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Guide for NRAs on International Mobile Roaming Cost analysis – Technical Paper

                         Table 2 – Business process with activities and the elements for the activity

            Business process               Activities                           Elements involved
            Handling set up   Receive request from visitor to register and be   Radio area network (RAN) and backhaul network
            of a new visiting  activated.                           to data centres.
                           Check international mobile subscriber identifier   RAN, mobile numbers database, interconnect,
                           (IMSI) and inform home location register (HLR)   transferred account procedure (TAP) file update,
                           network and verify allowed to roam.      all in data centre.
                           Check if prepaid or postpaid.
                           Check if prepaid has roaming capacity.
                           If above all verified, register visitor on visited   VLR, over-the-air (OTA) activation, billing file,
                           network, in visiting location register (VLR), and   customer care DB.
                           activate; update customer care and billing
                           databases (DBs).

            2.2.3  Incremental cost modelling

            A further principle, as we are focused on the differences in costs due to roaming over domestic tariffs, is
            to  understand  the  incremental  cost  for  each  part  of  the  business  process  due  to  the  fact  that  it  is
            employed for roaming. There are various forms that such incremental costs can take. Incremental cost
            due to roaming (for equipment for instance) is either an extension of capacity, or of functionality, or
            spend on specialized quite new equipment by function. Long term, such costs may be absorbed in some
            way. However, this is a moving target as more extensions of features become absorbed into the standard
            processes and support platforms over the long term. Various types of increments in costs are shown in
            Table 3 for the MNO operations related to roaming with their long term trends:

                                Table 3 – Types of cost increment in MNO assets for roaming

              Categories of possible cost increments (opex and          Long-term cost trend
                  capex) for roaming over domestic costs
             Increased capacity for international roaming for   May become considered part of customary business growth –
             existing assets.                           i.e. normal business expansion cost.
             More expensive systems for international calls (e.g.   Prices reduce rapidly, even in medium term, as become
             CAMEL for prepaid roaming subscribers).    mainstream, i.e. just a dormant software feature to be
                                                        optionally activated, rather than an extra module to be licensed.
             Specialized and different operational processes (e.g.   Prices reduce with time as the specialized operations become
             customer care) and call handling with specific   mainstream with roaming traffic growth.

            The roaming cost increment can be measured as an additional percentage of domestic-cost only costs
            for the model's results.

            2.2.4  Long-term trends in roaming costs

            Note  that  the  long-term  trend  is  that  the  incremental  costs  of  a  roaming  call  or  session  will  move
            towards  zero  as  equipment,  software  and  processes  for  roaming  activities  become  part  of  normal
            business practice, as for domestic calls. Additional effects such as expansion of the volume of calls, both
            domestic and roaming, if lowered pricing stimulates the market, will also tend to drive down incremental
            costs  of  roaming  over  domestic  costs.  Attractive  roaming  tariffs  may  also  act  to  stimulate  domestic
            business, as customers are drawn to the lower roaming tariffs when travelling

            Moreover, technology will also begin to become a factor in the reduction of roaming costs as 2G global
            system for mobile communications (GSM) and 3G universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS)
            are gradually upgraded. A move to an all IP world, as planned for LTE, would herald the entry of a new

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