Data items of the database table: e_stn

Data Item    Format     WIC Item   APS4/II  APS4/III  Description                                                                        Comment              

ntc_id       9(9)       4                   x         unique identifier of the notice                                                    PK                   
stn_name     X(20)      1                   x         name of the earth station                                                                               
ctry         XXX        22                  x         symbol of the country or geographical area in which the stat                                            
long_deg     9(3)       23                  x         degree part of longitude coordinate of the station expressed                                            
long_ew      X          23                  x         longitude direction indicator: East [E] or West [W]                                                     
long_min     9(2)       23                  x         minute part of longitude coordinate of the station expressed                                            
long_sec     9(2)       23                  x         second part of longitude coordinate of the station expressed                                            
lat_deg      9(2)       23                  x         degree part of latitude coordinate of the station expressed                                             
lat_ns       X          23                  x         latitude direction indicator: North [N] or South [S]                                                    
lat_min      9(2)       23                  x         minute part of latitude coordinate of the station expressed                                             
lat_sec      9(2)       23                  x         second part of latitude coordinate of the station expressed                                             
sat_name     X(20)      21                  x         name of the associated space station                                                                    
long_nom     S999.99    8                   x         nominal longitude of the associated space station                                   give "-"            
diag_hor     9(2)                           x         number of the attachment for the horizon elevation diagram                         see note 2           
diag_crdn    99                             x         number of the attachment for the coordination area diagram                                              
elev_min     9(2).9     25                  x         minimum elevation angle of the earth station expressed in de                                            
azm_fr       9(3).9     26                  x         value clockwise from true north for the beginning limit of a                                            
azm_to       9(3).9     26                  x         value clockwise from true north for the end limit of an azim                                            
ant_alt      S9(5)      27                  x         altitude of the earth station antenna                                                                   
f_active     X                                        code indicating if the station is active [A] or inactive [I]                       BR data              
long_dec     S9(3).9(4)                               longitude in degrees with four decimals                                            derived data         
lat_dec      S9(2).9(4)                               latitude in degrees with four decimals                                             derived data