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Space Network System Online

Help System

What you should do

The requested transaction will been unloaded from the SNS database. The result of your query is
is a zip file containing an MS/ACCESS container and data files to populate your container.
Click to open the files then unzip the files .

screen view

Open the container.

N.B.:In case you have MS/ACCESS 97 or MS/ACCESS 2000 on your PC but your download container is MS/ACCESS 95 you will be asked if you want to convert your your container to MS/ACCESS 2000. Check "Convert Database" radio button and click "OK".

screen view

Make sure that you save your new container in the same directory where you have saved your data files after you have unzipped them: select the directory
screen view

Select the 'Macro' tab and run the macro 'table_load'.

screen view


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