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Home : ITU Plenipotentiary Conference : PP-02
Policy Statement — Cyprus



Mr. Chairman,
Honorable Ministers,
Distinguished delegates,

First, let me on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and the Cyprus delegation, express as others have already done, our thanks and gratitude to the Government of Morocco for hosting this Plenipotentiary Conference and congratulate you, Mr. Chairman, on your election.

Mr. Chairman, so far, the ITU has proven that it is fully capable of meeting new challenges. Even though the road may have been rather long and perhaps difficult, the Union has met the expectations of its member states. We are confident that this forward looking and positive approach will continue, in order to face the extraordinary challenges that lie ahead.

The electronic communications sector is currently one of the fastest growing sectors of the world economy. Technological advancements in telecommunications, media and information technologies aim at improving the quality of life and the efficiency of social and economic activities.

In order to cope with the challenges that are already ahead of us, the ITU needs to adapt its policies and practices to the new realities. We must ensure that the benefits of technology are available to all, at affordable prices. Special programs for small and for developing countries, as well as for the poorer classes in all countries, must be strengthened in order to establish a single and homogeneous information society.

The above technological revolution caused policy makers to develop new strategic approaches. Nations throughout the world are abolishing state monopolies. They are establishing regulatory regimes that are designed to foster competition and to create a favorable climate for investment. As a result, numerous private players have entered the market and state organizations are being privatized. We believe that the ITU must address the needs of these market players. Their inclusion in the process and the efficient adoption of standards will promote innovation and high quality services.

Of course, all of the above cannot be achieved without strengthening the financial base of the Union.

Mr. Chairman,

Cyprus is at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa. Joining the telecoms revolution, the Government of Cyprus is taking steps in transforming the Island into a regional telecommunications hub and business center, taking advantage of its geographical location, satellite communications infrastructure and submarine cables.

Mr. Chairman,

During the course of the coming weeks, the Plenipotentiary Conference will deliberate and take decisions on many important aspects of electronic communications, which will reflect the changing needs of the sector.

A lot of hard work lies ahead of the distinguished delegates assembled in this hall and I am confident that, through your wise guidance and counsel, this Conference will succeed in carrying out its difficult task in an equitable manner and for the benefit of all nations.

Thank you Mr. Chairman,
And thank you all for your attention


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