                                              The Recommendations provide
                                                                              technical details
                                               May be interested in technical   The manual provides links to
                                  Technical    details associated with specific   detailed explanatory text on
                                               areas                          specific areas
                End users
                                               May be interested in broad
                                  Non-technical  overview of scope of ICT security   The manual directly addresses
                                                                              these needs
                                               standardization efforts
                                               Roadmap to relevant standards
                                               Technical details associated with   The manual provides a roadmap
                                  Students /
                Academia                       specific areas                 plus links to detailed explanatory
                                               Awareness of new and upcoming   text on specific areas
                                               ICT security standardization
                                  executives   Broad overview of scope of ICT
                                  and managers   security standardization efforts   The manual directly addresses
                                  Regulators   High level roadmap to relevant   these needs
                                  Policy       ICT security standards
                                               Broad overview of scope of ICT
                                  Senior       security standardization efforts   The manual directly addresses
                                  executives /                                these needs
                                  managers     High level roadmap to relevant
                                               ICT security standards
                Non-government                                                The manual provides links to
                organizations                  Roadmap to relevant ICT security
                                  Development   standards                     detailed explanatory text on
                                  and capacity                                specific areas
                                  building     Technical details associated with   The Recommendations provide
                                               specific areas                 technical details

            2       How to use this Security Manual
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