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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : JCA-CLOUD : Documents : Document 35
Source: Co-Chairmen of JCA-IdM and Chairman of JCA-Cloud

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Word 2007

40294 octets 2012-07-09 Doc 35: Draft Agenda for the 14th meeting of the IdM Joint Coordination Activity, and the 4th meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity on Cloud computing, 31 August 2012, Geneva

Word 2007

47687 octets 2012-07-12 Doc 35 Rev.1: Draft Agenda for the 14th meeting of the IdM Joint Coordination Activity, and the 4th meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity on Cloud computing, 31 August 2012, Geneva (revision 1)

Word 2007

45188 octets 2012-08-30 Doc 35 Rev.2: Draft Agenda for the 14th meeting of the IdM Joint Coordination Activity, and the 4th meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity on Cloud computing, 31 August 2012, Geneva (revision 2)

Word 2007

46025 octets 2012-08-31 Doc 35 Rev.3: Draft Agenda for the 14th meeting of the IdM Joint Coordination Activity, and the 4th meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity on Cloud computing, 31 August 2012, Geneva (revision 3)


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Updated : 2012.08.31