Page 24 - 2010 Object identifiers (OIDs) and their registration authorities
P. 24

Object identifiers (OIDs) and their registration authorities

            9.2     Traditional notation

            The original notation for specifying an OID was defined in 1986 as the value notation for the ASN.1 OBJECT
            IDENTIFIER type.
            It was (and still is) extensively used, and is well-known to most people.
            Let us start with three more examples, similar to the ones used earlier, in their most common forms:

            {iso identified-organization dod(6) internet(1) snmpV2(6) snmpModules(3)}
            {itu-t recommendation h 323 main(0) generic-capabilities(0)}
            {joint-iso-itu-t country(16) ir(364)}
            They all start with an opening curly bracket "{" and end with a closing curly bracket "}". Within this there
            are identifications of the  arcs (separated by spaces) from the root that  leads to the node that is being
            identified, determining a path through the OID tree (the object identifier) to the node.
            Notice that each component after the first few always contains a number as well as a name, but a number can
            also be included (in parentheses), so we would then get (less commonly used, but more explicitly identifying
            the arcs):

            {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) snmpV2(6) snmpModules(3)}

            {itu-t(0) recommendation(0) h(8) 323 main(0) generic-capabilities(0)}
            {joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) ir(364)}
            Both forms  are used in  published standards, but the inclusion of the number in parenthesis is now
            recommended for all new specifications by the 2008 version of [b-ITU-T X.660].
            The original philosophy  behind the permitted omission of  numbers for the top few arcs was that the
            secondary identifiers for high-level arcs  are  formally defined in ITU-T Recommendations or ISO
            International  Standards, so the number should  not  be  required. For lower-level arcs, it has always been
            mandatory to include the number (typically in parentheses).
            Another form was also permitted (and still is), but has been almost never used after the 1980s, as it is not
            exactly human-friendly (!), but it is close to the actual encoding for machines, and carries only the primary
            integer values of the arcs:

            {1 3 6 1 6 3}
            {0 0 8 323 0 0}
            {2 16 364}

            The rules are that every object identifier component (arc identification) has to identify the primary integer
            value. For the top-level components in Table 1, it can do that by using the additional secondary identifier
            only, as in some of the examples  above, but the  2008 version of [b-ITU-T  X.660] recommends that the
            parenthetical primary integer value also be included when there are multiple secondary identifiers. Generally,
            it should now always be included (in parentheses) in new specifications.

            It is important to note that the secondary identifier itu-r for the arc from the root to 0 is not in Table 1. The
            intent was for the omission of the primary integer value to be permitted only for secondary values that were
            included in the original specifications, so itu-t can be used without a number for the top-level arc zero, but
            itu-r has to be shown as itu-r(0). This decision was taken to avoid implementation software upgrades.

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