Page 32 - 2016 Integrated management and disposal of electrical and electronic waste and used electrical and electronic equipment in Latin America
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Guide for NRAs on International Mobile Roaming Cost analysis – Technical Paper

              Figure 6 – Main cost centres and underlying cost elements

                              International roaming involves the following cost centres which are
                              extensions of the existing domestic network’s operational systems:-

                                             Operational                - Wholesale
                              Major       business processes       roaming call agreements
                              centres    for roaming and their     between each MNO & FNO
                                           support systems          for origination, carriage
                                                                        & termination

                                                                            Business Support
                                  Network        Network     Business Support
                                                                             Services Opex
                               Equipment Capex  Equipment & NOC  Services Capex  (Processes operation,
                               (Gateways, VLR,    Opex         (Billing &
                                                                             S/w licences,
                              mediation, cabling,   (Salaries,  customer care  Salaries, Maintenance,
                                  NOC etc,     Maintenance,   Software & h/w,
                               procure/extend)  Site rents, etc)  Data centre)  Data centre
                                                                            overheads, etc)
                                              MNO= Mobile Network Operator,  FNO= Fixed Network Operator
                                              VLR=  Visiting Location Register,  NOC =Network Operating Centre, & systems

            The wholesale charges are a separate addition, as illustrated figuratively above and although in theory
            dependent on actual costs, too often have been seen as arbitrary in magnitude.

            4.1.4   Gathering data required by use of questionnaire

            A questionnaire that provides the inputs for the cost model will be provided, to guide NRAs and MNOs in
            gathering the data required to populate the cost model (model form in Annex 3).

            4.2     Mechanisms for calculation – Business process analysis

            As mentioned earlier, the mechanism for cost estimation depends on business process analysis (BPA)
            drawn  from  the  various  common  situations  for  roaming.  To  obtain  the  functional  requirements  for
            roaming, these business processes can in turn be defined and constructed by the common use cases, i.e.
            the everyday ways in which subscribers use their mobile services,  which are employed to define the
            chain of MNO business processes involved in handling a call.

              Figure 7 – Business areas (such as networking) depend for their operation on business processes
              (such as call handling) which can be defined through their use cases

                                                     Business Areas
                                                            Depend on
                                                    Business processes
                                                       Use Cases

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