Data items of the database table: emiss

Data Item    Format     WIC Item   APS4/II  APS4/III  Description                                                                        Comment              

grp_id       9(9)       45         x        x         unique identifier of the group                                                     PK                   
seq_no       9(2)                  x        x         sequence number                                                                    PK; see note 1       
design_emi   X(9)       56         x        x         designation of emission                                                                                 
pwr_tot_pk   S99.9      57         x        x         power delivered to the antenna [dBW]                                                                    
pwr_ds_max   S99.9      58         x        x         maximum power density [dBW/Hz]                                                                          
pwr_min_pk   S99.9                 x        x         minimum peak power delivered to the antenna [dBW]                                  not mandatory        
pwr_ds_min   S99.9                 x        x         minimum power density [dBW/Hz]                                                     not mandatory        
c_to_n       S99.9                 x        x         C/N (total/clear sky) objective                                                    not mandatory