
Clear scientific evidence, extreme weather events, and an increased public awareness have elevated climate change to the top of the political agenda — globally, regionally and at national levels. At ITU, combating climate change is also a major priority.

It is estimated that information and communication technologies (ICT) contribute around 2 to 2.5 per cent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions every year. This percentage is likely to grow as ICTs become more widely available. But at the same time, ICTs are a linchpin in the effort to combat climate change. They are a potent, cross-cutting tool that can help to limit, and ultimately reduce, GHG emissions across other sectors of the economy, notably through the development and introduction of more energy-efficient devices and networks and the safe disposal of equipment at the end of its life cycle. Efforts should be focused on more standardized power supplies and batteries, smart devices and buildings, new low-consumption devices, research and development on consumption and power supplies, use of ICTs in travel management and paperless meetings.

As a global organization with 191 Member States and more than 700 Sector Members and Associates, ITU will work in close partnership with its membership to achieve a climate-neutral ICT industry.

As the steward of the global framework for spectrum, ITU will provide the necessary radio-frequency spectrum and orbit resources for satellites that monitor the climate and conduct remote sensing of the Earth.

As the pre-eminent global body for standardization in the field of ICTs, ITU will work to limit and reduce GHG emissions and promote the use of more energy-efficient devices and networks and the development of corresponding technical standards.

As a core function of its development mission, ITU will assist Member States to take full advantage of ICT applications for environmental management and sustainable development and to use telecommunications/ICTs to adapt to, and mitigate the effects, of climate change.

As the specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for telecommunications/ICTs, ITU is committed to working with other organizations in combating climate change. ITU will continue to play a leading role in developing an integrated approach to examining the relationship between ICTs and climate change, focusing on such key issues in the global framework as technology, climate data collection and monitoring, adaptation and mitigation.

As a responsible member of the global community, ITU will join the UN commitment to lead by example through achieving climate-neutral status within three years. In its own activities, ITU is pioneering the use of ICTs to reduce GHG emissions through paperless meetings, virtual conferencing, and teleworking. It will share its expertise with other institutions in optimizing the use of ICTs as a vital component of energy-efficient working methods. ITU will continue to promote the use of ICTs to strengthen and develop scientific and industrial tools in all areas, to the fullest extent possible, to combat climate change.

Climate change is a global challenge that the world community cannot lose. I invite you to join ITU in making ICTs a major part of the solution, and in building an information society that is energy efficient and sustainable.

Dr Hamadoun I. Touré



Dr Hamadoun I. Touré Secretary–General International Telecommunication Union