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Home : Themes : Climate Change

  ITU and climate change

ITU at the 2011 United Nations Climate Change Conference
(COP-17 / CMP-7)
28 November - 9 December 2011,
Durban, South Africa

More about ITU and Climate Change


Interview with Malcolm Johnson
Director of ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau

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Our events at the conference

  • 30 November - From 13h to 20h
    Digital Media Lounge
    Resource efficiency Technologies Day at the Digital Media Lounge

ICT day at COP17 - 1 December

  • From 13h to 20h
    Digital Media Lounge
    ICT Day at the Digital Media Lounge

  • 13h15 to 14h45
    Climate change adaptation and ICTs: enabling innovative strategies 

    (UNFCCC side event)

  • 16h45 to 18h15
    ICTs and mitigation
    Side event

  • 5 December - 18h30 to 20h
    Technology transfer in the context of a green economy
    (UN side event)

Access the list of all side events

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About COP17/CMP7

COP17/CMP7 is the 17th edition of Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP) and the 7th Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP). The Conference has the mandate of adopting the necessary decisions for the promotion of the effective application of the Convention on Climate Change.


Message to COP17 delegates from ITU Secretary-General

In the 21st century, climate change and environmental sustainability are two of the key challenges facing our global community. They affect every single country worldwide, regardless of geographical location or social and economic context.

These challenges are also all-encompassing because addressing them implies completely transforming the way we live, work, travel and do business. It implies shifting our model of development to a greener, fairer and more sustainable paradigm, to ensure our survival as a species. To achieve this transformation we will need to draw on all our knowledge and understanding, and mobilize the political will to turn discussions and negotiations into agreements and actions.

Unsustainable development is already affecting food production, water supply, disease proliferation and other important areas.

The risks of inaction are real, and we do not have time to waste.

Read full message

The Coalition on ICTs and Climate Change is an initiative that aims at bringing together in an informal group a selection of the key actors working on the field of ICTs and climate change. Initiated by the ITU and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) the coalition is a response to a call for a united ICT voice on the virtues of ICT in combating climate change.

Click here to access to access the program of the coalition for COP-17

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