Data items of the database table: grp

Data Item    Format     WIC Item   APS4/II  APS4/III  Description                                                                        Comment              

grp_id       9(9)       45         x        x         unique identifier of the group                                                     PK; see note 1       
ntc_id       9(9)       4          x        x         unique identifier of the notice                                                    FK                   
emi_rcp      X          29         x        x         code identifying a beam as either transmitting [E] or receiv                       FK                   
beam_name    X(4)       28         x        x         designation of the satellite antenna beam                                          FK                   
page_no      9(4)                  x        x         page number on the paper notice                                                    used for sorting groups within 
act_code     X                     x        x         code indicating the action to be taken on the entity                               see note 3           
adm_resp     XX         51         x        x         symbol identifying the responsible administration                                                       
bdwdth       9(8)       41         x        x         assigned frequency band expressed in kHz                                                                
d_inuse      9(8)       48         x        x         date of bringing into use                                                          date in yyyymmdd format 
f_emi_type   X                     x        x         flag indicating if max. or tot. peak envelope power provided                                            
emi_rsn      99                    x        x         number of the attachment: the reason of missing emission inf                                            
noise_t      9(6)       42         x        x         receiving system noise temperature                                                                      
op_agcy      9(3)       50         x        x         operating agency number                                                                                 
polar_type   XX         33         x        x         symbol indicating the type and the direction of polarization                                            
polar_ang    9(3).99    33         x        x         in case of linear polarization the value of the angle (in de                                            
diag_area    9(2)       44         x        x         number of the attachment for the service area diagram                              see note 2           
diag_spect   99                    x                  number of the attachment for spectrum mask diagram                                                      
prd_valid    9(2)       49         x                  period of validity in years                                                                             
remark       X(30)      47         x        x         symbols used as indicated in table No. 13C                                                              
tgt_grp_id   9(9)       45         x        x         unique identifier of the group to be modified                                      see note 1           
pwr_max      S99.9                 x                  maximum total peak envelope/aggregate power(dBW)                                                        
mux_type     99                    x                  number of the attachment: modulation/multiple access                                                    
observ_cls   XX                                       class of observation                                                               foreseen for radio astronomy A 
reg_op_fr    9(4)                                     start of regular hours of reception expressed in UTC                               foreseen for radio astronomy A 
reg_op_to    9(4)                                     end of regular hours of reception expressed in UTC                                 foreseen for radio astronomy A 
d_upd        9(8)                                     the date of update of a list of assignments in the SNS (Mast                       BR data (date in yyyymmdd form 
wic_no_1a    9(4)                                     the number of the WIC in which the list of assignments was p                       BR data              
d_wic_1a     9(8)                                     the date of publication of a list of assignments in Part IA                        BR data (date in yyyymmdd form 
wic_part     X                                        the part of the WIC in which the list of assignments was mos                       BR data              
wic_no       9(4)                                     the number of the WIC in which the list of assignments was m                       BR data              
d_wic        9(8)                                     the date of most recent publication of a list of assignments                       BR data (date in yyyymmdd form 
d_prot_eff   9(8)                                     the date from which a list of assignments is taken into acco                       BR data (date in yyyymmdd form 
fdg_reg      XX                                       findings: conformity  with Radio Regulations;Table No13A of                        BR data              
fdg_plan     XX                                       findings: conformity with a Plan or a Coordination Procedure                       BR data              
fdg_tex      XX                                       findings: results from technical examination;Table No13A of                        BR data              
fdg_observ   X(4)                                     findings: remarks concerning the findings entered in Column                        BR data              
spl_grp_id   9(9)                                                                                                                        BR data              
comment      X(30)                                                                                                                       BR internal use